Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Luke 16:19-31
Friday, September 27, 2019
In This Issue
Weekly Services

Sunday - 3 Services

10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist

1:00 p.m.
South Sudanese Service
Dinka Language

5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist
Spanish Language

6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
More St. Paul's Here!
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This Sunday:
Join us for worship at 10:00. It's not the same without you. This week all are invited to join Father McKee for a continued conversation about St. Paul's responsibility, and therefore, faithful response should be to the culture of gun violence in our community. In the Garden Room, with coffee, at 9:00.  Thank you in advance for grabbing your name-tag on Sundays so we can get to know each other better.  
Father McKee's Note: 

Last Sunday at 9.00 we started a conversation about gun violence. We certainly entertained different
points of view. The three questions we posed were; what is the Christian response to gun violence,
what should St Paul's response be and what do we mean when we talk about 'thoughts and prayers'.
We often hear 'you are in my thoughts and prayers' when someone has experienced tragedy.  You might look up 'Bishops United Against Gun Violence' - for a  response by a group of Episcopal bishops. The House of Bishops issued a statement on 7 March 2018.  This can be found on the Episcopal Church's website - on the Public Affairs page.

We will meet in the Garden Room.
Stephen McKee+
         Priest In Charge  

Parish Calendar 
Information about these events can be found in the "more information" section below.

Oct 2: 6:00pm Holy Communion

Oct 6: Birthday Sunday 
Coffee hour at the Day School

Oct 9: Haiti School Fundraiser

Oct 20: Pie Sunday

Oct 27: Hayride at the Rudy's

We are very happy to report that the 2020 pledge packets have been sent to every household, and should arrive by Monday of next week. If you do not receive yours, please contact the church office (link below).  

             Fall Blessings ~ Your Stewardship Ministry Team

You can use the link below to make your 2020 pledge,  or contact the  Church Office  for a paper pledge form.  Thank you for your support financially, for your participation, and by remembering the worship, outreach, and people of St. Paul's in your prayers.

                 "Godly Play" 

Our classrooms are bustling with energy and faith formation.  Here is an example of some of the Holy Choices recently identified by our kiddos. 

Please know that all of your Children bring us joy every week and warm our hearts with their views of your world!  We cannot wait to see them each Sunday!   Fondly ~   Guytie, Ann, and Pat

Other News & Opportunities

The Food Pantry
. ..has a surplus of water bottle donations, and asks that you temporarily stop bringing them in. We still need bags and egg cartons. Thank you.

Wednesday Evening Holy Eucharist at St. Paul's
All are welcome to attend our weekday Holy Eucharist at 6pm on Wednesdays. It is a small contemplative service, with no music. Whether you are looking for a midweek break in our busy lives to 'reset' your sense of discipleship or a way to deepen your spiritual life, come join other fellow travelers to reflect on scripture, give thanks and be fed from the Holy Table. If you are able, stay for another thirty minutes and enjoy fellowship with us.

Children across Kansas City, from kindergarten and up, (non Episcopalian too!) are invited to participate.  More information on our website here . 

During rehearsal there will be fellowship for the parents in the room next to the rehearsal space, on the 3rd  floor. 

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Canterbury Tales Pilgrims' Way
Those interested in walking from Southwark Cathedral to Canterbury Cathedral - the Canterbury Tales Pilgrims' Way - are invited to meet in the 2nd floor conference room Sept 29th, right after church.  Get your coffee hour snack in the Garden Room and come on up!
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This Sunday at 9:00am
Father McKee will continue to gather those interested in exploring what our faithful response to gun violence should be. We will meet in the Garden Room. Please come and bring your insights, wisdom, and experience.  

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It's  PIE CLASSIC Sunday  
coming Sunday,  October 20th to coffee hour!!  Get out your best recipes for savory, sweet, cheesecake and fruit pies for this popular, friendly competition!! Everybody wins as we eat the competitors pies at coffee hour.  Drop off your pies in the kitchen before church and the judging will be done by announcements.  Be sure to mark your pie with your name and a brief description. Prizes awarded for "Best Savory", "Best Sweet" , "Best in Show" and "Best Store Bought".

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St. Paul's Annual  Hayride
at the Rudy Farm!
Sunday, October 27th

3:00-4:00  Gathering, munching, kids painting pumpkins, candy hunt in the hay stack
4:00-5:00  Pony rides, petting zoo
5:00-5:45  Hay ride
5:45-7:00  Dinner (nice buffet plus grill your own hot dog and s'mores)

Mark your calendar for one of St. Paul's most fun events! The Hayride and Bonfire is scheduled for October 27th from 3:00-7:00 PM. This Parish Life event is hosted by Bill and Pat Rudy and will be held at their farm. Fun will include a hayride, cookout, s'mores, entertainment and craft for the kids!  Hot dogs, s'mores makings, brisket, pulled pork, baked beans, and drinks provided. Please bring a side dish, munchies, or dessert to share. RSVP to  Pat Rudy .

The Rudys' address is 19645 273 Highway, Platte City, MO 64079. It's about 10 minutes north of the Kansas City Airport, so start out as you would to the airport. Continue on I-29 N to exit #20. After exiting, turn left at the stop sign. The highway will curve around to the left and you will come to a stop light. Take a right at the light. Go to the second house on the left. It's easy to pass up, so keep watch as you're going through the "s" curve. We'll have a sign hanging on the mailbox. Both Mapquest and Google maps can find it. Pat's cell phone is 816-674-7429 if you have any trouble.

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     A Prayer for St. Paul's in-transition:  
  Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a rector for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Prayer Request Forms are for requesting prayers for yourself, and for others. They are available from the box on the wall in the tower room near the pulpit, on the Usher's Desk at the 40th street door, and the Receptionist Desk at the South/School side door. They are also on our website. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Pastoral Care Ministry Team, please contact Heidi Carter, Associate for Ministry.


 Worship Leaders Needed
If you are interested in learning how to serve at communion, or become a reader during church, please contact Father McKee. We provide training, and are open to persons aged 10-100. 
Thank you. 

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TEFAP & Backstage Hands Needed 
at Pantry

TEFAP: The Emergency Food Assistance Program has experienced a large increase in quality and quantity of food coming into our pantry. As a result, more clients are coming, bringing friends, and we are able to help them all. We served over 120 households last month (last year we averaged 80 per month). While we are happy to be able to help more, we really need more able bodied folks to help with moving, setting up, and distributing all of this heavy food. If you are able to help, it's only once a month, on the 3rd Saturday of the month, from 8am - noon. If you work with a youth group, scouting group, or know of youth or young adults needing service hours, we would welcome the connection. Please contact Melissa Hill via St. Paul's at Thank you!

Backstage: Many of us have seen, and been a part of, the food distribution at  our Pantry. It is humbling, hard and holy work.  But there is a very important part of our Pantry ministry that goes mostly unseen, and it's there that we can use your help.  To save money , where possible and practicable , o ur Pantry acquires bulk supplies of essential items for our pantry clients. It takes time and care to divide-up these supplies for distribution. It includes things like  rice, pasta, dry beans , laundry   and dish detergent, hair care supplies, frozen foods, etc. If you are able to come and help us sort these into shareable sizes, please let us know . Thanks so much. Richard Scarritt , Easom Bond and Sterling Roath .

We need more caring
hands on-deck in the
St. Paul's Parish Nursery.
Each Sunday we have two paid staff persons caring for our youngest (and cutest!) members. All are required to take the "Safeguarding God's Children" training, pass a background check, and love our kids and their families. We also occasionally need nursery caregivers during the week for special meetings, worship services, or events. Please speak with Catie Brouse if you are ready to join the team. Service hours for high school students are available, but the training requirements remain. Thank you!

Coffee Hour Hosts

Sept 29 - Kendall Seal
Oct 6 - SPEDS / Birthday Sunday
Oct 13 - ?you?
Oct 20 - Pie Sunday

Hosting Coffee Hour is a fun and easy way to get to know other St. Paul's members! The host brings the food and the church provides the drinks. An example of what a host might bring would be: two large pans of brownies (cut very small), maybe a bowl of fruit (oftentimes grapes cut into small clusters), and a bowl or two of pretzels or popcorn. If you have questions or wish to co-host with another member, please contact Alison.  Dates are available.

verse for the week

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his (Eliab's) appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." -- 1 Samuel 16:7 
voice for the week

So much of religion and spirituality that is offered to us is about sanding down our edges. It just so happens that the jagged edges of our humanity are actually what connects us to God and each other. - Nadia Bolz-Weber

prayer for the week

Teach us again and again to see the full, beautiful, messy humanity in others and in ourselves, oh God who sees our jagged edges and calls us beloved.   Amen. 

thought for the week

Worship grounds me again in the real world of God's creation, dislodging me from whatever world I have imagined for myself. I have come to believe that when we despair of praise, when the wonder of creation and our place in it are lost to us, it's often because we've lost sight of our true role as creatures - we have tried to do too much, pretending to be in such control of things that we are indispensable. It's a hedge against mortality and, if you're like me, you take a kind of comfort in being busy. The danger is that we will come to feel too useful, so full of purpose and the necessity of fulfilling obligations that we lose sight of God's play with creation, and with ourselves.--
Kathleen Norris,   The Quotidian Mysteries
episcopal shield Episcopal Church response to the crisis on our border
Summer 2019  Over the past several weeks, The Episcopal Church has responded to the reports of inhumane conditions for children and other asylum seekers in government custody in a number of ways. 

"We are all children of the one God - who is the Creator of us all," said Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. "It is our sisters, our brothers, our siblings who are seeking protection and asylum, fleeing violence and danger to children, searching for a better life for themselves and their children. The crisis at the border is not simply a challenge of partisan politics but a test of our personal and public morality and human decency."

  The Episcopal Church, through the Office of Government Relations (OGR) and Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), has compiled a list of resources, bishop statements, and information in response to the ongoing humanitarian situation at the southern border.
The list of resources for education and support is available on the EMM website at  and will continue to be updated with ways to learn more and take action. The OGR and EMM webinar with Bishop Michael Hunn of the Diocese of Rio Grande will be made available on-demand through this website as well.

B eyond the Walls of St. Paul's

Opportunities to Stay Connected and Involved

Please Visit Our Website at for information about The Diocese of West Missouri's  Youth Ministries , The Episcopal Church, Outreach opportunities and Advocacy and Community Engagement. Scroll down the welcoming page to find a series of interesting links and information. Thank You.


click for more:

by 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays.  Please help out the Epistle editor and submit your items in a timely way. Thanks!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Day School

11 E 40th St.

Kansas City, Mo.   64111

(816) 931-2850