Principal's Message:
Dear St. Peter Family,
Thank you for taking the time to register for next school year! I know it was a little challenging this year, but it should be easier from here on out! The reason for the change is that we are moving entirely to FACTS for next school year. This means that everything will run through the same program: tuition accounts, student grades, our school website, the school app, etc.! With the hope of making accessing information easier, registration proved a bit more challenging, but we appreciate your help! We will announce to the students on Monday if we reached our's looking pretty good so far! We want to invite you to join us for Mass on Wednesday, February 14th, as it is Ash Wednesday. Our theme for Lent this year is, "Love Like Jesus." Teachers will be encouraging students to pray more during Lent, to find ways to help others, and to make small sacrifices for Jesus as He sacrificed for us. We look forward to challenging ourselves to be more like Jesus throughout Lent. Hope you all have a great weekend, and you enjoy the Super Bowl! See you next week!
St. Peter, Friend of Jesus, PRAY FOR US!
Mrs. Kadel
Looking Ahead:
- Tuesday, February 13th, possible out of uniform day for registration goal...look for announcement on Monday!
- Wednesday, February 14th, Ash Wednesday
- Thursday, February 15th, Out of Uniform Day with pass from NJHS Hospice fundraiser
- Friday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, teacher in-service
- Monday, February 19th, NO SCHOOL, President's Day
| As we enter into the early planning stages for next school year, and as you register your children, please be aware that we do not accept teacher requests for classroom placement. One of our greatest assets at St. Peter School is our Faculty and Staff. Our teachers are outstanding, and I am extremely confident in each one of them. A significant part of education is learning, growing, and adapting to new information, new ideas, and new people! Thank you for your cooperation and support! |
Snack Bar Update:
Students are limited to purchasing three items at the snack bar during lunch. If you prefer your child not buy snacks, please send Mr. DeVaney an email so he is aware. Thank you!
Ash Wednesday Lunch: Grilled cheese or peanut butter and jelly sandwich with tomato soup, or chesse pizza.
Click here for the February lunch menu.
Click here to contact Mr. Josh DeVaney, cafeteria manager with any questions.
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The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday. On this special day of reflection, Catholics wear a marking of the cross in ash on their foreheads. The ashes symbolize our mortality – “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Ash Wednesday begins the 40 days of Lent, a time when we remember that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert fasting and resisting temptation. We do this in preparation of our own fasting on Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent. Lent provides an opportunity to reflect, pray, and repent for our sins. In doing so, many people make sacrifices throughout the 40 days of Lent. It’s a time for spiritual fasting so that we can cleanse our souls and renew our faith as we prepare for the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday! | |
Dear Parents/Guardian of 6th Grade Students,
All students entering the 7th grade in fall of 2024 are requested to provide school clinics with proof that they have received a Booster Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) and MCV4 (Meningococcal Vaccine) per ODH immunization recommendations by May 24,2024.
Please ask your health care provider for an updated immunization record that show your child has received the booster Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine and turn into the school clinic via mail, scanned, e-mailed, or hand delivered.
St. Peter’s Clinic - Phone- 937-233-8710 ext. 143
Fax- 937-237-3974
| Second Quarter Honor Roll Students | |