
St. Peter Weekly News!


Principal's Message:

Dear St. Peter Family,

We are halfway through the first quarter already! Time goes by fast around here, and it is action-packed! I wish everyone was able to walk through our hallways like I do to hear the teachers and students working. The lessons are amazing and let me tell you, the work begins right after morning announcements...not a minute to waste! What also impresses me is the respect and kindness I hear walking around the school. I hear it from students and teachers alike. There is no doubt in my mind that Christ is here with us every day. I am so proud of this school! Working together with the support of our families, we are creating an outstanding community of faith and learning. Have a beautiful weekend, and we will meet you back here on Monday!

St. Peter, Friend of Jesus,


Mrs. Kadel

Looking Ahead:

  • Wednesday, September 28th: NO SCHOOL MASS
  • Friday, September 30: NO SCHOOL! Mum pick-up day
  • Thursday, October 6th: 8th Graders to CJ
  • Week of October 10th: Book Fair
  • Friday, October 14th: End of first quarter

Important Links:

Super Soccer Saturday!

Come on out to St. Peter this Saturday morning to cheer on all the St. Peter soccer teams. Good luck to everyone and represent our school with pride and sportsmanship. Go Panthers!

St. Peter Basketball

Registration is now open for CYO basketball for boys and girls in grades 3-8. The deadline for registration is September 25th, with the season beginning on October 29th. Click here for more information!

St. Peter Cheer

Registration for cheerleading opens on Friday, September 16th. Students in grades 3-8 may participate. Click here for more information!

Hoop and Soccer Shoot

The Dayton Elks are hosting the 2022 National Hoop Shoot and National Soccer Shoot on Sunday, October 2nd. Click here for details.

5th Graders Celebrate Creation!

Students may not be dropped off before 8:15 Each morning. Before school care is available at 7AM in the cafeteria for those needing an earlier drop-off time.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for your diligence in getting your students to school on time! It is making a huge difference for morning work in homerooms. Remember, three tardies in one month equals an after-school detention. You are doing great! Please also note that work is not given ahead of time for vacations. Students will need to make up work and tests upon their return. Unexcused absences that cause attendance to fall below 93% for the quarter, render students ineligible for honor roll (Parent-Student Handbook page 8, 16).

Faith Moment

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross traces its beginning to Jerusalem and the dedication of the church built on the site of Mount Calvary in 335. But the meaning of the cross is deeper than any city, any celebration, or any building. The cross is a sign of suffering, but by Christ’s love shown in the Paschal Mystery, it has become the sign of triumph and victory...the sign of God, who is love itself! We often make the Sign of the Cross over ourselves: before prayer to help fix our minds and hearts on God, after prayer hoping to stay close to God, and in trials and temptations. The cross is a sign of strength and protection. It is the sign of the fullness of life that is ours. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated on September14th.

O cross, you are the glorious sign of our victory.

Through your power may we share in the triumph of Christ Jesus.

Father Kyle

We were very excited to have Father Kyle with us at Mass on Wednesday! This was Father's first school Mass since last year, and the students missed him! Father taught us about the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and told us Jesus thought of each one of us when He was on the Cross. Thank you, Father Kyle, for a great Mass. We are looking forward to many more!

Look What's Going On!

St. Peter School | St. Peter Early Childhood
