St. Peter eNEWS For June 27, 2023
St. Peter Strong!
St. Peter welcomes Vicar Del Beideck!
Del and his wife Laura moved to Roanoke from central Illinois in 2022 after Del retired from his 40+ year career in human resources management. Del and Laura have two adult children who also live in the area. Del graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, majoring in Psychology. In the Fall of 2022, he entered the four-year Specialized Ministry Pastor Program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and currently serves as vicar at Grace Korean Lutheran Church in Fort Worth. In the time ahead, Del will assist with some of St. Peter’s ministry initiatives while enhancing his vicarage experience through his service among us. Throughout his adult life, Del has served in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations in various capacities including Sunday School teacher, youth group leader, pastoral assistant, evangelism committee chairman, Bible Study leader, lector, head elder, and congregation president.

Grace Gals Book Club Tonight
Grace Gals Book Club has been reading "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick. We will meet tonight at 7pm to discuss the book. Contact Dawn Riedl at [email protected] for meeting location and more information.

High School Youth Mission Trip
Keep our High School Youth Group and their chaperones in your prayers this week. They left for Pensacola, FL Sunday morning to help struggling families by doing group projects and, most importantly, spreading a message of Christian caring and service!

St. Peter Preschool is Hiring!
St. Peter Church and Preschool is hiring for the 2023-2024 school year. If you or anyone you know is interested in helping develop young minds in a loving Christian environment, please contact preschool director, Jennifer Murff, at [email protected].

Preschool Registration Open for the 2023-2024 school year
Applications are being accepted for the 2023-2024 school year! All applicants will be placed in classes on a first come first serve basis. Please contact Jennifer Murff, Preschool Director, at [email protected] for more information.

Support Us with a Review!
Leaving a review on Google is one of the easiest ways to support us and to share St. Peter with others! Click here to leave a quick review. Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram as well!

Community Life Mondays
We will be meeting the first and third Mondays at 10:30AM. We are taking a break from our Bible Study for the summer, but will still be meeting to play Mexican Train.

For more information contact Maxine Kamp at [email protected].

Support Gage Madison Through the Next Step...St. Peter Strong!
Gage Next Steps - Gage has surgery scheduled for July to get the Halo off as long as everything looks good on the CT scan. Last week, one of his screws in the front started to not look right. He has started antibiotics, but there is no change yet. Then, his neck incision opened up yesterday by his hairline. We are waiting to hear what we will need to do, but for now, we are trying to keep it clean. We have had a few setbacks, but we are trying to stay positive. Thank you so much for caring about Gage and thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray for improvements. Visit the Gage table in the Atrium for updates on his progress. Now that Gage is home, if you would like to provide a meal for the Madison's please sign up at We also have a donation box for gift cards and you can also follow along with Gage's journey on his caring bridge account at
Thank you for all the continued prayers.

We will continue to provide weekly updates in eNEWS on Gage's status and here is how we are St. Peter Strong...
-Praying for a speedy recovery, and God's peace.
-Sending expressions of encouragement to Gage as well as restaurant/gas gift cards to the family. They are driving about 90 miles round trip each day to visit the hospital so as a church it would be great if we could help ease that burden for them.

Items can be sent to their home address of 13417 Copper Canyon, Haslet 76052 or you can also drop items off at church where we have a "Gage" table setup in the atrium.

For More Information