Message from your Parish Staff
This Lent, I have the honor of learning how to pray with ladies from Mothers and Others. We are watching “Into the Desert: A Lenten Study on Prayer” on Formed. Dr. Tim Gray is teaching us that the reading of scripture is one of the best ways to meet the Lord in prayer. In one of the studies he talked about slowing down when we read scripture. He suggested that we focus on the verbs and nouns, because each word has a meaning. When we slow down, we allow our imagination time to picture and enter into the scripture.
I thought reading scripture for detail would be a great challenge for me. I read for the big picture and fast. I picked Psalm 23. I find it beautiful, but have never really met the Lord there. I focused on, “He will prepare a table for me in front of my enemies.” I really thought about what it means to have a table. A table means eating, and eating at a table makes me think of safety and having time to actually eat at a table. Then I thought about what it means to eat at the table while my enemies watch. I pictured my enemies as the challenging things in my life. Then I put it all together. Often times my life feels on the edge of out of control and chaos. In those moments, God is with me and he has set a table for me. At his table is all I need to live my life well. Most importantly, that table sustains the people that I love better than I ever could.
Perhaps this week you could spend some time praying and asking God to bring scripture alive for you. The Lord loves you so so much. I know that he wants to speak to you and meet you in His scriptures.

Katie Goodson | Pastoral Assistant to Lay Ministry and Evangelization
Message from your P.A.A.
How many times have you heard it said, “God will provide”? Many of you know it to be true, but have you ever stopped to think about how He provides? If you are talking about providing financially, it usually happens via a windfall” – an unexpected gift of money or support that comes right at the time you need it most. In my work here at the parish, I can’t tell you the number of times God has provided, through you, His people, right when we needed it most. I remember when I had been here just a few months, right in the heart of the financial collapse several years ago, and we were barely able to make the monthly payroll and expense payments. It was frightening. One day a parishioner came into my office and presented us with a check for $40,000, said she had just cashed in an IRA and wanted to help out the parish! I still remember that feeling of astonishment and gratitude, to her and to God. Through the years, God has provided again and again, mostly through bequests from our parishioners – gifts left to us in wills and trusts. The most recent was just a few weeks ago, when, in the midst of this most challenging time, we received a bequest of $30,000 from a parishioner who passed away last year. If you haven’t considered a gift to the parish in your will, I encourage you to do so – God will use it to provide right when it is needed the most!
-Tracey Rockwell
Mass Times:

Sunday - 10:30 AM (Live Streamed)
5:00 PM

Monday - 9:00 AM

Lent - February 17th thru April 1st
Fridays in Lent we encourage everyone to participate in Stations of the Cross. Due to COVID restrictions and our limited staff we will only be holding one "in person" Stations of the Cross.

Join us on Fridays at 7:00pm

March 19th
March 26th

We are setting up an outdoor Stations of the Cross in the courtyard in front of the Church. It will be available on Friday's from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Please remember to social distance.
Blessed Palms on Palm Sunday
Blessed Palms will be handed out this year on Palm Sunday. You will receive one if you attend Mass in person, you must be registered to attend Mass in person. You may also pick up a blessed palm by coming to the church between Noon and 1pm on Sunday, March 28th, palms will be passed to you through your vehicle window from a staff member.
ADULT CONFIRMATION IS COMING! Is God calling you to take the next step in your faith life? If so, and you are a baptized Catholic who has not yet been confirmed or received your first communion, this is a wonderful opportunity to grow in faith. The ten weeks of preparation will begin in March. This year’s group will primarily meet by Zoom. For more information, or to register, contact John Simpson at
Our parish is going to be starting the JustFaith Program, “Faith and Racial Healing: Embracing Truth, Justice, and Restoration.” The program is open to all members of our parish. The program will start with a daylong retreat on April 17. Then we will meet every Tuesday for 2½ hours starting on April 20 and continuing for 8 weeks. . If there is a lot of interest we will offer a second time.

This eight-week program guides participants in telling the truth about the history of racism in the United States, that we might work toward true reconciliation with God and restoration with one another. You will need to purchase these three books and a donation of $20 to help offset the cost of the programs. The three books are
  • Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: American’s Legacy of Enduring Injury & Healing by Dr. Joy Degruy
  • The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby
  • 40 Days of Prayer by Cheri Mills

If you have any questions or would like to join the program please contact Katie or 253-839-2320.
Holy Week and Easter
Mass Times
you must be registered to attend in person

Holy Thursday - 7:30 pm live streamed
Good Friday - 7:30 pm live streamed
Easter Vigil - 8:30 pm live streamed
Easter Sunday - 8:30 am live streamed
Easter Sunday - 11:00 am

Due to large numbers wishing to attend Holy Week liturgies you may attend either Holy Thursday OR Good Friday, you may not attend both.

Please arrive 20 to 30 minutes before Mass begins. If you are not here when Mass begins you may lose your seat.
Week of March 14th
The Sanctuary Course for Catholics
A Bible Study of the Annunciation
Say YES to Christ: Allowing Jesus to be the Lord of your whole life
By Scott Hahn
Volunteers Needed!
Help us enrich our liturgy and keep one another safe by volunteering as:
  • Host
  • Usher
  • Church Cleaner
  • Lector
  • Eucharistic Minister
  • Sacristan
  • Live Stream Camera Tech
We need help at Holy Days, Funerals, Weddings and other services.
Email Stephanie Nguyen at to get involved!
Great news, our Prepares program has begun. Prepares is a nurturing response of the Catholic community in Washington state, open to all, to provide meaningful, local and sustainable support to mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood. Volunteers at the PREPARES program offer support and activities for families from pregnancy to their child’s fifth birthday. We are looking for volunteers to help and donate items for our Prepares Boutique. If you would like to volunteer please let Katie know. Below is a list of items we need. You can drop them off at the Church before or after Mass or the Parish Office Monday - Thursday from 10am-3:30pm.

Items needed for our Prepares Boutique
(Thank you for your new and gently used donation)
Blankets (receiving)
Clothing newborn to 5 years
Footie Pajamas
Maternity Clothes
Burp Cloths
Hooded Towels
Car Seats (New Only)
Diaper Bags
Gift Cards/cash donation

If it is for a child newborn to 5 years old we will take it.
Prayers of the Faithful
For those who are sick:

Ralph Osman

For those who have died:

Mary Maylum
Food for Seniors in Need

The St. Vincent de Paul Conference is offering non-perishable food, through a grant from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Seattle-King Council, to households with a family member that is 55+. If you are in need of food, and meet the age criteria, please call the SVdP Helpline at 206-767-6449 and ask for food assistance from the Senior Food program. If you live in the Federal Way community your request will be assigned to the St. Vincent de Paul Conference. A member of the conference will contact you to schedule a delivery of the food.
The COVID vaccine is available for all people 65+ and some other groups. Katie can help you find and make your appointment for the vaccine if you meet the following criteria.

  1. If you are a parishioner who can currently receive the vaccine.
  2. You do not have access to the internet.
  3. You are unable to find the information even if you have the internet.

If you meet the criteria call the parish office at 253-839-2320 and Katie or a member of our community will help you.
Our parish school is now enrolling new students for
2021-22! Call the office to schedule a tour.
Register on our website,, admissions.
School Auction is THIS weekend!
We are EXCITED to announce we have added TEXT2BID for the Auction! This is a convenient way to register for our event. You will be able to bid and see all items as well as watch the Live Stream.

If you have already registered on the website that is ok. Just be sure to only check out on one or other not both.

Remember to share our link and or TEXT2BID 71760 - STVS information to your friends, family and neighbors!
Prayerfully Give
Poor nutrition can lead to devastating long-term consequences for individuals, communities and entire countries. That’s why communities must work together to ensure that all children have access to better food and nutrition. New planting and cooking techniques are helping many communities in Madagascar improve the health and wellbeing of their children. How does your community work together for the good of others? Visit to learn more
Sunday Giving:
Like you and your families, the church still has fiscal responsibilities, and your Sunday Contributions make up 90% of our parish income. If your household income has been affected by circumstances due to the corona virus we ask you to please offer up prayers for our church as your Sunday Giving.

Ways to give:
  • Online - signup to give onetime, weekly or monthly, click the link on the below to sign up.
  • Mail - you can mail your contribution to 30525 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003.