Message from your Pastor
Care for your Marriage

For many, the Covid 19 pandemic is placing stress on marriages and home life.  It is good to be alert to this.  The pandemic can easily exacerbate any weakness in a relationship and aggravate any past hurts or underlying issues that might harm a relationship.  Just the current stressors of the coronavirus cause most of us to face our shadows. In New York, there has been a 50% rise in divorce proceedings.  Increased filings have taken place around the world hard hit by this virus such as in China and Turkey.

Emily De La Torre, a nationally board certified, licensed Catholic mental health counselor who specializes in marriage and family therapy has offered these suggestions:

1.        Plan on adjusting and changing to new roles. Make a plan for
the division of labor.
2.        Do not forget you do need “alone time.”  You may need to
find it in the bathtub, garage, back yard, etc.
3.        Video call married couple friends to maintain a sense of
4.        Strive to be your best self: offering forgiveness, acceptance,
patience, encouragement, etc.
5.        Engage in growth activities: read a book, watch an
educational show, take an on line seminar, make a self-
improvement plan A good book to consider is Hold Me Tight
by Dr. Sue Johnson.
6.        Every couple has a fighting cycle, understand yours and
know your triggers
7.        Some communication issues cannot be worked through
together. Seek professional help when necessary (telehealth
couples counseling is a possibility). Professional help reduces
distress in 75% of couples, while 90% of couples will
experience lasting relationship improvement.

If you are in need of someone to talk to, please contact Erica Cohen Moore at for a list of available Mental Health Committee Members in the Archdiocese of Seattle

-Fr. Bill
Stay connected with your
St. Vincent de Paul Community
Unemployed Together

Many people are feeling lonely and isolated with a dramatic reduction of in-person interactions. Those who have lost paid work have also lost the social connections that came with that work. It is more important than ever to connect.
If you have lost a job, I invite you to join with other parishioners and myself for a six week, video conference series of reflection and faith sharing.
St. Vincent de Paul Parish Live Streams Mass Sundays at 10:30

No Facebook, No problem:

You can watch our Live Mass with us even if you don't have a Facebook account. We will be putting the link to our live broadcast on our Parish Homepage. You can also access our web page on your IPad or Smart Phone, just pull up your web browser and type in

If you are looking for us on Facebook go to

At this time the Archdiocese of Seattle has determined not to celebrate "drive-in" Mass.
The Mothers and Others Summer Retreat is going to be July 31-August 2. Here are the important details.

  1. We are going to St. Andrew’s Retreat House on Hood Canal
  2. Jennifer Tankiewicz will be our speaker
  3. The retreat will be Saturday Morning through Sunday afternoon. The cost is $140 for one night. If you would like an extra night of rest and renewal you can go on Friday night, cost will be $240.
  4. This retreat will be a beautiful opportunity to rest in the goodness of the Lord and enjoy the company of some amazing women.
  5. Payments can be mailed to St. Vincent's or dropped off in the black box outside of the Parish Office. (Refunds will be given if the facility has to cancel.)
  6. To register or for questions, email Katie Goodson at:
Sunday Worship at Home
We are using a new resource for leading Sunday Worship at home with children. This resource has links to songs for children to enliven your family’s worship experience.
St. Vincent's
Prayer Initiative
We invite parishioners to sign up for a 30 minute prayer period so that prayer is constantly being offered throughout the day for our parish, for those suffering because of this pandemic and for those on the front lines of caring for sick and engaged in essential businesses for the common good. Pray as you like. It could be a rosary, liturgy of the hours, silent meditation, scripture reading or just talking to God.   
St. Vincent's Church will be open for private prayer

The main church building will be open for private prayer from noon to 2:00 PM on Sundays and Wednesdays.  If you are out and about for your essential tasks, stop by for a little quiet prayer time before the Blessed Sacrament.   Volunteer parishioners are making this a possibility.
·         There is no organized or
public prayer.
·         Social distancing must be
·         Plastic chairs rather than the
pews will be used so they
can be more easily
sanitized after each use.
·         Please observe one-way
directions in and out of the
·         Restrooms will not be open.
·         If you are not feeling well,
please stay home.
·         Keep our parishioners in
your prayer.
·         And be sure to ask God for
what you truly need.
Petition Signing
at St. Vincents
Signatures of Washington State voters are being gathered Thursday and Friday, May 14th and 15 th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM on the St. Vincent de Paul School driveway. Please bring your own pen.
R-90 is a referendum to reject or approve a new law requiring all state school districts to provide Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) for grades kindergarten through 12. Formerly Senate Bill 5395 which was passed by the Legislature.

Annual Catholic Appeal
Your donation supports the mission of the Catholic Church in western Washington by funding Catholic social ministries, programs for youth and young adult ministries, Catholic Schools, faith programs, plus administrative support for 169 parishes and missions, such as liturgy guidance, evangelization, human resources, and much more.
Food Basket Needs
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is working hard to meet the needs of our community especially through food baskets. The parish is going to start collecting food for them. You can drop off food at the Willenborg Center every day from 9am to 10am. You can also drop off food in the Church during the open prayer time which is Sunday and Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm. These are the food items that they are most in need of. Thank you for helping us feed those most in need.
1.       Peanut butter (currently out)
2.       Canned Soup
3.       Rice Mix (Rice-a-Roni)
4.       Top Ramen
5.       Instant potatoes
Please continue to give:
Like you and your families, the church still has fiscal responsibilities, and your Sunday Contributions make up 90% of our parish income. If your household income has been affected by circumstances due to the corona virus we ask you to please offer up prayers for our church as your Sunday Giving.

Ways to give :
  • Online - signup to give onetime, weekly or monthly, click the link on the below to sign up.
  • Mail - you can mail us your contribution to 30525 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003.
For more information, or for assistance, please contact Diana at
Help Support our
Parish School

Parishioners can purchase scrip gift cards on Wednesdays. Call the office on Wednesday morning to place the order. When you arrive at school, call the school office and they will take the order out to your car.