Sunday, December 17, 2023

Third Sunday of Advent

Nothing will make us discover God better than his silence inscribed in the center of our being. If we do not cultivate this silence, how can we find God?

Robert Cardinal Sarah, The Power of Silence, No. 126

In the midst of a world so absorbed in noise, we have a true need for silence. Seek quiet time for yourself for clarity of thought, inspiration and discernment.

This week, slow down and give yourself the gift of silence to prepare for the birth of Christ.

Mass Readings Here

Thank you to all who left gifts under our Giving Tree for the West Side Catholic Center. The gifts were delivered Monday.

Eucharistic Revival Sparks Series - If you did not get the full series of articles at mass over the last few weeks, get the digital version emailed to you HERE.

Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent falls and then Christmas Eve, with Christmas on Monday. We will have the normal weekend mass schedule, then the Christmas Eve prelude music begins at 4 and mass at 4:30. Christmas Day mass is at 10am.

Please reply to this email if you have suggestions, or would like to help.

How can you help?

Church Cleaning

The 3rd Saturday of every month at 9am--Come for an hour to help clean the church. Next cleaning is Jan. 20th.

Parish Council; We need 1-2 members to be point persons in setting meetings and coordinating the agenda.

Outreach to the community. We need a committee of young parishioners (20-30's to work on reaching out to others in the community to bring them to STW.

YOUR insight and help is welcome and appreciated!

Does your marriage need Retrouvaille?

Click here to check.

The next weekend is January 26-28th.

Congratulations to Leah and Ryan Ferra on the Baptism of their daughter, Gianna Mae. Welcome, Gianna, to our faith family!

Congratulations to parishioners Stephanie Filar - Chair

Elaine Borawski - Ex Officio to Tremont West Board

both just elected as officers of the Duck Island Block Club.

Theology on Tap West for young adults (20/30's) Dec.19 at Forest City Brewery, 7pm. Sr. John Paul Myers, O.P. "On Hope in Advent." Register here.


Theology on Tap East at Bar Louie, Brittany & Brian Liberatore "What do we wish we knew about Marriage?" Dec. 20, 7-9p. Register here.

Young Catholic Professionals, CLE, Saturday Retreat Dec. 16th at St. Christopher with Bp. Michael Woost. Register here.

Monday, January 22nd is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Diocesan Mass for Life at the Cathedral, 10am.

Catholic Community Foundation recognizes all who ran #WeGiveCatholic campaigns. We came in #5 for small parishes.

Eucharistic Revival National Congress will be in July, 2024 in Indianapolis, information here.

Eucharistic Revival Art Contest for grades 2 - 12!

Joyce Lechman presents Fr. Kropac with a grant check from the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association in the amount of $5,000 to go toward our new digital sign. Ruth Ann Havasi, who works for FSCLA, stands close by.

This is the second time that Susan has written the grant to the FSCLA quadrennial convention. Thank you so much to the board and the members of FSCLA.

Prepare for Advent. Take a moment and watch this.

Pray for the recovery of Marilyn McCarthy, Pat Wisander, Gloria Ashworth, Julia Class, Wilmer Carroll and Tracy Parker.

Pray for the health of James Weaver, Jr. Frank Novak, John Misenko, George Cummings, Bob Becker, Colette Peters, Steve Dabrowski, Larry Blasius, Roselyn Cowell, Rosalie Karaba, Sr. Kathleen McCafferty, Cristeto Fider, and for many special intentions for strength, mercy and healing.

Want to add someone to the prayer list? Just reply to this email with the information.

Bring your paper, catalogs books and cardboard to our green bin in the parking lot.

Try your chance at a 50/50 ongoing raffle. We pull a winner 4 times a year. Find the envelopes in the pew.

If you are 70 ½ or older, you may be able to make a gift of a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA that will help us in our ministry and reduce your taxable income. Talk to your advisors and IRA administrator for more information and to be sure that your IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution gift is made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity such as St. Wendelin Parish. Questions? Contact Jean Ann Montagna ([email protected]) of the Catholic Community Foundation at 216-696-6525 x 8070 or visit

See Fr. Kropac for details regarding Baptism or the Sacrament of Marriage.

Text or call him if you need a hospital visit or communion brought to you, 216.205.2433.

In this season of giving, consider making a year-end gift to our parish in gratitude for all the blessings you have received in life. As you plan to make the most of your charitable donations in 2023, know that we gratefully accept gifts of cash and appreciated assets such as stocks or bonds.

Do you get a birthday card from Fr. K in the mail? If not, we do not have your current information! Click here and update for us. We'd really appreciate it!

Listen to all things Catholic at AM 1260 The Rock here.

Catholic radio has changed lives and converted hearts. Support AM 1260's Fall Spirit Drive now by hitting the donate button on their website.

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