St. Bride's Church
621 N. Sparrow Road; Chesapeake, VA 23325  
  (757) 420 - 7033
November 23, 2021
Special Thanksgiving Issue

Wednesday, November 24
9 am Low Mass
St. Bride's

Wednesday, November 24
Joint St. Bride's St. Peter's Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Held at St. Peter's
7 PM
Fr. Jesse, Celebrant
Ralph, Organist

Sunday, November 28
The First Sunday of Advent
11 AM
St. Bride's

REMEMBER that the purpose of Thanksgiving is to give THANKS to GOD!

9 AM
Parish Clean-Up Day

Join us for a FUN morning of leaf blowing, window washing, and organization.
Jobs for all skill and mobility levels
indoors and out
Doughnuts and Coffee provided!

The Parish Annual Meeting.
Sunday, December 5 following the 11AM Mass.

Finger Sandwiches and snacks will be provided.
It is important that you join us at the annual meeting.
Vestry Elections will be held
Fr. Jesse will give his first "State of the Parish" address
Goal: Meeting finished by 1 PM as Girl Scouts are scheduled for 2 PM

Thank you, GOD, for this parish of St. Bride's and for all the people, living and dead, who have made it what it is today. We are grateful that you have lead us to this point at St. Bride's and look forward to seeing what you have planned for us.