as of June 2021
At this time you may choose to mask or un-mask
- Please mask if you are un-vaccinated
- Please mask if you are un-able to be vaccinated
- If for any reason you are uncomfortable un-masked, please mask.
Remember that a person's reason for masking or un-masking IS NOT OUR BUSINESS. We ask that you refrain from discussion of vaccination or masking in keeping with our long standing policy of avoiding political discussions at St. Bride's.
The Offering will be gathered from the congregation, and offered at the Offertory Hymn
Please stand during the Offertory Hymn.
The Lector will undertake the server's duties in altar preparation. Communion will continue to be in "one kind."
Full altar party, Gospel procession and other returns to our normal worship are anticipated for September.
Please sit where you like, but do be aware of people's need for space. Social distance as possible.
While it is helpful if you bring bulletins or trash out to the bins, missals, prayer books and hymnals may remain in the pews.
As we have a number of people for whom close contact is still not a good idea, we will continue to pass the Peace with a solemn bow.
The Passing of the Peace should be managed reverently and with no talking other than the authorized responses in the missal. If someone offers to physically Pass the Peace it is fine to fold your hands and bow instead of shaking hands.
Please do what is safe for your situation.
We know that some people are not yet able to participate in church in person.
The absent members of the congregation will be remembered in prayer.