St. Bride's Church
621 N. Sparrow Road; Chesapeake, VA 23325  
  (757) 420 - 7033
February 23, 2022

On the advice of the Health Advisory Panel for The Diocese of Southern Virginia,
Bishop Haynes is lifting the current suspension of in-person worship in the
Diocese effective immediately.

The only diocesan-wide worship protocol remaining in place is the continuing
ban on use of a shared chalice.

Parishioners should make a personal choice to mask or not.
Fr. Jesse Lassiter, Celebrant

Masses this week:

The Last Sunday After The Epiphany
11:00 am Sunday, High Mass
Fr. Jesse Lassiter, Celebrant

9:00 am Ash Wednesday Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Fr. Jesse Lassiter, Celebrant
at St. Bride's

7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Fr. Jesse Lassiter, Celebrant
at St. Peter's

As is our custom, beginning Sunday, March 6, we will begin a Lenten Program starting at 5pm. As always we will be cleaned up and ready to leave at 7pm.

5pm soup supper
5:30-6:30 Bible Study led by Fr. Jesse on the
Scripture lessons we heard in the morning.
6:30-7pm Wind down and clean up.
Congratulations to Matthew Greenfield and his wife Claudia Wies on the birth of their first child, a daughter, Olivia, this week in Denver.
This is David & Lynn's first grand-daughter and 3rd grandchild.

Diocesan Council will be held Saturday, February 26 via zoom and youtube. Committee reports will be on the Diocese of Southern Virginia youtube channel.

Thank you to all who have contributed to the Living Memorial Fund in memory of Mary Z. Funds donated to the LMF can only be used for permanent church furnishings such as vestments, silver, or storage for vestments and silver or refurbishing of the same.
Some of our vestments are reaching the end of their life so having this money to use in replacing them is of great benefit. By pooling the donations made in honor of several
people we are able to purchase large scale items.

If you would like a person to be baptised at St. Bride's, please contact the
church office so that we may schedule the Baptism.
The Easter Vigil is an excellent time for both adults and children to be baptised.
We must speak to the parents of children and infants before scheduling baptism.

Don't forget to sign up for flowers and candles.

The 2022 flower and candle chart is up and their are plenty of opportunities to give flowers
or candles in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a special event or person.

Altar flowers are $45.00, Mary flowers are $10.00, Mary and Sanctuary candles are $5.00.

Happy February Birthdays!

February 2 ~ Melodie Butt
February 9   ~ Andy Zepnikowski
February 11 ~ Rosemary Stout
            Tad Zepnikowski
February 12 ~ Marta Williams
February 20 ~ Mary Lovell Swetnam
February 28 ~ Suzanne Byles

Happy February Anniversaries!

February 11 ~ Jon and Kathy Gower
Geralyn office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am - 1pm.

Mary Lovell's office hours: Wednesday 9-1
Please call Mary Lovell at 757-237-2503, if you need anything.

Fr. Jesse's regularly scheduled days off are Monday and Saturday.
Appointments available.
In case of emergency call Fr. Jesse at 1-386-566-1967