
January 12, 2025

The Baptism of the Lord

Parish Mission Statement:

To know the Holy Spirit and Live the Life of Christ


A couple of days ago in the weekday homily I brought up a line that I have probably had the most feedback on in my 7 1/2 years with you here at St Charles Borromeo. Ready? Here it is:

“Your love is only as good as the person you love the least.”

So challenging! It is so much easier to love people that are easy to love and trust, but what about the people that you just have a hard time forgiving? 

Regardless of our feelings, the call to love everyone with the love of Jesus does not change. He loves everyone infinitely and without condition, all the time! And he asks us to do the same! Jesus commands, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Let us pray that our hearts would be found loving from the love of his Sacred Heart! ♥️ 

+Fr John Amsberry

3 Things You Need to Know

Deacon's Corner: Ask DL questions you have about faith, theology, morals, & teaching HERE

Audio-Video Servants SIGN-UP

Medjugorie Pilgrimage Sign Up: HERE

Upcoming Parish Events

January 12 - Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast after 8am and 10am masses

January 23 - Just For Fun Senior Potluck 11:30am-2:30pm in the Parish Hall

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Curtesy Announcements:

Cathedral Catholic High School invites 8th grade students at SCB to apply for the Dons Class of 2029. Applications are available now, and due on January 25, 2025. Cathedral Catholic will also be hosting the Placement Test on January 25, 2025. Each student who has applied to attend Cathedral Catholic High School is automatically registered to take the exam. Visit the school’s website HERE for more information.

Faith Formation

January Schedule:


Faith Formation Classes have begun again! We are excited to walk with you and your children in this journey of faith this year. Classes meet at 9:00am in the Academy Classrooms. At the end of class, children will process into the 10:00am mass. Here is the schedule for this month:

January 12: Class in the academy classrooms 9:00-9:50am

January 19: Class in the academy classrooms 9:00-9:50am

January 26: At Home Activity for Faith Formation: Family Examen


Questions? Email Director of Faith Formation Cheryl Codd at cheryl@saintcharlespl.com

Youth Ministry

Confirmation & High School Youth Ministry Events


Confirmation Schedule in the Parish Hall (6pm-8pm):

January 12

February 2

March 2

April 6

Weekly High School Youth Group every Monday 7pm-8:30pm in the Parish Hall

Bi-Weekly Middle School Youth Group every other Tuesday

Patrick Harris Jr High Youth Minister: EMAIL WEBSITE

Armando Santos Ponce Youth & Young Adult Coordinator: EMAIL WEBSITE

Young Adult Ministry

January YAM events:

January 10 (Fri.) - Men’s & Women’s Events

5:30pm Women’s Discussion & Karaoke @ Holly’s House

5:30pm Men’s Discussion & Hang Out at Kyle’s House

January 16 (Thurs.) - Bible Study

6:30pm-8pm Borromeo Room

January 23 (Thurs.) - Bible Study

6:30pm-8pm Borromeo Room

January 25 (Sat.) - Liturgy of the Hours + Brunch Potluck

11am at Armando’s House

January 30 (Thurs.) - Bible Study + Talk by Noreen on New Beginnings

6:30pm-8pm Borromeo Room

Armando Santos Ponce Youth & Young Adult Coordinator: EMAIL Website Instagram

Daily Mass Intentions for this Week:

Sunday, January 12, 8:00 - Dick Schleicher†

Sunday, January 12, 10:00 - People of the Parish

Tuesday, January 14 - Kathy Moran†

Wednesday, January 15 - Lillian Kaspar†

Thursday, January 16 - Richard Schleicher†

Friday, January 17 - Jim & Doris Boom†

Giving Update

Plate 3,243.00 Envelopes 1,097.00 Online 14,157.00

Total: 18,497.00

Thank You



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FJ's FB and Videos

3 BIG Things

Saint Charles Borromeo Church

(619) 225-8157


2802 Cadiz Street, SD, CA 92110

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Reporting Sexual Abuse: Complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting the Diocese, at 858-490-8353 or Click Here.

Notice of Deadline for Filing Claims