
December 15, 2024

Third Sunday of Advent

Parish Mission Statement:

To know the Holy Spirit and Live the Life of Christ

Round 2 With Sister JOY!


You learned the background to Sr. JOY in last weeks bulletin. And what an appropriate weekend to celebrate her this Gaudete weekend- JOY weekend. St. Paul commands us to “Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say Rejoice!”


About five years ago I was blessed to spend a day with her and her fellow Sisters of Charity. I was explaining to her all about “You are loved”. You know, when someone asks you what time it is, you give them the time and add “and you are loved!” I watched her process this for about ten minutes and she came back at me with a wonderfully powerful and challenging response, “If somebody doesn’t know they are loved that is not their fault but mine. “ Wow!


Risk! Reach out! Let God “happen”. 


IOB- in other business. I have literally heard 100’s of confessions in the last 10 days and it has been AWESOME! I invite you to come to Adoration and Confession this Tuesday night December 17 from 7-8:30 PM in the church. Our wonderful Young Adults will be helping to lead this time so that is cool. 


Come. Love awaits you!


+Fr. John Amsberry

3 Things You Need to Know

Advent Reconciliation:

12/11 4pm-6pm

12/17 7pm-8:30pm

In the Church

Christmas Mass Times:

12/24 - 3pm & 6pm

12/25 - 9am

Medjugorie Pilgrimage Sign Up: HERE

Small Group God-Moment

Reflection by Gloria Mastro:

Thursday evenings with our small group have become a highlight of my week. Gathering with a few ladies to study the mysteries of the Rosary through the Formed Bible Study has been such a blessing. Each of us brings our own story and perspective, and together, we’ve grown in faith and understanding.

One evening will always stand out to me. Early on, Kay had shared that she struggled to connect with Mary. Being a recently converted Catholic, she couldn’t quite understand what we meant when we spoke of Mary’s love because she already was close to Jesus. It was honest and vulnerable, and I admired her for sharing it.

But this week, something amazing happened. Kay told us she had asked Father John to bless a rosary she’d recently bought, and that day, she felt something change. During our small group, with joy lighting up her face, she said, “I felt Mother Mary’s love today, and now I understand what you all mean.” Her words were so heartfelt, and I could feel the Holy Spirit in the room.

Just then, I glanced at my phone and noticed the time—5:40 PM. My heart skipped a beat because I knew this was the time of Mary’s apparitions in Medjugorje. I shared it with the group, and we all sat in quiet awe for a moment. It felt like a little nudge from heaven, reminding us that Mary was with us, guiding us in her gentle way.

That night, I was reminded how Mary meets us where we are, patiently drawing us closer to her Son. Watching Kay’s journey has been a gift, and I feel so grateful to share these sacred moments with this beautiful group of women.

Join a small group: LINK

Pictured: Gloria

Pictured: Kay

Upcoming Parish Events

December 17 - Advent Adoration & Reconciliation in the Church from 7pm-8:30pm

December 24 - Christmas Eve Mass at 3pm and 6pm

December 25 - Christmas Day Mass at 9am

January 12 - Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast after 8am and 10am masses

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Curtesy Announcements:

Become a host family! Host Davi, a 15-year-old Catholic Brazilian boy for the spring semester. He wants to live with siblings. Contact Darry & Christina McCloud if interested: EMAIL


RCIA 2024-25 Register HERE

Welcome to The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)! RCIA is a process of learning about the Catholic faith through faith prayer, teaching, and community formation. Through our time together you will discern if you want to surrender to Christ in the Catholic church he founded.                    

Schedule- We will meet EVERY Sunday at the 10 am mass. You will stay through the homily time and then be dismissed to meet and further ponder the teaching at mass that day. 

Also, we will meet in the St. Charles Borromeo Room from 9-noon on the following Saturdays to grow in the Scriptures, Church and friendship with God and each other: January 11, February 8, March 8, April 6

January 11- The Mass

February 8- Theology of Body

March 8- Mary and the Saints

April 6- Creed and Our Father

Other important dates: 

Jan. 11h- Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming- 10:00 am mass. Be there at 9:45 AM.

March 5- Ash Wednesday Mass- 6pm- and meet for ½ hour after.

March 9 - Rite of Sending at 10:00 am mass and Rite of Election at Cathedral- SAVE THE DATE of March 9, 2024. Make sure your whole day is free this day.

April 17-Holy Thursday Mass- 6pm 

April 18-Good Friday Service- 6pm 

April 19-Holy Saturday Morning- SAVE THE DATE Make sure your whole day is free this day.

        Retreat and Rehearsal- (9 am – noon)

        Easter Vigil and reception into the Church – 8pm!       

Study Book- Catholicism for Dummies (CFD)- by Trigilio and Brighenti- Read/journal/write notes and questions for the upcoming topic of the next class. Read it- the whole thing. Good, accessible information with humor!

Faith Formation

December Schedule:


December 15: Class in the academy classrooms 9:00-9:50am

December 22: At Home Activity for Faith Formation: Octave of Christmas.

December 29: At Home Activity for Faith Formation: Octave of Christmas.

Register today: Here

Questions? Email Interim Director Heather Dooley at heather@saintcharlespl.com

Youth Ministry

Confirmation & High School Youth Ministry September Events


Confirmation Schedule in the Parish Hall (6pm-8pm):

December 13-15 Confirmation Retreat

January 12

February 2

March 2

April 6

Weekly High School Youth Group every Monday 7pm-8:30pm in the Parish Hall

Bi-Weekly Middle School Youth Group every other Tuesday

Patrick Harris Jr High Youth Minister: EMAIL WEBSITE

Armando Santos Ponce Youth & Young Adult Coordinator: EMAIL WEBSITE

Young Adult Ministry

December YAM events:


December 14 (Sat.) - Young Adult Christmas Gala

6:30pm-11pm @ Saint Michael's Parish (buy tickets in advance)

December 17 (Tues.) - Adoration & Worship Night

7pm-8:30pm in the Church

December 19 (Thurs.) - Christmas Movie Night

6:30pm-8:30pm @ Geno’s House

Charmagne Marsala - Young Adult Minister: Email Website


Daily Mass Intentions for this Week:

Sunday, December 15, 8:00 - John Patskan†

Sunday, December 15, 10:00 - People of the Parish

Tuesday, December 17 - Marianne Tomicich†

Wednesday, December 18 - Lillian Kasper†

Thursday, December 19 - June Bushy

Friday, December 20 - Russell Silva

Giving Update

Plate 3,405.00 Envelopes 1,045.00 Online 14,823

Total: 19,273

Thank You



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3 BIG Things

Saint Charles Borromeo Church

(619) 225-8157


2802 Cadiz Street, SD, CA 92110

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Reporting Sexual Abuse: Complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting the Diocese, at 858-490-8353 or Click Here.

Notice of Deadline for Filing Claims