July 11, 2021
15th Sunday
Ordinary Time
Cycle B
Year of St Joseph

Saint Charles Borromeo
Happy Friday!

Today I write from Whispering Winds Camp by Julian. I’m up here with 10 families from Saint Charles Borromeo and a few other parishes for family camp. I am blessed to be the priest for the camp where I get to celebrate masses, hear confessions and share deeply God’s journey for us all. I think there will be about 200 of us total here this weekend including our high-schoolers who are serving here this summer.

“Take delight in the Lord and he will grant you your hearts requests.” Psalm 37:4
This is always been one of my favorite psalms. I trust God’s promise that he will fulfill my heart if I take delight him; put him above all else. This morning I have been reflecting on how he has fulfilled my heart in so, so many ways! As I am on the cusp of 24 years of priesthood, my heart is full of gratitude for the goodness and faithfulness of God.

In short form, I will just give three examples of how God has fulfilled my heart’s request’s. As you know I come from a big family and I’ve always wanted a big family. Like Joshua had a wrestling match with God, I had to wrestle with God so that he could give me a new understanding the family. It is everyone, all the time! Yes, I always wanted a big family and I could not possibly have a bigger family than the one the Lord has given me! Secondly, I always wanted to be wealthy. Again, I had to wrestle with the Lord and he showed me what true wealth is and that is mercy leading to love unending. And a third Way the Lord has fulfilled my heart is with security. I am secure and I know that he will never hurt me or let me down and He is calling me and all of us into fullness of life in His presence. He’s got us and will bring us to John 10:10 (fullness of life)if we take delight in Him! So, Praise God! As we take delight in the Lord our hearts will forever be overflowing with his love!

So, thank you for being my family and sharing with me, left and right, day after day, the security of his overflowing love!

Again, we recognize that many people are suffering physically with cancer and other illnesses. We are praying for all of our parishioners and in a special way we start our novena for Esther Koetter who is having surgery in San Francisco on July 15. Please join us novena and the information can be found in this eBulletin and on our parish website.

“Dear Jesus and Mary, hold and heal Esther. Fill the Koetter family and teach us how we can reach out to them in prayer and love. Amen.”

I love you,
+Fr. John
Parish Updates:

Join Our Novena for Esther

Intention: For all our parishioners who are dealing with cancer and in particular for Esther Koetter who is leaving for San Francisco to have surgery (Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas). You can learn more about her journey by going to Caring Bridge (see link below). Join us in praying for this miracle and feel free to add your own intentions!

You are loved.
Coffee and Donuts

Another sign that things are getting back to normal - Coffee and donuts have returned! Please join us after Mass this Sunday to connect with one another and commune after the service.
Pancake Breakfast

The Knights of Columbus will resume their tradition of hosting a pancake breakfast after Mass to benefit our Academy. Please stop in and enjoy a fresh, warm stack of pancakes after the 9:00 AM Mass Sunday, July 25th.
Men's Ministry:
Burger N Brew Nite
July 23rd. 6:30 PM
Over 50 men joined us for our first 'Men's Breakfast' last Saturday. We will follow that up with a Burger and Brew night this Friday, July 23rd. It will be held in FJ's backyard with a special guest speaker Ron Baza. RSVP now by clicking on the button to the right.
Women's Ministry: Burgers N Brew II
Our woman will be coming together for a second round of Burgers N Brew on Saturday, July 24th at 6:30 PM also in Father Johns backyard. Hodads will be completing a two night event for us. Stay tuned. Ladies - RSVP today by emailing Sherie Richards.
Volunteers Needed. If you are interested in team teaching the Parish Faith Formation children Grades K - 6 and/or Children’s Liturgy (Sunday 9am mass).  Please call the Parish Office @ 619 225-8157 or email below. Thank you. 

Any parents wishing to have their child receive their First Holy Communion, Baptism or any other sacrament please contact the office. We'd be happy to assist you.

Young Adult
Borromeo Room
Our young adults continue to meet for scripture study, fellowship, and community on Thursday evenings.. If you are looking to meet and share with people your own age, please join us any Thursday evening night, we'd love to have you.
The Gathering Youth Ministry
Lettin the good times roll

Other announcements: please pray for our high school core team who will be attending Camp Emmaus, the diocesan leadership camp, this weekend

Monday, 7/12
High school will be playing Gaga ball and wall ball in the parish parking lot, 6-8p
Attention High Schoolers & Parents

Confirmation registration is currently going on. Sacramental Prep starts in September. Be sure to register now. You only have a few weeks left.

Daily Mass Intentions for this week
July 11 † William Fallon
July 13 † Charlotte Nielsen
July 14 † Maggie Welch
July 15 † Dottie Searcy
July 16 † Karen D.
Finance Council:
Timothy Lane (Chair), Deacon Lane Litke, Kimberly Tiernan,
Rebecca Murphy, Frank Veccione,


Weekly Giving

Plate: $6,054.00
Envelopes: $1725.50
Online: $9,403.75
Total: $17,183.25

Register to give online HERE
An Analogy to Ponder...
When GOD wanted to create fish, HE spoke to the sea.
When GOD wanted to create trees, HE spoke to the earth.
But, when GOD wanted to create man, HE turned to Himself.

Then GOD said: "Let us make man in our image and in our likeness"


If you take a fish out of the water it will die;
and when you remove a tree from soil, it will also die.

Likewise, when man is disconnected from GOD, he dies.

Goings On..
Chapel to get fixes.....
Our Cross is leaning and the tower is in disrepair. A generous donation has come in to repair and restore it. We are currently getting estimates to do the job. Thank you for caring!
Courtesy Announcements:
AFTER-ABORTION HEALING RETREAT FOR CATHOLIC WOMEN (or Catholic-friendly) Hosted by Rachel’s Hope on July 16-18, 2021. Professionally led. Held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, San Diego. Confidentiality maintained. Closing Mass included. Group Size limited. Cost $60; partial scholarships available. Limited housing available. “Not judged, not lectured, just healed”. For information/registration call Rosemary Benefield (858) 581-3022; text (858) 752-9378 or email rachels_hope@juno.com . Visit us on our website: www.RachelsHope.org