Peace be with you, Friend!
Disruptors 2025. That is the title of my new staff text thread that was created two days ago. Aly in the office came up with it. Why? Because she let herself be disrupted-
by God! I wrote about disruption last week in the bulletin, and it is really sinking deep down into my soul. As I continue to pray about disruption, I know that is a reality that I want to have happen each and every day for the rest of my time on earth. I want to be disrupted by the Holy Spirit with every thought, word and action. Friend, there is so much to reflect on as we contemplate disruption.
Let him disrupt you! His thoughts are above our thoughts. As high as the heavens are above the earth so are his thoughts and ways above ours. That’s from Isaiah 55 and let it disrupt you. There is only one who can take away the sins of the world and he is more than able to do that. Every sin confessed in sorrow is wiped away forever by his infinite mercy. Let him disrupt you in your sin. See me or another priest in the confessional. I know that if you have a big sin, you avoid me and go to another priest/parish and that’s OK 😇! Just make sure you go confess and let him disrupt your darkness with his infinite light. There is only one Savior, only one way to get to heaven for eternity, and that is not you or me! Pray to live the salvation life that Jesus gives to you and me. That every thought and word in action would be totally in Union with his perfect love! Let him disrupt you!
Death could not hold You
The Vail torn before You
You silence the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring
The praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again!
Let him disrupt you!
+Fr John Amsberry