OATH OF OFFICES TODAY - Prior to dismissal there will be two Oaths of Office taken. The 2025 Board of Directors as well as the 2025 Ladies Anagennesis.
VASILOPITA CUTTING TODAY - We ask that all faithful come to the community center following dismissal as we will celebrate the annual Vasilopita Cutting. There will be breads on each table and as you sit with loved ones, you may have your own table cutting and enjoy the fellowship with those around you! We thank the Anagennesis Ladies for sponsoring the breads on those tables and we thank all those who baked/cooked the various Vasilopites that will be used for the official cutting!
HOLY WATER BOTTLES – Are available to be taken home, one per household is plenty (as you can pour the water into other containers). If there is a drop of Holy Water left in the bottle it can be refilled and sanctify the new water added to it.
TODAY'S COFFE HOUR - Is sponsored in memory of Marylin Motowylak by the Motowylak family.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - The Families in Transition (FIT) Soup Kitchen serve hundreds of families and individuals in the community who need help. The Assumption Parish has requested to help on the 4th Sunday of every month. Starting on Sunday, January 28th from 430-630pm they once again nbegan support the Soup Kitchen with 4 volunteers. Anyone who is 16 or oder can volunteer to help! If you are passionate about making a difference in your community, there is no better time than right now to join our volunteer team! Please contact Sophia Koustas Sophia.koustas@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering!
ORATORICAL FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON *NEEDED*- Please see Fr. Demetri if you would like to help organize the Parish Oratorical Festival.
ORTHODOXY 201 – We are happy to share with all that we will be offering an Orthodoxy 201 (ZOOM ONLY) which will have a focus on The Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church. See the flyer all information or click here to register
UPCOMING MEMORIAL SERVICES – January 19, Demetrios Dellas (2 years), Theodore Karametros (3 years), James Dellas (7 years).