Mon. Jan 20
Basketball 3/4 coed 530pm
Tues. Jan 21
Greek Preschool 4pm
Basketball 3/4 coed 530pm
Anagennesis 630pm in Handicraft Room
Wed. Jan 22
Bible Study 11am
Girl Scouts 6pm
Basketball 5/6 & 7/8 Boys 6pm
Orthodoxy 201 (on Zoom) 630pm
Thurs. Jan 23
Office Hours 11am-2pm
Do Drop In Social 930am
Choir Rehearsal 6pm
Basketball 5/6 & 7/8 Boys 6pm
Fri. Jan 24
Office Hours 11am-2pm
Sat. Jan 25
Basketball Clinic 9am
Sun. Jan 26
Matins 830am
Divine Liturgy 930am
Memorial Service
Sunday School
HS Discussion Group
Story-time in Library
ANAGENNESIS THANK YOU - We had another successful Soup & Pita drive. Thanks to all who helped make this happen, speak thanks to John and Demetri.
“DO DROP IN” ON THURSDAYS – Is taking a break for the holidays and will resume on Thursday, January 16.
SPONSORED COFFEE HOUR – January 19 in memory of Demetrios Dellas, Theodore Karametros and James Dellas.
The choir meets on Thursday at 6pm to practice. Please come make a joyful noise with us - no experience necessary! Come to practice and try it out. Please see Cathy our Choir Director for more information.
CALENDAR ITEMS - Please go to the St. George website calendar (click here) for the up-to-date calendar. Sometimes the schedule changes after the monthly calendar has been printed.
SPONSOR A BOOK – Please consider sponsoring a copy of Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life by Anthony M. Coniaris. By sponsoring a printed copy at $32 or a Kindle copy at $10, someone interested in learning about the Orthodox faith will receive a complimentary copy.
CADILLAC 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE - Purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket for the Cadillac Ball now! The winner will be drawn at the event - you do not need to be present to win. See Toula Barber or contact the office.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - The Families in Transition (FIT) Soup Kitchen serve hundreds of families and individuals in the community who need help. The Assumption Parish has requested to help on the 4th Sunday of every month. Starting on Sunday, January 28th from 430-630pm they once again nbegan support the Soup Kitchen with 4 volunteers. Anyone who is 16 or oder can volunteer to help! If you are passionate about making a difference in your community, there is no better time than right now to join our volunteer team! Please contact Sophia Koustas Sophia.koustas@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering!