FELLOWSHIP COFFEE HOUR TODAY - Is sponsored in loving memory of Anastasia Vailas by her family.
UPCOMING CHRISMATION - Our Sacramental Family will grow next Sunday, December 8 with the Chrismation of Patrick Morey. We ask that all members of our Cathedral Family be with us on this day as we welcome Patrick into the Orthodox Faith.
ORTHODOXY 101 – If you have missed the first sets of presentations (Church History & Scripture) you may still join us as we will be focusing on the next few weeks on the Mysteries/Sacraments and Worship in the Church. Simply find the flyer in this bulletin, scan the QR code to register for the Zoom sessions on Wednesdays at 630pm or join us In-Person at 11am
ORATORICAL FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON - Please see Fr. Demetri if you would like to help organize the Parish Oratorical Festival.
“DO DROP IN” ON THURSDAYS – All are welcome to join us for coffee, light refreshments, and socializing on Thursdays at 9:30am. Come and enjoy some conversation and company!
UPCOMING MEMORIAL SERVICES – December 8: John Giotas (3 years), December 15: Ioannis Mitsou (4 years) December 29: George Lalopoulos (3 years)
CADILLAC 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE - Purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket for the Cadillac Ball now! The winner will be drawn at the event - you do not need to be present to win. See Toula Barber or contact the office.
SPONSOR A BOOK – Please consider sponsoring a copy of Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life by Anthony M. Coniaris. By sponsoring a printed copy at $32 or a Kindle copy at $10, someone interested in learning about the Orthodox faith will receive a complimentary copy.