MEMORIAL SERVICE - October 6: Beverly Mavrofrides (1 year), James Tsiatsios (3 year).
OCTOBER 6: NATIONAL CHURCH MUSIC SUNDAY - All Parishes throughout the Archdiocese will recognize those who help and serve in the liturgical life of the Church. We thank all of our current an previous choir members, chanters and readers for their service to our Lord here at St. George!
SPONSORED COFFEE HOUR - October 6: in honor of National Church Music Sunday.
FALL GENERAL ASSEMBLY - The Fall General Assembly will be held next Sunday on October 6 following Divine Liturgy.
GLENDI FOLLOW UP MEETING - Come on October 8 at 6pm to share what worked well, what didn't work, and ideas for next year's GLENDI. If you are unable to attend, please send that information to Beth by email to be shared with the group.
"DO DROP IN" RESUMES - On Thursday, October 10 at 10am with a little treat for breakfast: pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee. Please call the Church office at 603-622-9113 to let us know you are coming.
COLLEGE STUDENT ADDRESSES - We will be making care packages to be sent to our college students. Please email student names and addresses by clicking here