Saint Helena United Methodist Church

Week of 15 November - 21 November 2023

Hello Everyone,

This is the week when we focus on the year that has gone by. At the end, on Saturday 18 November, we will have our All-Church Conference. Our District Superintendent, Shinya Goto will join us at 3:30 for meetings with the Staff Parish Relations Committee and then with all of us together at 4:00 for the annual round up of where we are now.

Saturday may be a difficult time to stop everything and trot over to the church, but I hope a few of us can join DS Goto and me for a brief review.

This past Sunday, the 12th, (The Reverend) Wendy Weller brought a message about the Matthew passage telling the story of wise and foolish virgins who were awaiting arrival of the bridegroom. 

What was wonderful was to see how people were talking about the story at coffee hour. It was apparent that Wendy's way of retelling the story and comments along with it continued to engage the hearers.

That's what I always trust happens: the message is portable. Then we have something to take home for the week ahead.

The preacher's ending illustration was of Leonard Cohen's music, "Anthem":

"...Every heart, every heart

To love will come

But like a refugee".

I'm pondering that thought this week. How is it that a refugee comes for help? As a last resort? Or as a supplicant. It is an interesting way to consider love, the love we are invited to accept as Jesus leads the way everyday.

And the love, as well, we are asked to extend to our neighbor in all the forms we are able, until we meet again,

with loving anticipation, 


Pastor Audrey Ward

Charge Conference Schedule

18 November Charge Conference

3:30--4:00 p.m. DS Shinya Goto meets with SPRC

4:00--5:00 p.m. Charge Conference with congregation

5:00--5:30 p.m. DS meets with Pastor

This Sunday Remember ~

Pledges for 2024 are being received in the Sunday morning service.

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!

 Sunday Worship

19 November 2023

10 a.m. Worship

Preacher: Pastor Audrey Ward

Music: The Napa Valley Duo

                             Terry Winn, Piano

& Jeffrey Johnson, Cello

Join us for Coffee Fellowship!

See you after worship...

The St. Helena Food Pantry is needing volunteers. Helpers that are willing to fill in when they are short handed, or to fill bags on Friday mornings to hand out that afternoon when they are open. A lot goes on to make it run smoothly when they are open. If you would be willing to help with anything, please give Sue Davis a call 707 696-6082.

A look at this week's weather

The weather this week will have several showers in it and we will have lows in the eveings down to 43 degrees. Stay warm and dry. Thanking God for the rain.

Remember you can give online!

Our church continues to receive giving and donations through our online and mobile app platforms. Thank you for trying it out, here are the links again for you to sign up and give easily from your computer with Vanco:


or your phone or tablet with Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App:

Dear friends,

Our St Helena church has provided an on-line app for use on your phone or tablet to give remotely over the last two years.

This app, GivePlus, is managed by Vanco, a finance company ensuring online payment processing with donations received for our church bank account.

Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App. 

  • Download the Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Find our church and log in using your previous GivePlus Mobile username and password.
  • Or set up your user account in minutes.


Do let me know if you have any questions.

Pastor Audrey Ward

Pray for Those in Our Care

Remember Them

in Our Prayers

Traveling Mercies for all who will be on the road this holiday. Reverend Amy Denney Zuniga healing after a bike accident. Cynthia Matheny had a devastating stroke. Israel & Palestinian and all going on over there. Jack and Ruthie Rydman; Lisa Cox; Karen Riordon; Ben and Natalie DiMaio; Linda Lang; Anita and David Cummings; Jan Frate; and all our community near and far.

November Birthdays to Celebrate!


9 Caroline P Owens

20 Angela Henszel-Larson

24 Maureen St. John

Pastor Audrey Ward

Saint Helena United

Methodist church

1310 Adams Street

St Helena, CA 94574

You can reach Audrey at:



If you need to reach the secretary you can email or call the church office at 707 963-2839. Office hours are Tuesday Morning and Wednesday afternoon.

For our web page

click HERE

Click on the photo to hear "Leonard Cohen Anthem"

Fall trees add a splash of color to our world.