Saint Helena United Methodist Church

Week of March 15 to March 21 

March 15, 2023

Happy St Patrick's Day!

  Isle of Skye

Dear Friends

I am back in the office and feeling much better. My cough is about gone, the aches and pains greatly reduced, and the overall feeling is, nearly, back to normal. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes this past week or so; I know it has helped me recover sooner than I might have. I learned again how we all need one another other, in good times and in times of sickness too.

This last week I found myself praying more often, and not just praying to feel healthy again. I was in a very low spot for a number of days, coughing so much that I felt more sick than alive. Longing for a break when my body was not reacting to the need to cough, a moment of peace without the stress of agitation. It is a terrible feeling when illness appears to be the strongest part of who we are physically. So along with prayers of healing, I asked for God’s presence. Yes, to feel the spirit move in and around me, bringing me peace, balance and hope for the next moment. God responded and was there for me, keeping me company during a trying time of sickness. This was a great help and support and felt like a wonderful gift of grace. For I was still sick, but was not alone in it, God was with me and I knew I would be alright no matter what.  God’s presence is better than anything.

As I am still not fully recovered, think it best to cancel tonight’s scheduled film, Whisky Galore. We will try again next month to show films for both family and general audience. Thanks for your patience!

Please join us this coming Sunday the 9th for St Patrick’s Day worship and fellowship time afterwards.

I am here this week but away most of next, leading a retreat in Santa Cruz for the pastors of our conference. I will be around Monday the 20th, then gone until Thursday night, the 23rd.

We are now halfway thru Lent, and less than a month away from Easter.

How is your Lenten journey going this year? I have found it to be a busy and challenging time, but perhaps not so much driven by Lent as by circumstances. For sure, it is a time of new beginnings, of openings expected and unexpected. So maybe it is Lent after all! It’s difficult to say where Lent begins and the rest of life ends, but I do know that I am looking forward to holy Week and Easter!

A Celtic prayer to see us out today,

In our waking and arising

be the first thought that enters our head

In our eating and drinking

be the first thought that enters our head

In our walking and journeying

be the first thought that enters our head

In our working and serving

be the first thought that enters our head

In our sowing and harvesting

be the first thought that enters our head

In our rejoicing and sorrowing

be the first thought that enters our head

In our resting and sleeping

be the first thought that enters our head


See you Sunday!




Sunday Worship

March 19, 2023

St Patrick's Day Worship

4th Sunday in Lent

10 a.m.

Scripture: John 5

Sermon: Celtic Rhythms of Life, Death, and Renewal

Music: Napa Valley Duo


Click on the picture below to join

Sunday morning Livestream Worship

Statue of St Patrick, in Ireland, explaining that the Holy Trinity is like

the three leaf clover; three separate sections and all one being.

Join us after worship for fellowship time in our Fellowship Hall.

We look forward to seeing you!

Remember: Postponed for today, see you next month!

Remember you can give online!

Our church continues to receive giving and donations through our online and mobile app platforms. Thank you for trying it out, here are the links again for you to sign up and give easily from your computer with Vanco:


or your phone or tablet with Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App:

Dear friends,

Our St Helena church has provided an on-line app for use on your phone or tablet to give remotely over the last two years.

This app, GivePlus, is managed by Vanco, a finance company ensuring online payment processing with donations received for our church bank account.

Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App. 

  • Download the Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Find our church and log in using your previous GivePlus Mobile username and password.
  • Or set up your user account in minutes.


Do let me know if you have any questions.

Pastor Burke

Our groups have

 something for everyone!

Our Weekly Small Group Meetings

Book Study Group  In person.

Vintage Group, Tuesdays via Zoom

Call Pastor if you need a link to join any group!


Silent Meditation, Wednesdays via Zoom.

Bible Study on Thursdays  In person.

Thursday's Bible Study is:

The Book of Psalm,

Please hold these saints in your prayers, 

For the family of Char Butcher on her passing; for Nancy and the family of David Garden on his passing; for Bette Antor and family, on the passing of her brother Tommy; for Tyler Barnedt, Ali Leeds husband, and Frank and Beth Leeds son-in-law; Lisa Cox; Karl and Linda Parker; Ben DiMaio; Jack and Ruthie Rydman; Carolyn and Dick Woodson; Anita and David Cummings; Jan Frate; Lois Need; Tony and Carole Pietrangelo; and all our community near and far.

The St Helena UMC Grapevine is always open!

It is so easy to go straight to our monthly newsletter to find the upcoming church calendar and event details:

Click Here

March Birthdays!!!

2 Ron Brunswick

3 Marilyn Little

5 Tom Kaljian

9 Nancy Garden

25 JJ Pesch

Pastor Burke Owens

Saint Helena United

Methodist church

1310 Adams Street

St Helena, CA 94574

[email protected]

Pastor's hours:

Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Afternoons and evenings

by appointment.

For our web page

click HERE

Click on the picture of the

Angel Mosaic below,

to hear: The child prodigy, Yuja Wang, at age 9 playing

Debussy's Arabesque

Abide in His Love