St. James Weekly for Jan. 29 - Feb. 5, 2017
434 N. 8th St., Manitowoc, WI 54220
920-684-8256 (church office)
The Rev. Diane M. Murray, Rector
920-860-5152 (cell)
Amma Diane is typically in Manitowoc Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Sundays or by appointment at other times.
New Contact Directory available Jan. 29, 2017
Bible Study Sundays at 8:45AM
Sundays, January 29 - February 26, 8:45-9:45AM we will offer a bible study based on the Sunday scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). We will meet in the Church Library on the lower level. Come once, twice or every week. There is NO homework. Bring your favorite bible or use from our library. A variety of people will facilitate discussion. Talk to Sally Hunner or Sudi Johnson if you have questions.
St. James Annual Meeting Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017 following the 10AM service
A simple meal will be provided. The 2017 budget will be presented. We will vote for people to serve on Vestry, as Endowment Trustees, and as Delegates to our Diocesan Annual Meeting. Reports will be presented on how 2016 and on various ministries, projects and other news for the good of the congregation. We will also discuss what we are looking forward to in 2017 and beyond.
People remaining on the Vestry include: Skip Cole, Ron Hansen, and Sally Hunner. People remaining as Endowment Trustees include: Mark Hunner and Sudi Johnson.
The positions of Clerk currently held by Tony Karl and the Treasurer, Mary Jean Reckelberg and Assistant Treasurer, Kim Kaufmann are appointed annually by the Vestry following the Annual Meeting.
People whose terms are ending form the Vestry include: Sr. Warden - Richard Hall (eligible for re-election), Jr. Warden - Dianne Wilson (not eligible for re-election to this position), Tammy McVeigh and Murray Sim (not eligible for re-election to this position, and Endowment Trustee - Dan Hornung (eligible for re-election).
The Nomination Committee reviewed nominations for all positions except delegates to Diocesan Convention (no one had been nominated) and found the following nominees to be eligible for the positions for which they were nominated.
The Nomination Committee includes
people whose Vestry terms are ending, person(s) from the congregation chosen by the Vestry (Karleen Cole and Jim Gordon, this year) and the Rector. Nominations are closed from Jan. 16 until the Annual Meeting, but nominations can be made during the meeting until nominations for a position are closed and provided the person being nominated is eligible for the position and agrees to be nominated.
People nominated so far include:
Sr. Warden - Richard Hall is a life-long Episcopalian, born and raised in Manitowoc. He served for 4 years in the Navy and retired early from The Wisconsin Telephone Co. in 1999. Richard has grown children. He enjoys hunting and fishing.He has served in many capacities at St. James.
Jr. Warden - Tammy McVeigh has been a member of St. James since 2013, prior to that she was in various Lutheran churches. Raised in Manitowoc, Tammy moved out of the area for many years, but returned to take the position of Library Media Specialist at Lincoln High School. Shortly after, she and her husband, Kevin were married at St. James and now make their home in Manitowoc. She has grown children and step-children. Tammy has been active in many aspects of life at St. James.
Vestry - Chris Eggert-Rosenthal retired this past year from serving as the Director of Surgery at Aurora in Two Rivers. Origninally from this part of Wisconsin. Chris and her husband Stan moved back to this area after many years away in 2015 hoping to retire here, Stan passed away in 2015 and Chris has found it is still a good place to be. Chris has grown children in various parts of the country. She joined St. James in 2015 and prior to that was an active member of other Episcopal churches and well as being raised in a few other denominations.
Mike Laughrin was adopted as an infant and raised Roman Catholic in Milwaukee including parochial school. Mike joined the Army serving in Vietnam and continues to be active in veteran affairs. Mike went to college for two years. he has grown children in Wisconsin and California. Mike joined St. James in 2014. He has lived in Manitowoc for 15 years. Most recently, Mike retired as a Manitowoc city bus driver. Prior to that he was an over-the-road driver. Mike is active in many aspects of St. James and will be part of the ASP mission team this summer.
Endowment Trustee - Peggy Turnbull was born and raised in Manitowoc and raised in the Episcopal Church. She and her husband Bob returned to Manitowoc and St. James after many years living out of the area. Peggy recently retired from UW Manitowoc. She has one grown son. Peggy is a published poet and enjoys liturature. Peggy and Bob enjoy outdoors, singing and travel. Peggy has been active in many aspects of St. James.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed
January 30 to February 3
Volunteers from St. James are assigned to deliver Meals on Wheels during the week of January 30. A sign-up sheet is available at the back of the church. Please talk to Judy Lavicka (684-1445) or Anne Schuette (682-7723) with any questions.
Living the Questions 2.0
Tuesdays, Jan. 31 - Feb. 21, 6:30-8PM.
Each week stands alone and there is NO homework.We meet in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church
Each week will include time watching video segments featuring a variety of scholars, theologians, and other experts, as well as a time to share and discuss. Weekly themes will include: "Stories of Creation", "Lives of Jesus", "A Passion for Christ: Paul", and "Out into the World: Challenges Facing Progressive Christians". All materials are provided. A variety of people will facilitate discussion. Talk to Sally Hunner or Sudi Johnson, Tony Karl or Dianne Wilson for more information.
St. James Book Circle February 1, 6:30PM
The Book Circle meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall or the Library on the lower level of St. James and is open to all men and women. Rather than read a book together,
we come together to share with each other books we have read concerning our Christian faith
. Come join us to share what books you have read or are reading and would like to recommend!
Commission on Congregational Vitality (CCV) Feedback Meeting
Sunday, Feb. 12 at 11:30AM
The report from the Diocesan Commission on Congregational Vitality (CCV) is available at the info center at the back of the sanctuary. Tammy McVeigh will help facilitate a gathering at 11:30AM on February 12 to give feedback to the report. All are welcome to attend whether you attended the Oct. 1 meeting or not. Cathy Cowling a member of the CCV met with members of the St. James congregation on Oct.1. Her initial feedback is now available at the info center at the rear of the sanctuary. The first 7 pages are transcripts of info we came up with and her comments begin on page 8. If you have any questions please talk to Amma Diane.
St. James Ministry Fair - Sunday, February 26
Join us at a Ministry Fair on Sunday, February 26, before and after the 10:00 am service. Representatives from over a dozen ministries - teams, groups and guilds - will be on hand to show and tell you about the ways that they are active in the life of St. James. Displays will be set up in the Fellowship Hall and you'll have a chance to ask questions of group members. You'll come away from the fair with a better idea of what's going on at St. James, and may even find a new group or activity to try out. Group members are invited to work on their ministry fair displays on Saturday, February 4 from 10:00 am to noon, and set up for the event is scheduled for Saturday, February 25. Please talk to Sally Hunner (755-2213) or Anne Schuette (242-2819) if you have any questions or would like to participate.
Worship Feedback Sessions
March 5, April 19, & June 4
You are invited to help shape our worship life at St James Episcopal Church!
Thank you to those who attended the session on January 18--we learned about each other, shared meaningful and memorable worship experiences, and generated some ideas. Upcoming worship feedback sessions are scheduled for Sunday, March 5 at 11:30AM; Wednesday,
April 19 at 6:00PM; and Sunday, June 4 at 11:30AM. All are welcome to attend any session(s)--plan on about 60 minutes (we'll run up to a max of 90 minutes if there is a lot of sharing). We'll hold these sessions about every six weeks on a rotating schedule of days/times. Worship is something very personal in our relationship with God, yet we do it together. Sessions will be designed to help us share positively about what we have found meaningful and memorable in previous worship at St James and in other settings. We'll work to find common language as we reflect upon the recent seasons and occasions in our worship and offer ideas for upcoming seasons. This is not a committee, so you can attend whenever you are able/interested without commitment. Your feedback will help our Rector and Music Director plan liturgies and music. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Diane Murray or Tony Karl.
Visual Arts Board--"Art Among Us"
The Visual Arts Board, located in the front foyer, presents and celebrates the seasons and lessons of the church in art. Individuals are invited to feature their creative gifts of the Holy Spirit in a variety of media (paintings, crafts, photography, etc.) to share with our community.
Our new Theme is: "Seasons in Our Lives
" For contributions and more into, please talk to: Amma Diane, Liz Gordon, Sally Hunner, Tony Karl, Chuck Wernecke, and Dianne Wilson
St. James Prayers of the People
Let us each keep those in need in our prayers this week:
For healing, comfort and strength, we lift up . . .
Alison, Jim, Steve and Mary Beth, Susie and Dave, Mary, Bill, Del, Steven, Bethany, Mike and Laura, Al, Dale, Karen, Matthew, Audrey, Karen, Bob, Bill, Bonnie, Ray, Janet, Joan, Richard, Johnny and his wife Sally, Ed, Audrey, Virginia, Margaret, Andy, Fr. Okkerse, Jeff, Jeanne, Judy, Robby, Marty, Nancy, Terry, Branden, Susan, Bonnie, Don, Beth, Laura, Liz, and Geralyn, Bonnie, Charlie, Bev, the Mueller family, Dianne, Chris, Ron
For guidance and discernment we lift up. . .
Those serving in the military: Kyle Kurschner, Zach Truett, Jordon Rosenthal, Brady, Shannon, Logan
We also pray for: Bill, Tim, Kathy & family, Guy and Mary, Caleb, Lisa, Kurt, Corey, John, Tyler, Lisann, Ronald, Greg & Tiger, Janet, Jim, Kath, Carole
Additional prayers we offer include...
Peace in our world...The people of Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and Sudan and missionary families. In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for St. John's New London and St. Michaels Mission and Holy Family Mission in Zimbabwe. In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for
Lichfield, Canterbury, England
We pray for the people of our new companion diocese, the Diocese of Masvingo in Zimbabwe and their bishop The Right Reverend Godfrey Tawonezvi. We pray for the incarcerated in Wisconsin - especially those in solitary confinement. For people living with mental illness. Hope House families. The men of the Haven
We offer thanks for...
Diane our Rector, Richard and Dianne, our Wardens, our Vestry and other ministry leaders, staff, and every person in this congregation. Bishop Matthew Gunter and his wife Leslie and family. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and his wife Sharon
We remember the departed...
Paul, Tom, Joe, Myrna, Bill, John, Dorothy, Becky, Howard, Bob, Cindy, Stan, Dale, Paul, Ray, Bill, Mary, Randy, Jill, Andy, John, Michelle, Clayton, Carolyn, Elaine, Ernie
If you would like prayers to be offered as part of The Prayers of the People, please fill out the written Prayer Request Form and place it in the PRAYER BOX. All are located at the back of the church. Prayers will remain on our active prayer list for one month and can be extended by filling out a new request form.
Thanks and praises to the Lord for answers are most welcome also
Looking Ahead:
Sundays Adult Formation at 8:45AM
Sundays KinderChurch at 9AM; Main Service 10AM
Tuesdays Homework Club 3PM
Tuesdays Worship 5PM
Tuesdays Cursillo Grouping 6PM
Wednesdays Choir Rehearsal 5PM
Wednesdays Grief Group 6:15PM
Thursdays Homework Club 3PM
Fridays Morning Prayer 6:30AM
Jan. 29 Annual Meeting 11:15AM
Jan. 30 - Feb 3 Meals On Wheels Delivery
Jan. 31 Living the Questions 2.0 6:30PM
Feb. 1 Christian Book Circle 6:30pm
Feb. 2 PFLAG 7PM
Feb. 3 St. Faith's Guild 1:30PM
Feb. 7 Living the Questions 2.0 6:30PM
Feb. 12 CCV Feedback Review 11:30AM
Feb. 14 Living the Questions 2.0 6:30PM
Feb. 19 Bishop Gunter's Visitation
Feb. 21 Kan Board Meeting 5:15PM
Feb. 21 Living the Questions 2.0 6:30PM
Feb. 26 Ministry Fair Before & after 10AM Service
For a full calendar visit our website
From the Outreach Committee
Volunteer Opportunity Bulletin Board
There is a new bulletin board located at the State Street entrance next to the Visual Arts Board.
The idea for this new board came out of the last Outreach Committee meeting. This board is intended to be a location for outreach volunteer opportunities in the greater Manitowoc Community. The location of the board's placement is intentional as people who enter our facility either for worship or to attend another event held at St. James generally pass through these doors. We want as many people as possible to seen these volunteer opportunities!
These outreach volunteer opportunities may or may not be opportunities our whole congregation is volunteering for or supporting. We hope to post opportunities people in the congregation know about in order to give more people the chance to give back to the community in ways that resonates with each individual volunteer.
If you know of any volunteer opportunities, give the information, brochures, fliers, etc. to Amma Diane or a member of the Outreach Committee (Mary Burckle, Skip Cole, Richard Hall, Dan Hornung, Mike Laughrin and Dianne Wilson). We will monitor the board.
This board is NOT a place to post any up-coming event, items for sale, rent, job opportunities etc., it is only for volunteer opportunities.
May you find a way to give back to the community through the gifts God has given you!