Sunday, November 24
- 8am Holy Eucharist
- 9am Fellowship (Parish Hall)
- 9:15am One Room Sunday School House
- 10am Holy Eucharist (Church & on Boxcast)
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, November 26
Wednesday, November 27
- 5:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Feast and Eucharist
- 6:15pm Transformed by the Word Bible Study (Fireside Room & Google Meet)
Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving
Friday, November 29
Saturday, November 30
Sunday, December 1 - First Sunday of Advent
- 8am Holy Eucharist
- 9am Fellowship (Parish Hall)
- 9:15am One Room Sunday School House
- 10am Holy Eucharist (Church & on Boxcast)
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God's Reign of Love
Beloved in Christ,
This Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. It was first added to the Christian calendar by Pope Pius XI in 1925, in the bitterly divided aftermath of World War I, when nationalism and fascism were alarmingly ascendant across Europe. He conceived of it as a way to remind Christians that our primary allegiance is not to any earthly ruler or nation, but to Jesus Christ.
Using the word “king” to describe Jesus, or “kingdom” to describe his coming reign, can make us uncomfortable. The word carries a connotation of tyrannical, authoritarian rule, that seems very unlike how Jesus used and described his authority. But Jesus, the New Testament, and the church through the ages knew exactly what they were doing - engaging the subversive act of turning the concepts of king and kingdom on their heads. The point is that Jesus is unlike any and all political and institutional powers in the world. Instead of privileging one tribe, language, or nation, Jesus builds the Beloved Community gathered around God’s feast of love. Instead of making himself big in order to win, Jesus comes to us small and humble. Instead of clinging to his identity with entitlement, Jesus leads by serving. Instead of putting himself first, he lives by dying. That is how the God of all creation presides over the whole cosmos.
As we find ourselves in a moment when Christian Nationalism—that abomination that equates the dominance of a racially narrow understanding of America with the kingdom of God—is again ascendant, this feast is as important as it has ever been. I, for one, am unwilling to cede the language of God’s kingdom that is given to us in the scripture to such a gross distortion. We cannot allow those who would corrupt the gospel of Jesus to steal from us the way that very gospel speaks of the savior. We are invited in these days, and all days, to follow our spiritual ancestors in pointing to Christ the King of peace. We point to that kingdom by sowing God’s reckless generosity wherever we go, by meeting the hatred and vitriol all around with God’s love, by standing with those the world’s kingdoms constantly push aside, and by walking day by day the way of the cross of Jesus, which alone can bring true life, true liberation, true peace, and true joy.
As we gather around our diverse and varied altars this Sunday, proclaim Jesus as king loudly, boldly, without apology or fear, and may we tether our lives to God’s reign of love and justice, until it is gloriously and finally done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Grace and Peace,
The Right Reverend Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in Minnesota
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A Special Challenge! Bring a Vegan/Vegetarian dish! Let's see how many new recipes we can share? | |
Click Rejoice to find out more and pledge information for 2025. | |
Wilderness Wednesday: Our Neighbors' Faith
December 4 & 11, 5:30pm Light supper,
6:15pm Program
Curious about the beliefs of those around you? Join us on Wednesday evenings, from 6:15- 7:15 pm for “Our Neighbors’ Faith,” an interfaith series where guest speakers from Judaism, Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and Buddhism will share insights into their traditions. In a world where many of our neighbors hold different beliefs, this is a unique opportunity to explore both the differences and similarities that shape our faiths. Each session will focus on one faith background and is open to all. Come learn, ask questions, and foster understanding as we deepen our own spiritual journeys together.
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Holiday Baking Supplies
Please remember you can bring baking mixes, such as cake mix, cookies, and muffin mixes.
Also please remember our gluten Free friends and include a item or two for them
We will be collecting baking supplies to be delivered to the White Bear Lake Food Shelf. Items such as flour, sugar, oil, baking soda or powder, powered or brown sugar, chocolate chips, vanilla, and cinnamon and nutmeg will be collected through December 1st. Please place donated supplies on the table in the Parish Hall, and thank you for your support of the Food Shelf.
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Waging Peace
This book club will take place in November/December, dates TBD. Hosted by Rona Pasch at her house in White Bear Lake. To sign up, please contact Rona at
Diana Oestreich, a combat medic in the Army National Guard, enlisted like both her parents before her. But when she was commanded to run over an Iraqi child to keep her convoy rolling and keep her battle buddies safe, she was confronted with a choice she never thought she'd have to make.
Torn between God's call to love her enemy and her country's command to be willing to kill, Diana chose to wage peace in a place of war. For the remainder of her tour of duty, Diana sought to be a peacemaker--leading to an unlikely and beautiful friendship with an Iraqi family. A beautiful and gut-wrenching memoir, Waging Peace exposes the false divide between loving our country and living out our faith's call to love our enemies--whether we perceive our enemy as the neighbor with an opposing political viewpoint, the clerk wearing a head-covering, or the refugee from a war-torn country. By showing that us-versus-them is a false choice, this book will inspire each of us to choose love over fear.
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Time to order your Christmas Flowers
Each Christmas we light the Christ Candle in the Advent wreath and decorate the chancel with poinsettias and floral arrangements to enhance our celebration of Christ's birth. We welcome your tax-deductible contribution in any amount toward Christmas flowers, offered to the Glory of God as a memorial for a loved one, or in thanksgiving for blessings received and acknowledged in the Christmas worship bulletins. Mark a standard order form from the shelf next to the flower chart by the entry to the Parish Hall or donate online by going to the St. John in the Wilderness website. Questions, contact Shelley Page(651-216-5291) or Pris Campbell (651-426-3540)
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Putting the Pieces Together
Transformed by the Word, our Adult Bible Study, is Wednesdays at 6:15pm. We will be studying passages of Scripture taken from the Old Testament. The theme is: Putting the Pieces Together. All of us know little parts of the Old Testament - the big flood, perhaps a psalm, and that old prophet who was swallowed by a whale... but how does it all fit together? That is what we will be exploring together.
You may participate either in person or online using the following link: Transformed by the Word. The link will be the same each week, and may be found on the parish website as well as on the parish calendar. Join us for Transformed by the Word as we put the Old Testament pieces together to form an understandable and meaningful whole. Transformed by the Word: Engaging Interactive Transforming!
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Holiday Christmas Luncheon @ Lake Elmo Inn
Saturday, December 7, 2024 @ 11:30am
Last day to RSVP today
All women of St. John’s in the Wilderness Episcopal Church are invited to join us for a holiday luncheon on Saturday, December 7th at 11:30 at the beautiful historic Lake Elmo Inn. This luncheon will replace the“Ladies Who Lunch “ for the month of December.
If you would like to attend, please call Barbara Maloney at 414-940-4100. If I am not available please leave a voicemail message or a text with the following information:
- Your Name
- Name of a guest( if applicable)
- Choice of an entree
Reservations will be accepted beginning October 21st through November 21st. Reservations are limited to 50.
If there is anyone who would like to return their red jars, please give them to Stephanie Sulentic.
Please plan to join us for this fun event!
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SJIW Theater Fellowship Invites You.......
Get into the holiday spirit while supporting fellow parishioner, Xavier Knauss, in the musical version of the classic, "A Christmas Carol" at Ashland Productions. Ashland Productions is a local community theater located inside the Maplewood Community Center. He will be portraying Fred Anderson, Scrooge’s nephew. This is Xavier's inaugural production outside Mahtomedi HS Drama. With the busyness of the holidays, a group event to attend this production is not being organized. Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to purchase tickets and attend on their own. Performances will be held:
7pm - November 29, 30; December 6, 7, 9, 13, 14
2pm - December 1, 8, 15
Purchase tickets online here.
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One Room Sunday School House
Youth in grades 6-12 will meet with Father Art and our Deacon, Margaret, once a month to plan a lesson to teach to the younger kids at St. John's.
On another day that same month, the team will teach the littles what they think is important about the topic they've planned on and lead them in activities. This is a great opportunity for young people to step into the role of mentors and build our intergenerational community.
Youth are welcome to participate on any of the 6 dates listed in the image, in addition to our other all ages Sunday School dates.
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Weekly News and a Weekly Message from Bishop Loya
The Episcopal Church in Minnesota also has a weekly e-news, where you can read a message from Bishop Craig Loya, (or sometimes a special guest author), and read about what is happening in the Episcopal Church in MN and beyond! A great way to stay connected and learn about our church outside the walls of St. John's.
To receive the ECMN news go here, scroll to the very bottom right and sign up.
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Parish Family Prayer List
We ask your prayers for:
Angie G. Cindy K. Pat P. Jean T. David G. Larry K. Megan J. Tony and Amanda,
Kim K. Mark K. Kala K. Landon K. Gladys A. Josh L. Allan B. Louie M.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for CHRIST CHURCH (Feast of Christ the King, Nov. 26) Albert Lea, Austin, Frontenac, Grand Rapids, Red Wing, Woodbury
For the month of November, please pray for the Minnesota Commission on Indian Work
(MCIW), and for the Hispanic, Hmong, Liberian, Karen and numerous multi-cultural
ministries and faith communities throughout the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.
| Click the button below to fill out the web form, or email prayer@stjohnwilderness to request prayers and to be added to the parish prayer list. Please let us know if you would like the request to be publicly listed or private. Unless specifically requested, prayer requests will be kept on the list for a month. | |
For the Parish (BCP p.817)
Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven
and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen
the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent.
Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring
us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP p. 817
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Morning Prayer & Compline
Join us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8 AM for morning prayer and
Monday and Friday evenings at 8:30 PM for Compline.
Both prayer services are held via Google Meet. All are welcome.
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Sunday, November 24
Verger: Bryan DeSmet
Hospitality: Jennifer Kobinski
Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Blake, Pris Campbell
Lector: Melissa Thayer
Usher: Marschall Smith
Greeter: Tony Angelo
Eucharistic Ministers: Andrew McClaren, Rosa Sears, Melissa Thayer
Lector: Jacqueline Danda
Usher: TBD
Livestream: Ruth Goettig
Greeter: TBD
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Sunday, December 1
Verger: Dennis Thoemke
Hospitality: Lisa Brock
Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Blake, Tom Hove
Lector: Sylvia Lovett
Usher: Marschall Smith
Greeter: TBD
Eucharistic Ministers: Andrew McClaren, Rosa Sears, Melissa Thayer
Lector: Jacqueline Danda
Usher: Tony & Tracy Angelo
Livestream: Ruth Goettig
Greeter: TBD
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The word liturgy comes from a Greek term meaning “public work or work done on behalf of the people.” Liturgy always referred to an organized community. A work, then, done by an individual or a group was a liturgy on behalf of the larger community.
If you would like to become part of the many ministries that help make our work, our worship, our liturgies, our community, please talk to one of our clergy.
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Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. | |
Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King
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Connect! Our Main number: 651-429-5351
Our parish office is open Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 2:30pm. Stop by and say hi!
Financial Coordinator: Maureen Vruno | Office hours M,T, Th, 7:30am - 2:30pm ext. 4 or 763-329-7415
Rising Generations Coordinator: Maggie Howe ext. 5 or 763-329-7398
Music Director: David Lim ext. 6 or 763-329-7200
Parish Coordinator: Carrie Thomas 651-429-5351 ext. 3
Deacon: The Rev. Margaret Thor
Associate Priest: The Rev. Kate Maxwell, OSB ext. 2 or 763-329-7394
Rector: The Rev. Arthur Hancock ext. 1 or 763-329-7203
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Our current Health & Safety Protocols
- St. John’s encourages all of its members to get vaccinated and boosted.
- If you feel sick or have the typical symptoms of Covid-19, we ask you to worship with us online.
- Masks are optional while inside all parish buildings for those who are boosted and vaccinated. If conditions change and we experience another surge of Covid-19, we may alter our protocols.
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St. John In The Wilderness Episcopal Church
2175 1st St. (Clark Ave. at 1st St.)
WBL, MN 55110-3462 1 (651) 429-5351
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