News & Announcements

November 11 , 2022

Here is What's Coming Up Next 

8:30 AM
In-person and online
10 AM
In-person and online
11 AM
In-person only

Here is what Pastor Mike has to say!

Letter from Pastor Mike! 

Okay St Luke, Let's decide once and for all!

When should the Christmas Tree Go Up??
After Thanksgiving!
NOV 1ST!!!
bah humbug!

If you would like to take a break from shopping and get in the Christmas spirit, please join us on Friday, November 25 at 10 AM to help us decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. All ages are welcome. Please contact Sandy/Steve Howard at 614-565-5658 or [email protected] if you would like to help decorate the church.

St Luke Children's Christmas Musical Is quickly approaching! Join us on December 10th at 10:30 as our very own St Luke kids put on "The Unbelievable Super Fantastic Truly Amazing Christmas Extravaganza."

You are invited to join us for our midweek Advent meal and worship gathering on the Wednesdays before Christmas starting November 30. We'll gather for a meal at 6 pm and then worship at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you!

We will begin taking Poinsettia orders starting today either online or there are forms on the information centers. The cost will be $7.50 per plant. The last day to order is Sunday, November 27.

November 19th is the St Luke Student Ministry Service Day!!!

We will be serving those in our congregation as a way to give back to our St Luke Families. We will work from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and then have a cookout at The Weaver's house. You can sign up your student or sign up as a family to serve.

Sign up here! 

Do you or someone you know need help from the St Luke Student Ministry on Nov 19th? Click below! 

Help request! 

The Fall Clean-Up date has been CHANGED to Saturday, November 19 from 9 am to Noon. See you all there!

LSS Thankfull Holiday Meal Bags Update--THANK YOU, ST.LUKE! You have donated 98 filled Thankfull Holiday Meal Bags this year which will be given out to needy families on Monday, November 21. Your generosity will help make this year's Thanksgiving Day a little happier for families who will also receive a turkey, produce, and bread from the LSS Food Pantry. The LSS Food Pantry Staff appreciates your prayers and your support.

Angel Tree

Can you help us fill our Angel Tree? This year the Serve Team is coordinating help to the Gahanna Giftshop on December 10th at Gahanna Middle School West.

Gahanna Giftshop provides low-cost gifts for Gahanna families in need this Christmas. Gifts should be under $25 and can be purchased for ages 0-18. Please no gift cards this year. Gifts for the children can be left under the tree in the Sunday school area or delivered to New Life Church on Stygler Road during business hours.

If you provide a gift, please add an Angel ornament to our tree! The goal is to completely fill the tree this year. All gifts need to be received between November 6th and December 5th.

For questions or more information on the Gahanna Giftshop or to see their gift registry (available the second week of November) check out their website at or contact Judy Cerqua at [email protected] or 614-949-0178.

Join Freedom a la Cart in bringing holiday cheer to survivors of human trafficking within Columbus through our donation drive!

Freedom a la Cart is a nonprofit organization located in downtown Columbus that exists to "empower survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation to lead new lives of freedom and self-sufficiency.

This year, the organization is collecting items to put in holiday bags to provide hope to women in their support group.

St. Luke is collecting nail polish! Our goal is 150 bottles by Sunday, December 4th.

Let’s make this happen! Please drop off your items in the baskets near the Welcome Centers no later than December 4th. Good quality polish such as OPI, Sally Hanson or Essie is requested. Questions? Contact Gretchen Heilmann at [email protected].

Order Here!

Star House assists homeless youth year-round. Many camp out in tents behind buildings. We are asking for your old, clean, unwanted blankets. Do not shop for new blankets that will often be used on the bare ground. Blankets will be delivered during the week after collection. You can donate blankets any time during the cold winter to the church Narthex.

The St. Luke Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) and MOMSnext (mothers of elementary-aged kids) group provides fellowship and support to moms of young kids in an informal small group atmosphere.

Join us on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 9:15-11:15 a.m. in room 116! Childcare is provided.

                          Click here to sign up! 

Are you a parent? Do you have questions about raising kids? Great we have questions too. Come meet with other parents of St Luke in room 116 every Sunday at 11:00 am. It doesn’t matter what age your kids are, the parents group is for you. This is an open group so if you can’t make it one Sunday, no worries just join us again the next time.


Childcare is provided. Kids ages 4 and under can be dropped off in the nursery. Ages 5 and above will meet with volunteers in the youth room. 


K-2nd grade has programming available at 10 am service.

 If you would like your child to attend please sign up below! Midweek Is on pause.

How can we help?

From time to time we can all use a hand. If you have a need, please submit a request.

Make a prayer request.

Download the latest prayer list.

We are grateful for all of the generous financial support we receive. Our mission depends on the generosity of its members. There are various ways to give from the traditional cash or check click the picture to give online electronically or click here.

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