"Why Change?"
A comment we often hear is that change is never easy. It isn't! Change can be disruptive, challenging, even frightening. There is so much uncertainty involved with change that many of us put up our defenses at the mere mention of the word.

"Why change?" Is it really necessary for us to create more uncertainty in our lives by choosing to change? Maybe it helps to be reminded of a familiar truth: Stop changing and you stop growing - stop growing and you start dying. 

During this season of Lent, I want to invite you to join with me in praying for change and growth in our faith journeys. To reflect upon the truth that in Christ we become new creations; “everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:16)

Also pray for an openness to change in the life of our church. Challenging days are ahead of us as United Methodist. Churches are being put in a position to consider their on-going relationship with the general church. As we discuss and discern what this will look like for us, let’s not make this a moratorium on being the church. Continue to take advantage of opportunities to invite others to join with us in worship; to grow deeper in our personal faith; and to put service to others above ourselves. 

It is my prayer that God will give us the courage to be obedient and responsive to his call; a call that often requires change; a call that challenges us to grow; a call that demands our trust to follow him wherever he may lead. 

I look forward to being with you this Sunday as we share together in Holy Communion and worship the God of all creation who is ever-creating and ever-calling us to change – in our personal discipleship and as the Body of Christ.  



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