At St. Barnabas, we experience God’s redeeming love in all and through all and respond to that love through faithful worship, life-long spiritual growth, and committed outreach.

Our community shares a progressive faith, opens our arms to all seekers, and works to make the world more just. We invite you to walk with us! Read more.

September 1: The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

  • 9:30 am: The Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.

  • For the bulletin, click here.
  • For the live-stream, click here.
  • For the Lectionary, click here.

Kick-Off Sunday

September 8

Celebrate Our St. Barnabas Community

After the 9:30 service, we'll move to Grant Hall for a taco bar and potluck lunch!


With Brew Glass Live Music brought to us by Dave Brandl's band! (Dave Brandl is Hildegard White's son-in-law.) Brew Glass plays fun & familiar songs from multiple eras and genres.


Please bring a dish to add to the taco bar.

A Message From Our Senior Warden

Profile Committee Seeks Your Input

In Upcoming Forums: September 15, 22, and 29.

I’m pleased to share that the Profile Committee has begun the work of writing the story of St. Barnabas to share with prospective rector candidates! The process includes facilitating a series of Holy Conversations during the Adult Forum on September 15, 22, and 29th. The conversations will focus on a different topic each week and will be as follows:  

9/15- What you value

9/22 - Moments of hurt or disappointment

9/29 - Your dreams for the future of St. B’s and your commitments toward helping bring them into reality

I strongly urge you to attend all three sessions, but if you can’t, we will have a process for you to submit your thoughts.

We are a people of story, and in listening to others along with sharing our own, we will more clearly identify the qualities we need in our next rector. 

With much love and gratitude for each of you,

Jolene Whitney

Senior Warden

Giving-2-Others September


For many years now, Christians around the world have celebrated the Season of Creation from September 1 to October 4. Creation Care is also one of St. Barnabas’ priorities. So it’s only fitting that September’s recipient of Giving-2-Others donations is EarthLinks.

EarthLinks is an innovative urban nonprofit that provides a work program for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They maintain an urban garden, learn new skills, and create earth-friendly products that sustain people AND the planet. Other services include case management, housing navigation, and professional and peer support. They have been very successful in helping participants obtain AND maintain housing. For more information about their program, click here

To donate online click here. Or earmark a check to St. Barnabas for “Giving-2-Others” and place it in the offering plate or mail.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

To learn more about our Giving-2-Others outreach and why it matters, click here.

Patti Walter Update

They're Here!

Dear people of St. Barnabas,

I am elated to report that I received my brand new T-Cells today, and it went very well. Through various tests, I should have some results of their efficacy in 4 weeks. Today I learned more about how these mighty cells communicate with one another and with the human body to bring about healing. I'll share more when I return, but I will say that the description of how they work gave me a fresh appreciation and respect for the intricate ways our bodies take care of us. Many thanks to our Creator God who creates and recreates us!

I am grateful for your continued care, prayers, meals, and support. It fills my heart and spirit and keeps me going when I feel worn out. Thank you!

With a heart full of gratitude,


How to Reach Out to Patti Walter

During This Time

If you would like to reach out to Patti Walter during her medical leave you may send a note to her home address, 2309 S. Cherokee St., Denver 80223. Patti will be resting between her treatments and will feel buoyed by hearing from you in this way. Thank you!

Sign Up for Coffee Time Goodies,

Set Up, and Breakdown 

Please consider providing goodies for Coffee Time. We also need help setting up and breaking down. The sign up sheets are in Lukens as well as here and here. As always, Thank you!

If the opened documents do not allow you to add your name, request permission and Julia will share it with you.

Early Birds Needed

Are you an early bird? If so, we need welcomers to greet parishioners and visitors alike. The sign up sheet is on the table as you enter the Vine Street door.

Celebrations This Week

Happy Birthday to:

Carrie Corrigan...September 2

Jim Sawtelle........September 4

Louisa Rivera......September 7

Happy Anniversary to:

Judy and Tom Ward...September 1

St. Barnabas on Display

Janet Manning, Chris Schmidt, and Steve Fink's Auction Garden Cocktails at Janet's home. Aaron Sefton's wonderful photos of an array of events with our youth.

Got pictures? Share photos of St. Barnabas gatherings, auction events,

and any in-person committee meetings, as appropriate, with Julia.

Second Chance Auction Opportunities

through the end of the year

Below is the list of items in Auction number order. Please check your Auction booklet for more information.

4) Poker & Pizza 12-7-24 Cherry & Steve Barney - 1 place $20

8) Backyard Lawn Games & Karaoke 9-21-24 Seftons - 8 places $10

20) Autumn High Tea 9-8-24 Becky Blanc - 1 place $20

27) Aspen Color Hike 10-1-24 Carol Weir - 4 places $20

39) Bike Ride & Picnic 9-14-24 Barb Mattison - 8 places $10

Did You Know

that you can reserve and even pre-pay for a niche in the St. Barnabas Columbarium? Please contact Jim Hayes or David Ford for more information.

Transition at St. Barnabas

As St. Barnabas' Profile Committee is beginning its work, would you please remember them in your prayers:

O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Burley Shepard

Celebration of Life

Saturday, September 14 at 10:30 am

A reception will follow.

Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord,

and let light perpetual shine upon him.

St. Barnabas Outreach Partners

For information about St. Claire's annual fundraiser on September 6, click here.

Pastoral Care

For your pastoral care needs and concerns this week, please contact Pastor Stephanie Kopsch at (720) 231-1150.

Those in need of prayer

The Holbrook family, the Hayes family, Dennis Kennedy, Bill Miles, Marty and Diana Flahive, Larry Volmert, Carol Wier and family, John and Patrice Hayes, Larry Konkel, Andrea, Nicolle, Selah Kay, Jessica Sweet, Claire Hayes, the Long family, Atlee Witt, Jim Hostler, Meghann and Kai, RJ Campbell, KaJune Kent, Kathy Labargethy Alden, Brian Reid, Shanelle Duran, Hildegarde White, Greg Roosevelt, the Benson and Manning families, Jill Schlegal, Raymond Dupuis-Spiva, Charles Michael Goodall, John Graves, Joy Sandoz, Patti Walter, Irene and the family of Burley Shepard, Margaret Noteman, Darryl Searuggs, Jamie Henderson, Jim Esten, Anne Wolfrum, the people of Ukraine, the people of Sudan, the children in Gaza, those who suffer from conflict and natural and human disaster.

New to the prayer list

Mat Gere, long-time partner of Janet Manning’s daughter.

Those who have died

Rest eternal grant them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Prayer Requests

For prayer requests please email us at office@stbdenver

Parish Office Hours

9:00 am -12:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday (303) 388-6459

To email Julia Wade, Parish Administrator: julia.wade@stbdenver.org

Creation Care Resources

A list of ways that we, as individuals, and as a parish, can responsibly use, access, and recycle our items and resources. Please send updates to the list to Julia.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, September 1: The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

  • 9:30 am: Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.

Tuesday, September 3

  • 6:00 pm Leadership Team via Zoom

Wednesday, September 4

  • 9:00 am: Staff meeting in the Workroom.
  • 10:00 am: Bible Study in the Brady room.

Sunday, September 8: The Second Sunday of Creation


  • 9:30 am: Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.
  • 11:00 am: Youth Group painting their new space–the Betty Foster room.
  • Post worship: A band and taco bar to celebrate Kick-Off Sunday in Grant Hall.

*Here is the link to the live-stream on YouTube. It can also be found on our website.

St Barnabas Four Ministry Priorities

Racial Justice, Creation Care, Ministry to the Unhoused, and Family Ministry.

Updated Directories are available in Lukens.

Connect with us!

Facebook: Click here to follow.

Instagram: Click here to follow.

Weekly eNews submissions are due by 1:30 Wednesday and should be 100 words or less. Please send submissions to office@stbdenver.org

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St. Barnabas Episcopal Church | 303-388-6469 

contact-us@stbdenver.org | stbdenver.org

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