OUR MISSION: We experience God’s redeeming love in all and through all and respond to that love through faithful worship, life-long spiritual growth, and committed outreach.

Our community shares a progressive faith, opens our arms to all seekers, and works to make the world more just. Read more

We invite you to walk with us!

February 11: The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

7:45 am: The Holy Eucharist (Spoken) in the Chapel.

9:30 am: The Holy Eucharist (Sung) in the Sanctuary.

  • For the bulletin, click here.
  • For the live-stream, click here.
  • For Lectionary, click here.

This Sunday, February 11th

9:30 Liturgy

Come and participate in our "burying of the Alleluia" and the burning of our palms from last year (to be used on Ash Wednesday). This special service will set us up to enter Lent in a meaningful way.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 13th at 6:00 pm

Join family and friends for this fun and fattening meal in Grant Hall. Pancakes, bacon, and fruit will fill us full as we move into the lean season of Lent. A short service of imposition of the ashes will follow the meal. Suggested donation for the meal is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Sign up here to reserve your place.

Ash Wednesday Liturgies

February 14th at Noon and 7:00 pm

Two Ash Wednesday liturgies are offered in the sanctuary for all to come and be marked with ashes to begin our Lenten journey. Our evening service will be held jointly with St. Paul's Lutheran Church and House for All Sinners and Saints. What a wonderful opportunity to worship with our siblings in Christ! Click here for a link to the 7:00 pm service.

Caregiving Workshop

Saturday, February 24th at

9:30--11:00 in Grant Hall

Whether you are providing care for a loved one now or anticipate doing so in the future, this workshop is for you. We will hear the stories of those who have recently engaged in caring for a loved one. Our presenters, John Kelly, Carrie Corrigan, and Ayn Fox will share some of the challenges as well as the places of new discoveries and deepened love in their changing roles. Cheryl Volmert, retired medical social worker, will wrap up with ways to care for oneself while providing care. This will be an interactive time where participants are encouraged to bring their questions and challenges with them so that we can mutually support one another.

To sign up, click here.

The Barnabas Forum

11:00 in Grant Hall

February 11: This Sunday we will focus on preparing ourselves to enter Lent with fresh eyes. The Season of Lent oftentimes conjures up images of self-denial and purging ourselves from sin. This Forum, led by Diana Whitley and Patti Walter, will address some of our common misconceptions of Lenten practices and then suggest meaningful ways to enter Lent that focus on how we can open ourselves more fully to the transforming love of God. Come and begin your Lenten journey together with us.

February 18: Come and hear Bishop Kym Lucas share her thoughts and answer questions. We are fortunate to have Bishop Kym with us!

Bishop's Visitation

Sunday, February 18

One Liturgy at 9:30

The Rt. Rev'd Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Colorado, will be at St. Barnabas for her episcopal visitation. Bishop Kym will preach and preside at our one service at 9:30, meet with the Vestry before the service, install the officers and Vestry of the parish, and lead the Barnabas Forum that morning. Plan to be here to welcome and meet Bishop Kym!

Giving-2-Others For February

Gift a Gift to Benefit the Youth at Urban Peak

Urban Peaks mission is to ignite the potential in youth to exit homelessness and create

self-determined, fulfilled lives. In 1998, Urban Peak opened Colorado’s first and only licensed shelter for youth, ages15 to 24, experiencing homelessness. Since then, Urban Peak has expanded the Shelter, acquired three apartment complexes for transitional youth housing and renovated space downtown for the Drop-In Center and Outreach team. In their last fiscal year, Urban Peak served nearly 1,000 different youth experiencing homelessness in the metro region. Your donation will benefit youth by supporting intensive, strengths-based case management; access to physical, mental, and behavioral health care; education and employment opportunities, and 24/7 crisis support.

Please be generous by giving online by earmarking a check to St. Barnabas “Giving-2-Others”

To make an online donation, click here or send a check to St. Barnabas with Giving-2-Others in the memo line.

Group Reading of the Gospel of Mark

Saturday, March 2nd at 9:00-10:30

via Zoom

The lectionary gospel this year is the shortest gospel, the Gospel of Mark. Several readers will take turns reading passages as we make our way through this fast-paced gospel. What a great way to get the broad sweep of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. A Zoom link is forthcoming for this engaging event. If you'd like to be a reader, contact Diana Whitley.

Welcome Ronda Hilton

Our New Organist

We are happy to welcome Ronda to the St. Barnabas family. She is excited to accompany the Choir and bring all kinds of beautiful organ music to our worship. She has been a musician since childhood, when her parents often had to make her stop practicing the piano. 

Ronda earned her Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Iowa, where she learned to program computers, a career she has maintained ever since. She played the organ for Catholic and Unitarian Universalist churches in Texas and earned her Master's in Organ at Texas Christian University.

Celebrations This Week

Happy Birthday to:

Kyle Knierim.............February 11

Chris Schmidt............February 12

Celeste Richardson....February 15

How to Celebrate Black History Month 2024 in Denver

Click here for ways to celebrate throughout the Denver metro area with lectures, dramatic performances, music, and more, both before and after Black History Month.

Sharing Our Sanctuary with

St Paul's Lutheran Church 

St Barnabas continues to offer its Sanctuary to St. Paul's for worship beginning at 11:30. They will gather with us for Coffee Time before their service.

Quiet Before Worship

The Chapel is open before the 9:30 liturgy for those who benefit from a time of quiet and meditation to prepare for worship. The Foster Chapel is located on the 2nd floor of the educational wing, accessible either by stairs by the Vine Street entrance or by the elevator.

Pastoral Care

We are here for you.

For your pastoral care needs, please call Fr. Jeffrey at (308) 530-8321 or Patti Walter at (720) 299-3657.

Those in need of prayer

Kathy Miles, Sarah Freed and family, the Holbrook family, Carol Schmidt, the Hayes family, Carol Wier, Dennis Kennedy, Bill Miles, Marty and Diana Flahive, Larry Volmert, Madie Gustafson, Larry Konkel, Joe and Kathy Miles, Ann Kohl-Re, the Wier family, Faith Codd, John and Patrice Hayes, Mark Kohl, Tim Kohl, Tracy Spiva, Don Horizon Abons, Andrea, Jordan, Nicolle, Selah Kay, Janet Manning, Jessica Sweet, the Mattison family, Ryan and family, Sue Gallanter, Viola-Cleo Bradshaw, Cordelia Vogel, Verlin Jakober, Jim Sawtelle, Claire Hayes, Barbie Henry, Tom H., Marlis Sneed and family, Derek Lewis, Jim and Diana Burgwin, the Long family, Doug Dalglish, Robin Atiyeh, Bill Erickson, Atlee Witt, Carolyn Wolfrum, the people of Ukraine, Israelis and Palestinians, those who suffer from conflict and natural and human disaster.

New to the prayer list

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Holly Graves, niece-in-law of John Graves, the Calabro family, sister of Carolyn of Carolyn Wolfrum, Jim Hoslter, friend of Fr Jeffrey and Curt.

Those who have died

Jeanne Kohl, sister-in-law of Todd and Victoria Kohl, friends of Fr. Jeffrey and Curt. Rest eternal grant her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her.

Prayer Requests

For prayer requests please email us at office@stbdenver

Parish Office Hours

9:00 am -12:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday

To email Julia Wade, Parish Administrator: [email protected]

Upcoming Youth Events

  • Tue, 2/13 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner in Grant Hall at 6pm! This will be followed by a family service of imposition of ashes in the sanctuary.
  • Sun, 2/18 - 11am-12:15pm Youth Group at St. Andrew's
  • Sat, 3/2 - Spring One Day Mission 
  • Fri, 4/12 - Sun, 4/14 - High School Weekend Retreat at Cathedral Ridge
  • Sat, 4/20 - 4/21 - Middle School Lock-In at St. John's Cathedral

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, February 11, The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany

  • 7:45 am: The Holy Eucharist (Spoken) in the Chapel.
  • 9:30 am: The Holy Eucharist (Sung) in the Sanctuary.
  • 11:00 am: The Barnabas Forum in Grant Hall.

Tuesday, February 13

  • 9:30 am: Covenant Bible Study in the Betty Foster Room.
  • 6:00 pm: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in the Brady Room.

Wednesday, February 14 Ash Wednesday

  • 9:00 am: Staff meeting in the Workroom.
  • 12:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the Sanctuary.
  • 7:00 pm: Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the Sanctuary.

Thursday, February 15

  • 7:00 pm: Choir rehearsal in the Sanctuary.

Sunday, February 18, The First Sunday in Lent

  • 8:30 am: Vestry meeting with Bishop Lucas.
  • 9:20 am: Children’s Spiritual Formation in the Godly Play room.
  • 9:30 am: The Holy Eucharist (Sung) in the Sanctuary.
  • 11:00 am: Youth Group.
  • 11:00 am: The Barnabas Forum in Grant Hall.

*Here is the link to the live-stream on YouTube. To access the service go to our website or YouTube.

Other Links

Vestry Minutes for November, December, and January.

Social Media and eNews Updates

We'd love everyone to join our social media accounts. We have created a new Private Facebook Group intended for the STB community. If you are a current member, please click here to join.

We are on Instagram now! Please Click Here to Follow us!

eNews Submissions:
For those sending articles and updates for the E-News. Articles should be less than 100 words. As we redesign our online presence, brevity is our focus when sharing information. 
Connect with us!
The submission deadline for the e-news and the church bulletin Wednesday, Noon
Please send information by email to office@stbdenver.org
If email links don't open properly, please copy and paste them into your preferred
email platform.
Facebook  Youtube  Instagram  

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church | 303-388-6469 

[email protected] | stbdenver.org

Sign-up for the Colorado Diocesan weekly E-Newsletter by clicking here.