At St. Barnabas, we experience God’s redeeming love in all and through all and respond to that love through faithful worship, life-long spiritual growth, and committed outreach.
Our community shares a progressive faith, opens our arms to all seekers, and works to make the world more just. We invite you to walk with us! Read more.
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January 19: The Second Sunday After The Epiphany
- 9:30 am: The Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.
For the bulletin, click here.
For the live-stream, click here.
For the Lectionary, click here.
We welcome Rebeccah Marshall as our guest pianist.
To view the St. Barnabas Profile, click here.
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2025 AT 11:00 AM
This will be held by Zoom and in-person, although those who wish to vote must attend in person. As we gather together, we will celebrate all that God has done in and through St. Barnabas the past year. We hope to see you there! There will be a link to the annual report in next week's newsletter as well as a Zoom link for the meeting.
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Barnabas Forum
Sunday at 11:00 in Grant Hall
What is the Biblical Perspective on Immigration
Many people argue that immigration is one of the most important questions facing the United States these days, and many people also argue that the Bible is a trusted and authoritative source for wisdom about how we should structure our lives. So what does the Bible say about immigration? If we go looking for a biblical perspective on immigration, what will we find? And, how has the Bible been used in recent debates about immigration? Rev. Dr. Eric C. Smith, Associate Professor of Early Christian Texts and Traditions at the Iliff School of Theology, will walk us through some of the key biblical themes and passages relating to strangers, immigrants, and migration.
Today’s Forum is sponsored by the Wills Long Lectureship Series.
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Do I Stay Christian?
Book Read
Discussion begins February 9
During these cold winter months, the Barnabas Forum is giving us the opportunity to delve into a stimulating book read together as a community. Brian McLaren, former pastor and prolific author, provides incisive insights that will help us all to rethink our Christian identity in light of what understandably repels so many from faith today (including ourselves). Books can be purchased for $15 at the Book Table in Lukens after worship throughout January. The Forum will host discussions on the book beginning February 9. Join us as we learn and grow together!
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New Members Reception
Sunday, January 26
Next Sunday we will receive sixteen fellow travelers on the road of faith who are joining us at St. Barnabas – some of them quite young! You will have an opportunity to meet them at a reception after next week’s worship, right before the Annual Meeting!
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The Absalom Jones Fund
We are beginning the New Year's Giving-2-Others with support for the Absalom Jones Fund for Episcopal historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Two of them - St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh, NC and Voorhees University in Denmark, SC - have been affiliated with the Episcopal Church since the 1800s. This fund honors Absalom Jones, the first African American to be ordained a priest in The Episcopal Church. These HBCUs provide an excellent liberal arts education to thousands of students, preparing leaders who will continue the work of building a more just and humane society. Our support of the fund reflects our parish’s priority of promoting racial justice.
For more information click here. All donations in January will be sent to the Episcopal Church in time for the Feast of Absalom Jones on February 13. Please be generous by giving online in January or earmark a check to St. Barnabas with “Giving-2-Others.”
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
To learn more about our Giving-2-Others outreach and why it matters, click here.
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Celebration of the Arts
Friday, February 7
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
in Lukens
St. Barnabas is once again hosting the arts and crafts of those connected to this parish at our Celebration of the Arts. Do you have art or craft that you'd like to display? We'd love to hear from you! Please contact Patti Walter at patti.walter@stbdenver.org to let her know. The Community Life Committee will be putting this enlivening event together for all of us to enjoy.
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Join the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Denver "Marade"
Monday, January 20 beginning at 9:30 am
in Denver City Park
Click here for the full schedule and more information.
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Celebrations This Week
Happy Birthday to:
Karen Esten...January 23
Tom Potter....January 24
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Pastoral Care
For your pastoral care needs and concerns this week, please contact Pastoral Associate Patti Walter at (720) 299-3657 or Pastor Stephanie Kopsch at (720) 231-1150.
Those in need of prayer
The Hayes family, Dennis Kennedy, Marty and Diana Flahive, Larry Volmert, Carol Wier and family, John and Patrice Hayes, Andrea, Selah Kay, Claire Hayes, Atlee Witt, Meghann and Kai, the Alden family, Brian Reid, Greg Roosevelt, Kate, Jill Schlegal, Charles Michael Goodall, Joy Sandoz, Margaret Noteman, Darryl Searuggs, Anne Wolfrum, Mat Gere, Rob, Jane Schmitz, Diana Whitley, Marcia Doty, Edmond, Allison, Irene Shepard, Matt and Suzy Stolwyk, Frank Baker, Tom Potter, Ellen Janasko, Skyler Spettle, Steve Murray and his mom, Deb Sawtelle, Sandi Armstrong, the people of Ukraine, the people of Sudan, all victims of gun violence, the people in the Middle East, those affected by the fires in Southern California, those who suffer from conflict and natural and human disaster.
New to the prayer list
Deb Sawtelle, cousin-in-law of Jim Sawtelle, Sandi Armstrong, friend of Bill Lundgren.
Those who have died
James Wilbur West, brother of Scott West. Virginia Wesgarrd, friend of Rhondda Grant. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.
Prayer Requests
For prayer requests please email us at office@stbdenver
The Episcopal Church in Colorado offers a weekly eNews. Check this space for the latest information, news, letters, and updates.
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Parish Office Hours
9:00 am -12:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday (303) 388-6459
Julia Wade, Parish Administrator: julia.wade@stbdenver.org
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Creation Care Resources
A list of ways that you, as individuals, and as a parish, can responsibly use, access, and recycle items and resources. Please send updates to the list to Julia.
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Weekly Calendar
Sunday, January 19: The Second Sunday After The Epiphany
- 9:20 am: Children’s Spiritual Formation in the Godly Play room.
9:30 am: Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.
- 11:00 am: Barnabas Forum in Grant Hall.
Tuesday, January 21
- 10:00 am: Staff meeting in the Workroom.
- 5:30 pm: Leadership meeting via Zoom.
Wednesday, January 22
- 10:00 am: Bible Study and Holy Eucharist in the Brady Room.
- 6:00 pm: Vestry meeting in Grant Hall.
Thursday, January 23
- 6:00 pm: Benedictine Way at Diana Whitely’s home. 4820 Tejon St, Denver.
- 7:00 pm: Choir rehearsal in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, January 26: The Third Sunday After The Epiphany
9:30 am: Holy Eucharist (sung) in the Sanctuary.
- 11:00 am: St Barnabas Annual Meeting in Grant Hall.
- 11:00 am: Youth Group at St. Andrews.
*Here is the link to the live-stream on YouTube. It can also be found on our website.
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St Barnabas Four Ministry Priorities
Racial Justice, Creation Care, Ministry to the Unhoused, and Family Ministry.
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Vestry Minutes
November approved vestry minutes.
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Facebook: Click here to follow.
Instagram: Click here to follow.
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Weekly eNews submissions are due by 1:30 Wednesday and should be 100 words or less. Photos should be no larger than 2MB. Please send submissions to office@stbdenver.org | | | | |