St. George's Anglican Church Newsletter - 2 February 2025

Vestry Update

The clergy, vestry, and the whole parish would like to thank our outgoing vestry members, Marianne Martin, Doug Tomerlin and Frederick Stein, for their 3 years of service to the parish. In their combined wisdom and talent, they have helped to make the parish grow and flourish to the glory of God.

We want to also welcome our new vestry members, Hayley Wilson, Joey Tindell and Steve Castle, who have agreed to continue this good work, and give of their time and wisdom to that end.

We have been blessed with such a fine vestry over all these years…and for that we give God thanks!  

Coming up at St. George's Church

Youth Group meets each Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m.

Youth Group Wednesday Nights include Evening Prayer, dinner, lessons and games. Contact Sarah Stonestreet for more information.

Sunday's Lay Ministry Assistants

The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

2 February 2025


8:00 Nick Rocco (C/S)

9:00 Becky Boswell (C/S), Aidan Howard (B)

11:00 Anna Stonestreet (C/S), Ali Stonestreet (B/T), Rebecca Stein (T)

Altar Guild: Laurie Emery, Marianne Martin, Celia Wenger, Joy Welker

Care of Linens: Celia Wenger

Camera Operators

9:00 - Jason Espone

11:00 - Megan Donahue

Chalice Bearers

9:00 - Karla Probert

11:00 - Gail Farrar


9:00 - Scott & Ann Miller

11:00 - Matt & Lisa Fargo


8:00 - MeLissa Rocco

9:00 - Tammy Gant

11:00 - Gail Farrar

Master of Ceremonies

Brennon Simpson


8:00 am: Bruce Colzani & Laurie Emery

9:00 am: Whit Boswell & Robert Barnsbee; Ann Miller & Hedy DuCharme (Offering)

11:00 am: Johen & Cindy Newsome; Harvey Beyer & Jack Galsterer (Offering)

In Recognition


Caedman Odell

Altar Flowers 

Given to the Glory of God in memory of Pricilla Schaffer, by Al and Dareleen Schaffer.

Altar Flowers beautify the sanctuary and brighten our worship space. Many give "in honor of" or "in memory of" loved ones or a special family occasion. If you would like to give Altar Flowers, please contact Celia Wenger for more information at 719-648-6805 or

Education Opportunities

Tuesday Women's Bible Study

We are now reading John Bunyan's, "Pilgrim's Progress." Our discussion of this thought-provoking book also includes a weekly commentary and study guide by Derek Thomas of Ligonier Ministries. Books and study guides may be picked up in the church office. Please join us on Tuesdays at 10:30. For more information, please contact Lisa Stein at

Saturday Women's Bible Study 

You can understand every book of the Bible. Even this one. Join us for our Bible study. In this 10-session study on Revelation, discover how the last book of the Bible

—the culmination of God’s great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age

We are changing up some days we will be meeting due to my travel schedule. Below are our studies dates; please note, these are not always the same dates as the Men’s group.

Feb 1st – Revelation 6:1-8:1 (added day)


Feb 8th – Revelation 8:2-11:19


Feb 22nd – Revelation 12:1-15:5


March 8th – Revelation 151-16:21


March 22nd – Revelation 17:1 – 19:10


April 12th – Revelation 19:11-21:8


April 26 – Revelation 21:9 -22:21


May 3rd – Revelation WRAP UP!

Reach out to Sue Ann Jennings at for more information.

Men's Saturday Bible Study

We’ll next meet on Saturday, 8 Feb, at 9:00 a.m. to continue our study of J.I. Packer’s “Concise Theology”.

Contact Curt Emery 719-433-8426