St. George's Anglican Church Newsletter - 5 January 2025

Coming up at St. George's Church

Sunday's Lay Ministry Assistants

The Feast of the Epiphany

5 January 2025


8:00 Nick Rocco (C/S)

9:00 Becky Boswell (C/S), Aidan Howard (B)

11:00 Chaela Odell (C/S), Chad Odell (B), Claire Odell (T), Charlotte Odell (T)

Altar Guild: Laurie Emery, Marianne Martin, Celia Wenger, Joy Welker

Care of Linens: Celia Wenger

Camera Operators

9:00 - Jason Espone

11:00 - Megan Donahue

Chalice Bearers

9:00 - Karla Probert

11:00 - Ed Montgomery


9:00 - Patsy Suttles, Carole Emery

11:00 - David & Catie Corbin


8:00 - Laurie Emery

9:00 - Tammy Gant

11:00 - Sarah Stonestreet

Master of Ceremonies

Brennon Simpson


8:00 am:  Bill & Carolyn Ferrier

9:00 am:  Whit Boswell & Ross Eastman, Roberta McDade & Ann Miller (Offering)

11:00 am: Jayne Wroblewski & Gail Farrar: John & Cindy Newsome (Offering)

In Celebration


Sidney Patin & Myra Patin, John & Cindy Newsome


Emma Fargo Bachman, Dave Wilson

Altar Flowers 

Given into the glory of God in thanksgiving for St. George's Parish, by Jake and Celia Wenger.

Altar Flowers beautify the sanctuary and brighten our worship space. Many give "in honor of" or "in memory of" loved ones or a special family occasion. If you would like to give Altar Flowers, please contact Celia Wenger for more information at 719-648-6805 or

Education Opportunities

Tuesday Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday Morning Women’s group will next meet on January 7th to resume our study of "Practicing His Presence" by Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach. We will be discussing pages 69-82 (chapters XVI-XX). For more information, please contact Lisa Stein at

Saturday Women's Bible Study 

You can understand every book of the Bible. Even this one. Join us for our next Bible study! In this 10-session study on Revelation, discover how the last book of the Bible

—the culmination of God’s great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age

We will meet every 2nd and 4th week of the month on Saturdays at 9:00 AM, the same as the Men's group.

We will meet next on January 11, 2025 and review Week Three.

Reach out to Sue Ann Jennings at

for more information.

Men's Saturday Bible Study

will meet on Saturday, January 11th at 9:00 a.m. continuing our study of J.I. Packer’s book, "Concise Theology". 

Contact Curt Emery 719-433-8426