St. James Kids
@Home edition
GOOD NEWSwe will be getting back to IN PERSON Sunday school next Sunday, April 11th. The week after Easter, our program will arise as well.  I have spoken to many of you and you are pumped to begin.

There will still be the virtual option, if you're not ready yet. Beginning 4.11, we'll stop putting it on Facebook and have it on the Children's Page on page, under ministries.

On campus, we will be following social distancing guidelines, which shouldn't effect our numbers as much as it effects our movement. 
Each student/teacher will need to :
  • Register (see links below, yes you need to register each week, sorry)
  • Have their temperature taken at sign in
  • have to wear a mask
  • will be in an assigned a 6 X 6 space.
  • Children will we escorted & returned to their classroom from the Children's welcome desk.
On the Mountaintop, we will not gather in the big room, rather just open our screens and stay where we are for large group (except 5th grade, who will move to the big room and back).

There are limited spots left for our Easter-egg hunt on Saturday, April 3rd. Please REGISTER HERE,

Obviously, never having done anything like this before, we are mostly relying on word of mouth. It is hard to know how many people will show, but we will be prepared for about 120 families We hope this will work for parents who are looking for something to lift their children’s spirits a little bit and offer something for the kids to take back home and have their own Easter eggs while they are socially distancing. After all, Easter is about hope!

How can I help? We'll need some decorations for the drive through line and some "Easter Bunnies" to hide eggs and some adults to help direct traffic. Message me if interested.

For more information on the church’s events, call (501)217.6700
As things develop, stay tuned to our SM channels, as we look to reinvent how we do ministry in these uncertain times:

We will be closely monitoring developments and will be making additional adjustments as advised or needed. Please be in prayer for our world and church community.

Message me, should you need anything.
When Adam and Eve decided that their way was better than God’s way and broke God’s rule, they changed the relationship between God and His creation. When once everything and everyone could be in the presence of God, now we were at odds with God. God could have done anything He wanted, including wiping us out and starting over. But instead, God decided to make peace
with us. Ultimately God did this through His Son, Jesus.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He paid the price for everything that was wrong and unfair in this world. Because of Jesus, we can have peace. We don’t have to get even. Instead, we can reflect the character of Christ
by caring for others and making peace.
This month, we are going to be talking about something that is high and wide and deep. Do you know what it is? Yes, it’s the love of Jesus. Jesus’ love for each of us is so wide and long and high and deep that we can’t even measure it! And, we are going to have so much fun introducing this truth to our preschoolers this month!

We start the month with the best Sunday of the year—Easter! How exciting that we get to share the story of Easter with our youngest friends this month. Some of them will be hearing for the very first time that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Yes! Jesus is alive, and He wants to be our friend forever!

We want to share the good news that Jesus is alive with our preschoolers all month long. We want them to hear over and over again that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. We want this foundational truth of Jesus’ great love for them to live in each preschooler’s heart.
**Starting next Sunday, April 11th, we will no longer post the Sunday school links to Facebook. They will be archived on the Children's Ministry page on the website.**
April 4th -- HAPPY EASTER
St. James Kids is happy to announce Vacation Bible School will be June 14-17 in the evenings from 6pm to 8pm at the St. James UMC Christian Life Center across the street from the Church proper. We will kick the week off on Sunday, June 13 with a dinner and dance party from 6-7pm. This year's VBS will be an event for the whole family that parents will attend with kids!

As everything is after the "before times", VBS has been re-imagined to take everyone’s safety into account. Registration IS required. We encourage families to sign up together with friends you feel comfortable being at a table with each evening. Each evening’s events will take place at the same table that is properly distanced from other tables based on the CDC’s recommendation.  
The general schedule will be as follows:
6:00 to 6:30 Opening Show and Worship
6:30 to 7:00 Table Groups
7:00 to 7:25 Crafts
7:25 to 7:35 Snack
7:35 to 7:55 Wind up & Worship

Attn: TWEENS 3rd - 5th graders
The Parent Cue App cues you to have simple and meaningful faith-moments with your kid that will fit seamlessly into the daily rhythm of your life. 
The secret to being the parent you want to be is to pay attention to your daily and weekly rhythm. Chances are, your family has a rhythm that’s entirely your own. Maybe you sing in the morning. Maybe no one speaks before 11am. Every family is unique! Each week, the parent cue app will send “cues” to help you make the most of some of your typical family moments: Like morning time, drive time, meal time, or bedtime. It’s okay if one of these times isn’t a good fit for you. Simply use whatever works in your family routine, and then use it . . . routinely.
We are here for you and with you.

Peace be with you!

Sean Dunbar
Director of Children’s Ministry
St. James UMC
321 Pleasant Valley Dr.
Little Rock, AR 72212
(o) 501.217.6744
(c) 501.351.1496
Twitter: @stjameslrkids
Instagram: @stjameskids