COVID-19 has every business on edge and looking for ways to cut some costs without directly affecting their ability to put out the product or service that their...
Bad things happen. If your business fails to plan for the worst, when something terrible does happen, you could be looking at disaster. If you have a...
Small business owners are always on the lookout for that "special something" that will bring added value to their offering. In 2020, with COVID-19 sticking around, it...
We've all been affected one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses have been some of the hardest hit, as many were not deemed...
Nowadays, every business accepts payment cards. To protect people's personal and financial information when conducting transactions using credit...
Of all the technology that you have in the office, your printers may not be at the top of your list of security concerns. This is a mistake, as an unprotected...

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IT Industry Secret
The Pay-By-The-Hour Computer Company, in the IT Industry, we call this the 'break-fix' practice. That's because this type of company bases the majority of their income on the fact that your technology will break, and you will pay them to fix it. These companies usually charge per hour for support, or perhaps offer a discount with blocks of prepaid time. Their technicians come to your office to solve a specific computer issue. Read the Rest Online!
Tech Fun Fact
Tweets featuring images receive 18% more clicks than those without.