Thank you Valley Cities Staff!

Thank you for sharing your awesome pets, fun ways your teams have celebrated staff appreciation month, and all your support and love for your coworkers! People like you are what makes Valley Cities a dynamic, vibrant organization. Thank you! 

As the month nears the end, lets not let up on all the positive momentum we have going! Please continue to share your shout out, pets, and ways you are celebrating staff appreciation this month. 

Shout out!

If you would like to share your furry friends (or cool plants!) or how your team is celebrating staff appreciation month please email: [email protected]

Raffle Drawings!

Burr Grinder

Knife Block Set

Soho Backpack

Thank you Phil C. for witnessing the drawings and ensuring they were done accurately.

Some Reminders

  • If you missed this month's "Bulletin" make sure to check it out here

  • Managers are planning half day staff retreats for team building during August. Connect with your manager for your team's individual plan.

Valley Cities Raffle #3 (Open 8/22-8/28)

If you didn't win a prize this past week, you still have a chance this week and next! Including this month's raffle, there are two raffles left.

You do not have to be present to win, but you must play to win!

Raffle #3!

Shout Outs!

  • Shout out to Donna N for being the leader you are and for being supportive to the staff. We also love your sense of humor!

  • The staff at Midway have been dynamic and responsive to the changing needs of clients and the manner in which services are provided. You guys have persevered, continuing to support clients while experiencing your own personal needs.
  • Thank you for staying client first and for all that you are doing!

  • Gina is a caring and thoughtful. Gina cares greatly about her staff and their wellbeing. Thank you Gina for all you do for your team and for Valley Cities!

  • Ameeca is a thorough and consistent manager and is greatly appreciate for all she brings to her staff and Valley Cities!!

  • Aeon is an amazing clinician who does everything she can to provide the best and most consistent care to her clients. Thank you for all your hard and caring work! Federal Way is lucky to have you!!

  • A shout out to Julia Nguyen of New Journeys for being a remarkably outstanding Therapist. Thank you for making our team so wonderful.

  • To: Amber Cunningham, David Wakukawa, Kiya Guire, Joel Mog, Khava Dobrenski, Jo McDonald, Mallori Cusumano, Megan Luning, Josh Xu, Jessica Olstad, Joyce Myles-Beach, Laraine Esposito, Sillvanna Abdu, Kat Hunsberger, the med providers; Jane Nwankwookoye, Angela Tiede, Louisa Michael and the fabulous Lula Smith. Thank you all for helping to rebuild the Renton Clinic with your passion for the work, the joy you bring everyday and the support you give each other.

  • Our Enumclaw team is growing !I want to thank everyone for supporting us through many changes. Thank you to clinic staff that come here from other sites to support our clients. And to the staff at Enumclaw I think you all are wonderful and I am happy to be a part of this wonderful team.

  • Ashley England- thank you for being such a positive force of nature for our clients here at RPK. The recovery world is so lucky to have you as an advocate for wellness and treatment. You shine a bright light into the darkest of places and it is evident that you care about the population that you serve. It is an honor to work with you and has been an amazing journey to watch you step into what is truly the field that you were made for during this season. Keep shining bright and thank you for always being a positive person to be around! We appreciate you.

  • Tammie Holmes, thank you for your bright, positive light. Thank you for always sharing what is on your mind, as it is always wisdom that only ever contributes to the wellness of others. Thank you for your support, with not just the clients, but for us that work here at RPK. I appreciate your teaching spirit and how you see it as an assignment to take others under your wing. You are an honor to work with and I truly am a better person because I have met you.

  • Karol Hoyt, from the beginning of RPK to now, it has been an honor to work with you here. I truly appreciate you as a person, coworker, and your approach with our population that we serve. You are the type of caring/compassionate person that also carries a no nonsense attitude when it comes to recovery and I really do look up to that about you. Our clients are extremely lucky to have you while they are here, and we at RPK are even luckier because we get to work with you for the longevity. I hope you know just how valuable you are here and how your presence really makes a positive difference.

  • Just want to give a shout out to Delila. Not only is she an amazing dedicated Peer but is one of the most supportive co-workers. Thank you for all you do!!

  • Jeffery Kendall, Thank you for your team work here are RPK. The care that you show to our population goes unmatched! Your intelligence comes with a grace, and then your great sense of humor all paired together is a recipe for a phenomenal psych provider and coworker. Thank you for always being a positive person to be around, even on the most hectic of days. Your presence is a pivotal to our team and how we contribute to the recovery world. Thank you for being so fun to work with!

  • Shout out to Lisa Cash at FW1 for all your hard work and dedication to your clients!! YOU ROCK!!

  • Shout out for all your dedication and hard work Pam @FW1. You are the best at what you do and we appreciate you!

  • Thank you Orin and the rest of the IT team for answering ALL the questions that have been coming your way related to the transition to Outlook. Orin has been particularly helpful in providing step-by-step guidance and accurate information for staff. Thank you!

  • Sandy Brown and Teonie Heck, You two deserve a shout out for being simply amazing. You are truly the backbone of the Kent Clinic! Couldn't ask for better team mates!

  • Big shout out to the SUD team. Particularly Rodney and Denise! Many clients walk through the doors seeking help and their compassion and respect is inspiring.

  • Big shout out to Wendy Adams. She is a rock star at the Federal Way Front Desk and handles the most challenging situations with warmth, tact, and professionalism.

  • To a supervisor that has shown strength, courage and support to his team. Thank you, John Throckmorton, for continuing to be a rock of support and strength when need during adversity. You are appreciated by your team more than words could ever convey.

  • This small but extremely important team has been through a lot in the last 2 years. Those who have remained with Valley Cities continue to persevere and bring their positive and focused work ethic to the office each day! They are true warriors with dedication and commitment to their roles at VC and our clients. A big SHOUT OUT and a bigger THANK YOU for all do you do each and every day!

        Shawn Steffensen

        Diane Hartle

        Michelle Mooney

        Kari Bingman

        and our newest member, Kaylin Dahms!

  • Thank you to the amazing Match Care Navigators: Oliver Edwards, Jeanette Anderson, Samantha Burrow, Rachel Bennett and Amanda Morris. These dedicated clinicians provide outstanding, compassionate care and strive to be the very best at what they do. I am honored to work alongside them!

  • Big shout out for the Kent Front Desk team for always being there for our clients and staff; your support is invaluable to us!

  • Shout out for Tracy Johnson, Clinic Manager at Auburn. Tracy works and works and works. She is smart, wise, professional, understanding, patient, caring, experienced, thoughtful, courteous, friendly....etc. She does what others fear to do. She goes where others fear to tread. There is no way to give her the full credit she deserves. She also is humble and does not brag on herself. If you see her, please tell her you saw this shout out.

  • The team at the Enumclaw clinic has worked hard to get the energy and flow going again at the clinic. Everyone on the team is working well together to identify client needs, and then developing effective plans on how to meet those needs. As a result, client engagement has increased, and clients are reporting that they are feeling connected again to clinical supports. With the strength, focus, and resilience of the team the Enumclaw clinic is on its way to being an impactful positive support on the area.

Staff Retreats and Appreciation 

The Rainier Clinic Team spent their staff retreat having a fun day bowling. Thanks for the pics!

The Midway team enjoyed some snack accompanied by some clever word play.

"Whether your Monday has been salty or sweet, your attendance is appreciated! Please head to the comm room and grab a treat!"

Valley Cities Pets!

Thank you Kathryn Fisher for sharing your pup with us! Meet Cosmo – a rescue who came to us abused, scared, angry and with a ton of health issues. 5 years and a lot of vet bills later he is a different pup full of energy, sass and shenanigans!

Thank you Tanya Stephenson for sharing Annie with us! 

"This Annie she belongs to my Grandson Judah and has been his four-legged best friend since he was five. This summer she developed a cancerous tumor on her paw. This led to her having to have a full leg amputation; she is truly remarkable, she didn't miss a beat and remains the same smiling, loving dog she has always been. "

Thank you Erin Dunn for sharing your dog Oreo with us!

Meet Oreo, she is almost 11 and is a Border Cllie mix.

Thank you Angela Coe for sharing your cat Moki!

"Moki is so sweet, got him from the Auburn Humane Society in 2019 and we call him low key Moki, but he is actually high energy. He wears sweaters (briefly until they turn back into yarn), he goes everywhere including the beach, parades, high school graduation, and even has visits to the college dorm!"

Thank you Rosa Fischer for sharing your dog, Lorenzo, with us!

Lorenzo was brought from Peru when he was 7 months, and now is 7 years old. 

He is the national dog breed of Peru, "Peruvian Inca Orchid" or "Viringo". This bread has been with the Peruvian people since the year 300BC and is considered a national patrimony.