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February 4, 2021
In This Issue


As a reminder, the Staff Communicator will be distributed each Thursday that school is in session, and also distributed as needed throughout the year. Archives can be found HERE.
COVID19 Vaccine Sign-Up: STILL OPEN!!!
On January 19 the district sent out a sign-up form for ANY employee to use to sign-up to reserve a free COVID19 vaccine when they are available. As this communication indicates, we are still awaiting details regarding the timeline, logistics and brand of the vaccine. As soon as we have that information we will share it.

Since we still do not have specific details for distribution or a timeline on when we will need to report how many doses we need, we will keep this sign up form open for the time being. If you haven't signed up yet and would like to use the link below. 

Republic Named International PLC Community Model District
We have some BIG NEWS to share...Republic School District is the VERY FIRST district in the entire state of Missouri to be recognized as a Solution Tree INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY MODEL DISTRICT!!! This is an accolade that only 23 other districts in the ENTIRE NATION have received...WOW!!!!!!

The work of our amazing leaders and teachers led to this outstanding award, which was achieved through a very rigorous application process. As a reminder, a large part of "professional learning communities" are what happens during Friday Early Release time each week. Our teachers collaborate and dive into student data together to come up with interventions on how to best meet student needs immediately. We couldn't be prouder to achieve this award as it materializes the practices we implement every day to meet our mission to "prepare each student for a successful future!"

Details about our PLC system is available at,1743 for other schools to use as a resource. Check it out! A representative from Solution Tree is expected to attend the February Board of Education meeting to present an award to the district. #repmoproud
Mrs. Coursey sent an email on February 1 with links to two forms gauging interest in 100% virtually teaching next school year and summer school teaching interest. If you are interested in either, or both, please complete those forms by FEBRUARY 12

Free COVID19 Testing for Employees on Campus
Free COVID19 testing continues to be available to district employees Monday-Friday during school hours that exhibit two or more symptoms OR those wanting to possibly test out of quarantine. 

To schedule a time to get tested, contact the school nurse at the location you wish to test at via email (listed below).

RHS Nurse: Nancy Leonard,
McCulloch Nurse: Michaela Moore,
Schofield Nurse: Char-Marie Jennings,
Sweeny Nurse: Sarah Hanley,
Health Services & Wellness Program Coordinator: Natalie Botkin,
AHA Heart Health Month--WEAR RED DAY TOMORROW, 2/5!
Republic School District is a proud partner of the American Heart Association! During the month of February we will celebrate "heart health month" with various activities. The first will be WEAR RED DAY TOMORROW Friday, February 5! Either wear the AHA shirt you ordered or any kind of red!

In addition, each building will participate in FUN FIT FRIDAYS with building specific heart healthy activities. Elementary students will participate in an AHA program through PE, and we'll also share some important information from AHA in each Staff Communicator during February, like the graphic below. 
CDC, Washington University & GCHD On Campus
In our continued effort to help fight the spread of COVID19 we are working closely with the Springfield-Greene County Health Department on an exciting school-based project with Washington University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This project is a study of our COVID19 prevention strategies and quarantine/isolation procedures. These organizations are working with schools all across Missouri to gain insight on best practices that can be shared with others across the nation. They will be onsite in our schools over the next few weeks.
Participation in this project is completely voluntary! If your student tests positive for COVID19 or was exposed while at school, your student may be offered a free COVID19 saliva test (with parental consent) and asked to answer some questions that will assist us and our public health partners in knowing more about how to keep students safe in our schools during this pandemic.

No School 2/12 & 2/15
There will be no school for students on Friday, February 12th for a scheduled School Improvement Day, which will allow for teacher training and collaboration. School is also not in session for students on Monday, February 15th, as a holiday for President's Day. Families needing childcare can sign up by Wednesday, February 10th at 4:30 p.m. for Cub Care by clicking HERE. Cub Care is available for kindergarten-8th grade students and preschool PALS students on 2/12 only.
Cornelsen Named Head Football Coach & Asst. Activities Director
Republic School District would like to welcome Coach Ryan Cornelsen to our team! The Board of Education approved Cornelsen to serve as Head Football Coach and Assistant Activities Director for the 2021-22 school year. He will also teach PE courses at RHS. CLICK HERE to read more.
Innovation Summit PROPOSALS NEEDED!

Innovation Summit: Vision 2021


Submit your Breakout Proposal and/or Roundtable Proposal by March 21, 2021, for GOCSD's Innovation Summit. You are welcome to submit multiple proposals on different topics. Presenters will be notified in April, and at the event receive an exclusive Innovator Bag of Swag, that includes a book from a Keynote speaker or an Innovator T-Shirt. 

All proposals will be evaluated by our committee using this Scoring Guide. To get started, review our Proposal Writing Tips and list of Hot Topics. We will be including a MOCanvas Strand in the program, instead of having a separate MOCanvas event. The Hot Topics list includes some Canvas related topics. 

You can use the guides below as a resource when planning your session.


  • Breakout Session Planning Guide: These 45-minute sessions are a combination of a lecture, featuring audience participation and interaction with the presenter and/or hands-on activities. They may include multiple presenters. 
  • RoundTable Session Planning Guide: This is a small group of participants with a facilitator, gathering in an informal setting for an in-depth discussion on a particular topic for 45 minutes. 


At this point, we are planning for a seated event, but will reevaluate in the Spring if needed. This is a great opportunity to represent your District at a premiere conference and share your innovative and effective strategies, programs and practices.

For questions about the Innovation Summit please contact Michelle Brenner,, or Janetta Garton,
District and Community Announcements

Upcoming Dates
February 5: End of Progress 3 (Elementary)
February 11: End of Progress 8 (RMS & RHS)
February 11: Elementary Progress Reports Distributed
February 12: SI Day, No School
February 15: District Closed for President's Day
February 18: Board of Education meeting, 7:00 p.m. at Central Office
February 19: Progress 8 Reports Distributed (RMS & RHS)

*Reminder that every Friday of seated school (phase 1) during the school year full day preschool-12th grade students are released one hour early for teacher collaboration time.
For questions or comments please contact me via email or by calling 417-732-3605.

Josey McPhail

Director of Communications
Republic School District