As part of the Southeast NC Regional Trails Plan , NC State Parks is holding a stakeholder workshop for the Mid-Carolina Region, Cumberland , Harnett , and Sampson Counties, on Wednesday, March 11 from 1pm to 3pm .

The workshop will be at the Harnett County Administration Building , 420 McKinney Parkway , Lillington , NC 27546 .

Project managers will cover the process for developing the regional trails plan and an provide an overview of existing conditions in the region. Feedback will be solicited on a variety of topics – verifying existing and proposed trails, local visions for trails in the region, identifying desired locations for trails, and potential opportunities and challenges for trail building.

Decision-makers and staff at the municipal and county levels who can inform the planning process and want to learn more about implementing the final network are invited. Potential participants include:

  • County Managers, Municipal Managers, Elected Officials
  • Parks and Recreation Staff
  • Planning Staff
  • Municipal, County, and Regional Transportation Staff
  • Economic and Community Development Professionals

More information about the project can be found at .

Please RSVP by contacting Laura Stroud at .