Unite, before it is too late.
WeChat account ID is: 8020ef.  Please scan our QR code, 
shown below, & on 80-20 EF's WeChat site. For a Chinese 
version of this  e-newsletter, click on https://goo.gl/6GsJWe

                                      Background Information

        During a February 13th Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on worldwide threats,  Senator Rubio, FL, asked, "What...is the counter-intelligence risk posed to U.S. National Security  from Chinese students, particularly those in advanced programs in the sciences &  mathematics?" 
FBI Director Wray responded that Chinese students and scholars pose a 
national security threat that requires "a whole-of-society response by us." - a view that is  shared among U.S. intelligence officials.    

      Would such a view lead to the internment of all persons of Chinese 
descent, whether they are from China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, or
Singapore, ..., etc., IF and WHEN the relationship between our nation and China turns confrontational?   Will such a view adversely affect the careers
and even daily lives of all U.S. citizens of Chinese descent, even when they are apolitical ?   We  leave  to you to judge.

                       The Statement From FBI Director Wray

    Click on  http://www.businessinsider.com/china-threat-to-america-fbi-director-warns-2018-2  to find out for yourself.  We strongly urge you to read it  to find out how serious the situation is.
Strong Response from the
      Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, CACAP
    Please click here  to see superb responses from  Congresswoman Judy  Chu (CA-27) , CAPAC Chair, Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33),  CAPAC Whip, and  Congresswoman  Grace Meng (NY-06).
"The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) is comprised of Members of  Congress  of Asian and Pacific Islander descent and members who have a strong dedication to  promoting the  well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. "

 Unite!!   80-20 STRONGLY Recommends for

the top leader of all Asian Am organizations, large or small, to work with
80-20 Initiative as equals to support the CAPAC statements.  P lease reply to this email. When we have more than 250 AsAm orgs standing together, we'll call a national press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.  to declare our United Stand.  Reply  now!  Hang together or hang separately!

         We strongly believe that this is the best  political action that our entire AsAm community can take to protect ourselves for  2 reasons:

    (a) Too many statements from various  corners  of our community may only detract from the internal cohesiveness that our community must 
demonstrate at this critical juncture, and
     (b) Poorly-considered statements by  political  immature AsAm organizations can be exploited by unprincipled politicians as evidence that American  citizens of Chinese  descent  should be profiled.  

       FORWARD this email to leaders of various AsAm orgs.   Thank you.

S. B. Woo 

President and a volunteer for the past 20 years.
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)

To know more about 80-20, view these videos :