Standard of Heaven | Shin-Joon, the Future 3rd King

"Elvis" Brings the Gospel to Home Depot!

Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world. 1 Cor 11:27-32

If you are trying to find love, you are misguided. You cannot "find" love. It goes against the process of the law of creation to look for love. You have to invest yourself first. Have you done that? Have you poured your love into your spouse? Love is bound to come back to you as much as you have poured your life into the other. When that happens, love starts coming back.

I always invest myself wholeheartedly. I spare nothing. I always search out how I can give even more. Then all things start to follow me. At that point ownership begins. That is when you start to truly own things. A husband and wife may think they love each other and say they love each other, but they need to be patient with each other. If one disagrees with the other and gets offended and they start quarreling, that is obviously not love. Love emerges when we want to put our whole life into the relationship so there is nothing more to put in. After that love starts coming back. Then there is no more quarreling.

The more we love, the more love and ownership will come to us. That is the living, daily philosophy of the Unification Church. When we practice this, we are guaranteed to be on the right path… Who is going to be the center of that family, the master of that house, in the future? It will be the person who invests the most into that family. It will be the person who gives everything he has for the sake of the other family members day in and day out without expecting anything in return… Everyone and everything will want to belong to that person.

We have to put our life totally into what we are doing. This is what God has done for us. If we do that all things will want to belong to us. In order to own everything with love, give. Give all you have. This is our credo. SMM, The Will and I, April 1, 1988

Hello Richard,

First, be sure to watch the short, but powerfully moving video posted below, Standard of Heaven | Shin-Joon, the Future 3rd King.

Hyung Jin Nim started his Sunday message by discussing how this is a crazy time in our nation’s history. President Trump announced that he will likely be arrested this week. This is what happens in 3rd world countries, where candidates in the opposition party are arrested so they cannot run for office. They are political prisoners. Patriots are called to protest, but we need to be careful how we do so, since the Feds are likely to infiltrate protests like they did on Jan. 6.

Putin is a dictator, but in certain ways he could be said to be a Christian dictator who rejects the Transgender cult religion promoted in the West. Canada declared him to be a war criminal. It shows the elites in the West have no desire for a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. Do they really care about ending the suffering of people?

Heart of God - Sanctuary Service 3/19/2023

Unfortunately, many of the Neo-Conservatives are in bed with the Democrats and the Deep State. They have to be replaced or “fired.” That is why Hyung Jin Nim is grateful to groups like the Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) and Gunowners of America. He attended the lobby day at the Capitol in Nashville for a Constitutional Carry bill, which was passed in the committee.

John Harris, Esq., is the leader of TFA, has been working for 25 years as an unpaid volunteer. One cop from Michigan who testified said he was always against civilian ownership of guns, but he changed his mind after reading John Lott’s book, More Guns, Less Crime. He started to do home visits to teach gun safety. Then they began to observe a drop in gun crimes in his district.

Hyung Jin was asked to speak at the luncheon gathering that followed. He was able to share a testimony about True Father’s life in Hungnam prison and also in Danbury, and about the danger of totalitarianism.

Next he showed the new King Bullethead “Hellfire” music video, which is a gospel song in the blues/rock genre performed by Victor "Elvis" Moon. Victor was a professional “B Boy” break dancer in Korea. He has also been training hard in Jiu Jitsu. Shigeru created the amazing guitar music in the background. We “Moonies” are not hiding. We are out in the community, empowering people to uphold a Godly culture.

Then he discussed the passage in 1 Corinthians 11, where Paul advises the early church in Corinth, which had an Agape feast or “potluck” before the holy Lord’s Supper, taking the bread and wine symbolizing Jesus’ body and blood. Some came with food and some had none. Paul advised them to feed those who had no food.

People come to church as if it were a hospital, so they are not perfect. You can’t blame the hospital if you were not healed. People are sick. They come because they are trying to get better.  Jesus know he was already being betrayed during his last Passover service. He knew very well the imperfections of his disciples, but looked beyond their failures to their future victories to come.

Standard of Heaven | Shin-Joon, the Future 3rd King

Then he gave advice about family relationships. It’s important when raising kids to not be emotional junkies. Be disciplined with your emotions and judicious in your judgments.

It’s important to develop yourself physically and mentally. Brothers should be not just a priest, but also a king who is powerful. If a wife respects her husband as a priest even when he is speaking in an awkward way, he will be motivated to become better. It takes time to develop in this area, like any other.

 The church is a "hospital," but it is also a training ground. If you have a disagreement with a brother or sister, before complaining on the Internet, why not talk to that person face-to-face? Have grace towards one another.

Children do dumb things; that is why we don’t allow them to make adult decisions. They are learning how to get things they want, how to negotiate. If you burn bridges with other families quickly, your children will be hurt in the future.

Western doctors couldn’t solve his piercing headaches, but a self-taught acupuncturist, who trained on homeless people and prostitutes to develop his skill, solved them. Sometimes the more bitter the medicine is, the better it is. Only through Christ’s love, are we made perfect. God wants your heart. Pray for the one who is offending you.


How Rhetoric Damaged Black Prosperity

Vision Wars Chapter 3.3 examines the claims of Robin Di'Angelo, Ibram X. Kendi, and the founders of Black Lives Matter that America is systemically racist and that the solution is to abandon "racist" capitalism and to impose greater centralized government control to redress past injustices. Are claims of systemic racism really a "cover-up" for the failure of public schools? The progressive agenda enacted into law during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and the rhetorical attack on "Uncle Toms" who embraced the American dream did enormous damage to many Black families and communities, undoing decades of real progress.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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