July - September   2022

Volume 59--- Issue 3

Planning Progress

 Navarre Landlords Agree to Pay $14,500

to Settle Housing Discrimination Case

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) approved a Conciliation Agreement between roommates and their landlords resolving allegations that the landlords discriminated on the basis of family status in violation of the Fair Housing Act. 

The Stark County Fair Housing Department assisted the couple in filing a discrimination complaint with the OCRC alleging the owners and operators of Acorn Acres Limited Partnership and Guardian Michael Limited Partnership served one of the roommates a notice to leave the premises after learning he obtained custody of his 3-year old son. Allegedly, the owners also made statements indicating that they did not want children in the building. 

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Upcoming Events

Application Workshop for the FY 2023-2025

Stark County Community Development Block Grant 

Stark County’s HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program


HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP) Program

Stark County Regional Planning Commission (SCRPC) is under contract with the Board of Stark County Commissioners to administer Stark County’s HOME funding. Stark County receives a direct entitlement of dollars from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and works as part of a Consortium with the cities of Alliance and Massillon to carry out eligible HOME activities. This program year, Stark County received $1,014,159 in HOME funding. SCRPC holds an application workshop which marks the open application period for HOME funding. The workshop will be held on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 9am – 10:30am at 201- 3rd Street NE, Canton, Ohio 44702.

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Funding Available through Stark County Land Bank’s

50/50 Demolition Assistance Program [DAP]

Each year, the Stark County Land Bank allocates funding to assist Stark County cities, villages and townships with strategic demolition of residential and commercial properties that are beyond repair or rehabilitation. This funding is provided as a matched reimbursement of up to 50% of hard-demolition costs that are incurred on the project.

There are still funds available from the Land Bank’s 2022 allocation to help pay for demolitions. If your community has a property in need of demolition and is interested in applying for demolition funding assistance for a project, please contact Sarah Peters, Land Bank Manager, at 330-451-7387 for more information. The DAP Program policies and the application are available on the Land Bank’s webpage at:


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Stark County Housing Rehab Program

The Stark County Regional Planning Commission has several programs that can help residents with home repairs.

Full Housing Rehab Program – A 50% deferred loan/50% grant program for qualified applicants that helps provide decent, safe and sanitary housing by bringing homes up to Stark County minimum code.

Emergency Housing Rehab Program – A grant program for qualified applicants to help with an emergency situation that poses a threat to the health and safety of the occupant(s), such as no heat or no water to the home.

Handicap Accessibility Rehab Program – A grant program to help qualified applicants with permanent physical disabilities make their home handicap accessible.

Sanitary Sewer Connection/Septic Improvement Program – A deferred loan program for qualified applicants for connection to the Stark County Sanitary Sewer system (where available) or for repair or replacement of septic systems where sanitary sewer does not exist.

For more information contact Jill Ross at 330-451-7399 or visit our website at www.rpc.starkcountyohio.gov   -(Community Development Department)

COVID-19 Business Safety Initiative -

Supporting local businesses to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and

promote healthy and safe environments

The Business Safety Specialist has been hard at work assisting Stark County businesses with the COVID-19 Business Safety Initiative. Through a federal CDBG-CV grant from the Board of Stark County Commissioners, the initiative purchased needed safety supplies like automatic hand sanitizers, HEPA air purification systems and pen sanitizing stations. These items continue to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses in the community. All businesses in the health district, with the exception of the Village of Hills and Dales, are eligible for assistance.

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Updated News on the School Travel Plans for

Louisville Elementary and Middle Schools

"Stop, look both ways!" "No, you cannot skateboard down Main Street!" "Okay, you can ride your scooter down the driveway, but don't go past the edge of the house..." You can imagine the panic and sinking feeling of parents whose children are injured while playing or traveling to and from school. The Safe Routes to Schools program establishes a means to safely encourage walking and bicycling to schools through creating a School Travel Plan. These plans incorporate a great deal of information: student and parent surveys, observation and reviews of established school procedures, reviews of traffic crash reports, and public meetings to generate ideas for safety projects and/or training, all to improve the safety of children traveling to and from school.

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Stormwater Billboard Contest

As part of the Stormwater Education Program, middle and high school students had the opportunity to enter a Billboard Contest. The winning entry with original artwork was displayed on actual billboards throughout Stark County. This year's theme is "Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart."


Stark County Regional Planning Commission

201- 3rd St. NE, Suite 201

Canton, Ohio 44702


President: Galen Stoll

Executive Director: Robert Nau