Each new year brings a fresh start to be the best you. We look forward to helping you reach your goals through our ground breaking techniques, current research and expertise.

Do you have a resolution or a lingering issue you'd like to work on? We can help you feel your best from the inside out. Call us! 858-457-8419
Get Back to Getting It On: 
Your Guide to Pain-Free Sex Postpartum
Wednesday, January 23, 7pm - 8pm

Life Adjusted Wellness - 4411 30th St, #103, San Diego, CA

Learn From Dr. Rose Schlaff, PT, DPT, WHC, IF

During this free workshop, Dr. Rose Schlaff will discuss pelvic floor anatomy and function, contributing factors of pain during sex postpartum, desire and arousal postpartum, and strategies for decreasing pain and getting back to getting it on without pain. This is a movement-based workshop, so comfortable attire is encouraged. Click to Learn More »

Preparing for Pregnancy Workshop
Wednesday, January 30, 6pm - 7:30pm

Wildcraft Medicine - 7472 La Jolla Blvd Suite A, La Jolla CA 92037

Learn From Dr. Emily Poccia and Dr. Rose Schlaff, PT, DPT, WHC, IF

Thinking about starting your family or adding to it? Come join Dr. Emily Poccia, ND and Dr. Rose Schlaff, PT, DPT, WHC, IF as they discuss how to prepare your body, mind, and spirit for pregnancy. Dr. Emily will be talking about what foods, and nutrients best support fertility. She will also go over important supplements needed for a healthy pregnancy, and things to consider like stress reduction and how to minimize and remove toxicity from your body and home. Finally, she will touch on some common health concerns to consider addressing before becoming pregnant to increase your chances of a healthy and viable pregnancy.

Dr. Rose Schlaff is a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor physical therapy. She will discuss how to prepare your body for pregnancy and birth, address common issues during pregnancy including leaking urine, pain, separation of abdominal muscle (diastasis recti) and review safe and effective pelvic floor and core exercises that you can use to start preparing your body today for your pregnancy.  Click to Learn More »

Tickets: $10 | RSVP Email:  info@wildcraftmedicine.com

Vulvodynia Support Group
Saturday, February 9th at 10am

CTS - 5677 Oberlin Drive, Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92121

Do you or someone you know: Suffer from chronic vulvar and/or vaginal pain? Have pain with intercourse? Been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC)? Have pelvic floor dysfunction? If so, please join our support group!  Click to Learn More »

RSVP to Cindy Furey:  cindy@comprehensivetherapy.com or 858-457-8419

Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are separate products and should be used for separate purposes. It's important to know the difference. Although vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are both used to treat vaginal dryness, when you use them varies.

Lubrication: Lubrication is only meant to be used with sexual intercourse. Lubrication can be applied to the vulva or vagina - even on a male partner's penis - prior to intercourse. The function of lubrication is to decrease friction due to vaginal dryness, which can be a source of pain or discomfort with intercourse. Lubrication is not absorbed into the skin but rather sits on the skin's surface. Not all lubricants are created equally. They tend to be either water, silicone, or oil-based. Additionally, some water-based products contain glycerin, a preservative that is processed as sugar in the body, which can increase bacterial growth and is not recommended for women who are prone to yeast infections.

1. Water-based lubricants are best for people with sensitive skin and are non-staining to bedding. They also have the lowest breakage rate when used with condoms. However, water-based lubrication can dry up quicker, requiring more frequent application. This product cannot be used in water. Many lubricant companies produce water, silicone, or oil-based options, so make sure to check the label. Examples of water-based lubricants: Slippery Stuff, Good Clean Love, KY Ultra Gel, Liquid Silk, YES, Astroglide, FemGlide.

2. Silicone-based lubricant is typically longer-lasting than water-based and can be used in water. Do not use a silicone lubricant with silicone toys, as it will ruin the toy's surface. Since silicone doesn't dry out, it can be necessary to remove the silicone residue from the vulva with warm water and soap. It can also take some time for the vagina to eliminate the silicone, which can pose a higher risk of infection. Silicone can stain also bedding. Examples of silicone-based lubricants: Pjur, Uberlube, Astroglide, Pink, Platinum.

3. Oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms or diaphragms. Due to the thicker consistency of oil, bacteria can more easily stick around in the vagina, encouraging bacterial growth and irritation. This is more common with synthetic oil products (petroleum, baby and mineral oil). versus the natural oil options (plant-based). Polyurethane condoms, however, can be used with oil-based lubricants. Examples of oil-based lubricants: Petroleum Jelly, baby oil, and mineral oil, YES OB, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, vitamin E oil.

Warning: Warming lubricants, that are marketed to enhance sexual stimulation or pleasure, often contain ingredients such as capsaicin (a component of chili peppers) and glycerin, which can increase the chance of yeast infections. Although some women do experience a warming sensation, some report symptoms of burning and stinging.

Vaginal Moisturizer: Unlike lubrication, vaginal moisturizers absorb into the skin and cling to the vaginal lining to mimic natural vaginal secretions. Moisturizers can be applied regularly, as they help to enhance vaginal moisture throughout the day and can last for several days once applied. They can be used together with lubrication during intercourse. Moisturizers may also be applied into the vagina using an applicator. A down-side to vaginal moisturizers is that they can be messy, as the vaginal tissue absorbs what is needed and excretes the rest. Hand and body lotions should not be used to alleviate vaginal dryness, as they can cause irritation to vaginal tissues.

The hormone, estrogen, helps to maintain a moist environment in the vagina. Moist tissues help to maintain a balanced pH in the vagina and keep the vaginal tissues elastic and strong. The reduction of estrogen can lead to thinning and drying of vaginal tissues. Estrogen levels can drop due to: menopause, childbirth and breastfeeding, radiation or chemotherapy treatment, surgical removal of the ovaries, anti-estrogen medication used to treat uterine fibroids or endometriosis. As a result, itching, burning, and soreness of these tissues can be present throughout the day, not just during intercourse. Vaginal moisturizers can be used up to 3 times a week to treat these symptoms. Ingredients in vaginal moisturizers can vary, primarily between oil and water-based ingredients. It is important to also be aware of glycerin present in many vaginal moisturizers. Example of vaginal moisturizers include: YES VM, V Magic, Membrasin Vitality Pearls, Replens, Good Clean Love, Luvena, Vagisil Prohydrate, KY liquibeads.

Due to the varying ingredients in every product, it is difficult to recommend a vaginal lubricant or moisturizer that will work for everyone. Often trial and error is needed to find what products work for your body. It can be helpful to discuss the pros and cons of different ingredients with your doctor who can make a recommendation based on your vulvovaginal health.
Emmy Cozine, PT, DPT
Turning the page on the new year is a chance to wipe the slate clean-and to be better versions of ourselves. And when it comes to what we want to improve, goals that fall in the health and wellness arena top all other New Year's resolutions. In fact, three of the top four resolutions in a 2018 YouGov poll were health-related: eat healthier, get more exercise, and focus on self-care.
There are three types of people who choose a goal from the health and wellness category as a New Year's resolution: the resolution newbie, the resolution master and the resolution flunkee. Let's see which category you most identify with-and how focusing on the right strategy can help you get healthier in the new year.
Resolution Newbie. Maybe this is your first time making a commitment to your health and wellness. Good for you! Did a recent event like a health scare or loss of a loved one make you see the light? Or perhaps you want to be more active to enjoy activities with your grandchildren or to carry your own bag on the golf course. Whatever your goals are, taking that first step is a big one so you'll want to be sure that you're prepared for the challenge. Particularly when exercising for the first time or returning to an active lifestyle after a long hiatus, it's important to have the proper information and tools to be successful. And that means tapping the healthcare resources available to you: Clinicians like nutritionists and physical therapists can make sure that your body is prepared to take on new challenges and work with you to a design a program that will help you achieve your goals. 
Resolution Master. Perhaps you fall into a different camp: You vowed to get healthy in 2018 and you achieved it! For 2019, your resolution is to continue the work you've begun. After all, living a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment; it's not something you do for a while and then revert back to your former habits. As you prepare to embrace the new year, are there any small tweaks you can make to advance your goals? Maybe you're thinking about training for and running a half marathon, but don't know where to begin. A physical therapy evaluation is a great place to start-PTs are trained to assess your movement patterns and identify any limitations or weaknesses. Based on that information, the PT can design a personalized exercise program to help you safely and effectively prepare for the grueling half marathon course. 
Resolution Flunkee. Let's say your plan for 2019 is to get in better shape and improve your overall health (we support that resolution!), but this isn't your first rodeo. Your 2018 resolution was pretty similar but it's one year later, and you're in the same place you were on New Year's Eve 2017. What stood in your way-was it time? Affordable options? Access to healthy choices and activities? If any of these barriers sound familiar, then along with your resolution, you need an action plan. Without planning ahead, you'll find yourself staring down the year 2020 with the same goal in mind. But let's not focus only on the negative-what went right last year? Maybe you made sleep a priority, which in turn helped you to make better food choices at breakfast but by afternoon, you found yourself choosing to energize with a soda and candy bar when all you probably needed was an apple and a 15-minute walk. Take some time to think about the previous year-good and bad-and take with you what you need, and leave the rest behind. After all, you can't plan where you're going without understanding where you've been. And if you need a hand in setting the new course map-the team at CTS can help.