7.17.2022 Sunday Bulletin Invite a friend....Jesus loves them too....
Thursday July 21st

The Women and teen girls meet at 6pm to share some ice cream and other desserts, hear a testimony and have some fellowship. Everyone is welcomed to this "Summer Connect" event.



10:30am       Coffee and Light Snacks Before Service
10:50am       Music for Reflection & Prayer

Worship Service
11:00am     Service (Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday)
                  Arlingtonville Children’s Ministries
                     Arlington First Steps-Infant-Aged 5
                     Arlington Kids-Ages 6-11

12:00pm      Linger Longer Snack or Meal Fellowship
6:00pm 2nd Tuesday Regular Consistory meeting w/ Rev Renee House, Sup
6:00pm 4th Tuesday Consistory with Pastor Frank Gallo
5:30pm        Salt of the Earth with MC/ARC Sermon and Supper
Series Audio Messages:
Please call or email the church if you would like to talk to someone. We love to hear from you. 845-454-2704

The small lot next to our building has 11 parking spots that we reserve for seniors and those with accessibility needs. As the A S May School across the street from us (where we have historically parked) gears up for renovation into a multi-use facility with stores and 159 apartments their parking lot is no longer available to us during construction.

However! There is PLENTY of parking just as close for your use near our building. There is parking all along Raymond Avenue and there is parking in the large lot behind the church off Haight and off Davis Avenues. See the map above.

You can enter the large spacious parking lot behind the church off Haight Avenue immediately past the building marked 504 Haight Avenue or off Davis Avenue immediately after you turn the corner off Raymond Avenue. Both walks to the church are roughly the same distance as parking at the school! You can enter the church at our ground floor level on Haight Avenue, through the door off our parking lot off Raymond or at one of the two entrances up the steps from the corner of Raymond and Haight. One entrance comes straight into the back of the sanctuary, one entrance leads into the coat room and into the foyer to the fellowship hall, other rooms and the front of the sanctuary. Park and a short walk!

Thank you for giving to your church. Especially during a pandemic when not everyone is able to come out to Sunday worship service, continuing to mail in your offerings has been humbling to the consistory and financial committee.

You can also use your smart phone to scan the code on the left to give or you can also give online. Thank you.