Start a NEW Study this Fall!

Available FALL 2019 STUDIES:

Below is a list of all of the studies Women of Grace is offering this Fall. We are excited to share with you that most of these studies can be done in a group setting OR individually, in your parish or home OR ONLINE. No previous experience is required to become a group facilitator and training will be provided. If you would like to start a group at your church, school, or community please email us:, or call 1-800-558-5452. Detailed facilitator support, resources, testimonials and much more is available at .
Experience Grace in Abundance Book (10-Week) ONLINE Study:
Self-led study.

"Ten Strategies for Your Spiritual Life"

A simple yet profound step-by-step guide for deepening your understanding of the spiritual life which includes the “spiritual essentials” necessary to help lead you along the path of holiness and sanctity. You'll discover the gateway to a deeper relationship with Our Lord, in your experience of the Eucharist, and how to enhance your prayer life. Learn how to love as God loves, how to forgive as God forgives, and how you can begin acquiring the most important virtues necessary for attaining heaven, and living your Faith with holy zeal.

  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Group Setting Recommended. Also can be done individually.
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTER: Johnnette Benkovic Williams
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: “Experience Grace in Abundance”

The Rosary Book (8-week) ONLINE Study:
Self-led study.

"The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare"

Today we face unprecedented challenges on every the world, in the Church, in our families, and in our marriages. We are in great need of saints. That is why, as St. Padre Pio said, "…the rosary is the weapon of our time!” In this study, Johnnette Benkovic Williams teams up with Thomas K. Sullivan to explore why the Rosary is the weapon "for such a time as this." Together, they've gathered some of the most astonishing historical and contemporary accounts of victories associated with the Rosary, along with their own inspiring personal experiences. Readers will discover insights that will enhance their own experience of the rosary, including special prayers based on the lives and writings of the saints who understood the power of this classic Catholic devotion.

  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Individual or Group Setting
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTERS: Johnnette Benkovic Williams & Thomas K. Sullivan
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Graduation Certificates available upon request.
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: "The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare” book.
Grace-Filled Moments Book Study:

"Grace-Filled Moments"

Grace-Filled Moments encourages women everywhere to take time out of their busy schedule to enter into the fullness of their feminine call and understanding of womanhood through prayer, service, and self-knowledge. It is written as a study guide, which will lead the reader into a time of prayerful meditation. Designed for individual or group settings, it consists of fifty-two (52) meditations for the entire year which can be divided into weekly meditations, daily meditations, or monthly meditations, etc. Work at your own pace. Each meditation highlights a quality of the feminine soul and features an inspirational quote, a Scripture Passage, and questions for reflection.

  • LENGTH OF STUDY OPTIONS: 13-Week, 26-Week, or 52-Week Study
  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Group Setting Recommended. Also can be done individually.
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTER: Johnnette Benkovic Williams
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: “Grace-Filled Moments”
Experience Grace in Abundance Book (10-Week) Study:

"Ten Strategies for Your Spiritual Life"

A simple yet profound step-by-step guide for deepening your understanding of the spiritual life which includes the “spiritual essentials” necessary to help lead you along the path of holiness and sanctity. You'll discover the gateway to a deeper relationship with Our Lord, in your experience of the Eucharist, and how to enhance your prayer life. Learn how to love as God loves, how to forgive as God forgives, and how you can begin acquiring the most important virtues necessary for attaining heaven, and living your Faith with holy zeal.

  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Group Setting Recommended. Also can be done individually.
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTER: Johnnette Benkovic Williams
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: “Experience Grace in Abundance”
Young Women of Grace® (8-week) Parish Study Program:

"A Journey to Discover Your Beautiful ‘You’”

The Young Women of Grace® study counters the destructive and highly sexualized messaging aimed at girls aged 12-17 with the good news about their dignity as daughters of God. Presented in a colorful, magazine-style format, it's full of fun facts and activities to keep them engaged in the most vital message they could possibly hear at this pivotal time in their life - they deserve to be loved and respected for who they are, just as they are!

  • LENGTH OF STUDY OPTION: 8-Week study format is standard.
  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Group Setting (Parish, School, Youth Group) is recommended. Can also be done individually (e.g. Mother/Daughter).
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTER: Johnnette Benkovic Williams & Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Graduation Certificates available upon request. Training offered at no charge for Facilitators.
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: “Young Women of Grace® Study Guide.” For Groups: Young Women of Grace® “Facilitator Kit” is available in our on-line store.
Full of Grace Foundational (8-week) Parish Study Program:

"Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life"

In Full of Grace, you will discover five essential elements that will help you to deepen your relationship with God. By cultivating this essential relationship, you will be empowered to more fully embrace your God-given calling of “Authentic Catholic Womanhood.” Many women mistakenly equate this quality with biological motherhood. And yet, God has entrusted every woman - single or married, with or without children - with an important task: to bring spiritual life to the world around her, following the example of the Blessed Mother. 

  • LENGTH OF STUDY OPTIONS: 8-Week or 16-Week Format
  • FORMAT OPTIONS: Individual or Group Setting; Available in English or Spanish.
  • DATES/TIMES: Anytime that’s convenient for you!
  • PRESENTER: Johnnette Benkovic Williams
  • SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Graduation Certificates available upon request.
  • STUDY MATERIALS REQUIRED: "Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life" Book, the "Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life" Study Guide. For groups, a Facilitator Kit is available, which includes Audio CD, DVDs, and Facilitator Leader’s Guide in a beautiful Women of Grace easy-to-carry tote bag. This study is also available in SPANISH.
Llenas de Gracia** Fundacional (8-semanas) Programa de estudio en la parroquia:

"Llenas de Gracia: Las Mujeres y La Vida Abundante Estudio Fundacional"

En Llenas de Gracia, descubrirás cinco elementos esenciales que le ayudarán a profundizar su relación con Dios.  Al cultivar esta relación esencial, tendrá la capacidad de abrazar más plenamente su llamado dado por Dios de “auténtica feminidad católica.” Muchas mujeres asocian erróneamente esta cualidad con la maternidad biológica, sin embargo, Dios le ha confiado a cada mujer, soltera o casada, con o sin hijos – con una tarea importante:   Traer vida spiritual al mundo que le rodea, siguiendo el ejemplo de la Santísima Madre.

  • OPCIONES DEL TIEMPO DE ESTUDIO:  Formato de:  8-semanas o 16-semans.
  • OPCIONES DEL FORMATO: Pueden ser individual o en grupo: Disponible en inglés o en español.
  • FECHAS/HORARIOS: A cualquier hora que le sea conveniente.
  • PRESENTADORA: Johnnette Benkovic Williams.
  • REQUISITOS ESPECIALES: Certificados de graduación a quienes lo pidan.
  • MATERIALES DE ESTUDIOS REQUERIDOS:  Libro “Llenas de Gracia:  Mujeres y la Vida Abundante”, la guía de estudio “Llenas de Gracia:  Mujeres y la Vida Abundante”.  Para grupos, los materiales para la facilitadora están disponible, estos incluyen, Audio CD, DVD, y Guía de la Facilitadora en una bella bolsa de Mujer de Gracia, que es fácil de cargar.  Este estudio está disponible en ESPAÑOL
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Women of Grace® Mission Statement

Women of Grace® seeks to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity™ through ongoing spiritual formation.

The vision of Women of Grace® is a civilization and culture imbued with the spirit of the Gospel renewed, revitalized, and healed 
through the love of God.

Women of Grace® and all of its outreaches are consecrated to

We are a tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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