Professional Learning and Events
The November 30 release of ChatGPT, and its abilities to generate, revise, and critique essays, has raised concerns among educators about the promise and perils of AI for writing instruction. We will discuss how these tools work, their affordances and challenges, and the place of artificial intelligence in the writing curriculum.
Past Events
Thank you to our December Conference speakers and attendees!
Past resources, slides, classroom materials, and webinar replays are available on our Exclusive Resources page.
Our Featured Blogs in January

Will ChatGDP make English Teachers obsolete? Let’s hear from ChatGDP itself.​ Read more here →

This is a mixed methods research study that examines the impact of mastery-based contract grading on secondary students' perception of stress and threat appraisal. How does contract grading affect students' perceptions of academic stress? Read more here →
New Writing Research and News from Our Team
​Tamara Tate & Mark Warschauer

This study focused on writing done in two school districts by students in Grades 4-11 on Google Docs to understand the relationships among digital device access, digital writing time, and standardized English language arts assessment scores. It described the amount of time spent writing in this mode and how it changed over grade levels and the relationship between Google Docs writing time and access to digital devices. This study increased our foundational knowledge about the time spent by students on writing in this modality during a time in which these districts began to significantly adopt digital technology. 
Ziyu Zhou, Steve Graham, & Tien Ping Hsiang

The present study provided a description of one interesting and unique approach to providing instruction by analyzing 144 language arts lessons designed and implemented by 61 distinguished and experienced teachers in Xiangzhou, China. Character instruction in these lessons was coherently and logically designed, but all live interactions between teachers and students were teacher directed. Directions for future research are presented and implications for practice discussed.
From the National Writing Project
Calling all rural educators! 

What can rural young adult perspectives tell us about learning and teaching in our turbulent times? Join NWP for a special event with leading civic scholars and three young adult community organizers and photographers, co-creators of the ongoing American Creed: Citizen Power documentary initiative. We’ll look at how helping young people explore foundational ideals like freedom, fairness and opportunity can galvanize and challenge rural communities.  

Be Our Guest...Blogger
Do you want to share your classroom research, empirical studies, thoughts, ideas, or experiences with thousands of others? Be our guest...blogger! We are accepting submissions for our blog.