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The Women's Fund is hosting their latest Wait ... What?!  panel on June 9th to discuss the impact of the leaked proposed Supreme Court move to overturn Roe v. Wade. Join the conversation as they discuss practical issues for providers, patients, and families and how to educate others on the importance of access to safe abortions. INFO HERE

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Last week's favorite click?

Community Action Pioneer Valley

Leadership Development Specialist 

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Self-Evident Education’s Michael Lawrence-Riddell and Dr. Ousmane Power-Greene, in conjunction with the Northampton Arts Council, present an arts and education festival in Florence, MA for all members of the “teaching public”, defined broadly as anyone who is interested in helping others to learn. The event is the first in an ongoing series of experiential, educational, and artistic conferences to push our public use of education to create a just future. Power of Truths will feature multiple keynote speakers, sessions throughout the day, music and cultural events, curated food experiences, and more.  

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Housing/Homelessness in FY23 Budget

From the Western Mass Network to End Homelessness

The State Senate adopted its Fiscal Year 2023 budget at the end of May. It includes many significant investments in housing and homelessness.

On the plus side, the Senate budget:

  • adopted a $1 million increase in youth homelessness funding;
  • improved HomeBASE so that participating families will have the opportunity to increase their income without fear of being terminated from HomeBASE;
  • improved the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) so that tenant’s utility payments are included in the calculation of their rent share and rent and utilities would be capped at 30% of income instead of the current general standard of 40% of income for rent

At the same time, unfortunately, most of the Network’s key amendment priorities were not adopted, including our two highest priorities: (1) additional Safe Havens beds to provide intensively supported shelter for chronically homeless individuals; and (2) expanding access to RAFT to address the substantial loss in eviction prevention resources with the end of the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). See the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless’ advocacy letter that you can still sign and share! For a more information and links to analysis and advocacy, look HERE

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The Friends of Cooley Dickinson invite you to an Arts & Crafts Auction and Wine Tasting at Black Birch Vineyard in Hatfield. The silent auction features eight outstanding craft items this year along with work by 10 painters & photographers. DETAILS HERE

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Craig's Doors

Executive Director 

Northwestern District Attorney's Office

Domestic Violence Intervention Project Coordinator

The Literacy Project

HSE/Education and Career Advisor

Want to join the COSA mailing list? Click here.
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Jun 07: Amherst Mobile Market Season 

Jun 09: The Women's Fund Wait... What?! Future of Roe v Wade 

Jun 10 & 11: Power of Truths Event 

Jun 11: Forbes Library Garden Tour

Jun 14: Human Service Forum Crisis Intervention Teams 

Jun 15: Embrace Race Racial Learning in Schools 

Jun 16: Greater Northampton Chamber Annual Meeting 

Jun 16: Community Legal Aid Expunging Marijuana Convictions 

Jun 19: Juneteenth Jubilee on the Amherst Common 

Jun 21: Human Service Forum Creating a Culture of Belonging 

Jun 22: Human Service Forum June Breakfast - Loneliness, COVID & Connection 

Jun 23: Community Action Pioneer Valley Program Overview 

Jun 23: Three County CoC Fair Housing 101 Workshop

Jun 24: Public Health Institute of Western MA Tobacco, Slavery, and Health 

Jun 26: Cooley Dickinson Art Auction at Black Birch Vineyards 

COSA says Thank You!

to our new and returning members for 2021-2022.

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United Cerebral Palsy

of Western MA

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Way Finders

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Western MA Network

to End Homelessness

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Survival Center

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Community Legal Aid

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United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region

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Cancer Connection

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for Educational Services


Forbes Library

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Cooley Dickinson

Health Care

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State Representative

Mindy Domb

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Jo Landers

Business Services

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Catherine Hodes

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The United Arc

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Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County

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Tapestry Health

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Behavioral Health Network

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Northampton Recovery



Amherst College

Center for

Community Engagement

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Hampshire HOPE

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The Literacy Project

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A Positive Place

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Friends of Children

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Center for New Americans

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Valley Community Development

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The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts

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Central Hampshire

Veterans' Services

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Safe Passage

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State Senator

Jo Comerford

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Center for Human Development


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County

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Family Outreach of Amherst

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18 Degrees

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Roger Anderson

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Northwestern District Attorney

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The Sojourner Truth School


SPIFFY Coalition

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Deborah Neubauer

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Community Foundation

of Western MA

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Community Action Pioneer Valley

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Amherst Survival Center

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Grow Food Northampton

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