Feast of the Epiphany - January 7, 2024

Start the Year With God: Quiet Day Jan. 20

A note from Don Holt, vestry member.

The Clergy and Vestry of our congregation have set aside Saturday, Jan 20 from 9am to noon as a Quiet Day where we are invited to come to church for a time of quiet prayer.  What is this all about?

Our Sanctuary features a beautiful backlit stained glass window behind the altar that includes a verse from Psalm 46, “Be still and know I am God”.  On January 20, you are invited to join fellow church members as we corporately quiet the clamor of many responsibilities, tasks, and interests that drive our daily lives so we have time to know and reflect that He is our God.  

How do I still my mind; there are so many distractions that grab my attention!  As Anglicans, we can start in our Prayer Book.  

Pages 91 – 98 feature The Great Litany, a prayer that encompasses all life.  Slowly whispering this prayer will lead you to consider the breadth of our personal lives, community lives, and the lives of all humans on this Earth.

You can start in the Psalms (page 270), Jesus’ prayer book that He used daily all the way up to the cross when he prayed Psalm 22 while dying for us.  Page 269 lists a brief index of individual Psalm’s focus that might direct you to one that is pertinent to your life.  Again, slowly whispering a psalm helps focus you on the object of every psalm; a God who knows us, listens to us, and wants to guide us. 

You can go to page 642 which begins a section of brief prayers organized by the petition or “ask” we want to bring to God.  Each one acknowledges God’s personal attributes that give us confidence He hears us and can address our “asks”.  Each one leads us to thank and worship God, our sustainer.

After prayers that lead us to be honest with God, stop for a time and Be Still in God’s presence.  Thank Him for his personal love and support.  Worship Him as the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of our lives.  Said differently, rest in Him.

How much time does this take?  As much time as it takes to really reset from focusing on the immediate needs at hand to focusing on God’s loving and merciful presence.  Do I have to come to church to participate?  No.  We recognize that some of us can’t come in person.  However, if you come, you will be following the pattern of God’s people going all the back to the Old Testament Patriarchs who regularly stopped their family’s and tribes’ busy, on the move, chaotic lives to corporately Be Still before their God and our God.

Mark your calendars now. Plan to spend Saturday, Jan. 20 from 9am to noon in quiet, with God, at your church.

A Note from Peter...

One of the things I have seen as your pastor over the last month or so is a real uptick of people in our congregation not only coming down with COVID, but having more severe cases than have been common earlier in the year. I am not telling you what to do, but after months of putting it off, I am going to get the latest COVID booster for myself today.

Starting with The Snake on Christmas?

Coates Weekend Food Bags Due Sunday!

Join us this coming Sunday after the 10:15 service to pack weekend food bag for Coates Elementary School. All are welcome to help and pick up a list of suggested donations. Any questions? Sally Eckard (sseckard@verizon.net) or Bea Long (bduquelong@gmail.com). 

Pancake Palooza is back in 2024!

Happy New Year, Epiphany friends! We just celebrated the holidays, but Shrove Tuesday is coming soon, and we are planning to celebrate with another Pancake Palooza. This year, we’d like to incorporate a topping bar (an excellent suggestion made by several pancake eaters last year), so make plans now to bring your favorite topping so you can have the craziest pancake ever. Caramel? Blueberries? Blueberries with caramel? The sky is the limit.

The festivities will occur on February 13 at 6 pm. We’d love your help with flipping pancakes, setting up, cleaning up, or cooking additional items such as sausage, so please sign up in the fellowship hall. We’re again suggesting a donation of $5 per person to offset the cost.

And please, bring your family and friends. You know they want pancakes for dinner, too. See you then!

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Jan. 5 - Jan. 14

Friday, January 5

8:30am Men's Ministry in Library or via livestream

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Saturday, January 6

9:00am Band Of Brothers

Sunday, January 7

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (livestream)

11:30am Confirmation

11:30am Coates Food Bag Assembly

January 8

9:00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday, January 9

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Vestry

Wednesday, January 10

12:00 Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, January 11

9:00am Morning Prayer

Friday, January 12

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, January 13

9:00am Band Of Brothers

Sunday, January 14

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (livestream)

1:15pm & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at jcrawford@epiphanyanglican.net

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601



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