Here are four ways you can join us in making an IMPACT:
The latest jobs report shows that in December, 140,000 working people lost their jobs—and ALL of them were women, overwhelmingly Black and Brown. Join the Chicago Tribune’s Heidi Stevens and leaders from five Chicago organizations working in different arenas to put women on sound economic footing for a virtual panel event on February 3rd followed by smaller breakout sessions.
WE are excited to announce that the application for The Pattis Family Foundation Summer Leadership Program is now open through March 29.

Our virtual internship program provides a unique opportunity for professional skill-building and practical experience by exposing a team of interns to leadership training, front-line research, and awareness of the barriers low-paid workers experience. The program seeks to introduce students and recent graduates to all areas of nonprofit work through workshops, guest speakers, and projects. Interns serve on Mondays and Wednesdays, from June 14 through August 4. The program includes a $1,900 stipend.
3. Share your opinion with us: Take our 10-minute survey for a chance to win a $20 gift card!
Do you have a few minutes to spare? WE really need your input. If you haven't already done so, please take our 10-minute survey. We want to learn how you view our current work, what issues you think are important, and what directions you’d like to see us move in.

As a thank you for completing the survey, you can opt to be entered into a drawing to win a $20 gift card of your choosing.
4. Help us make the next 4 years count!
Make a gift of $46 in honor of the 46th President.
Last week, we turned over a new leaf as a country. With a new administration in office, we are at a turning point of possibility. For women and girls especially, the swearing in of Kamala Harris as the nation’s first woman––a Black and South Asian woman––Vice President is monumental.

We are ready to turn the page on the last four years that challenged the fabric and soul of our nation, to welcome back hope, and to seize on this moment to put women and families on a path towards economic security––with YOUR help!
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