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Starting Up Again Mindfully

As we grow closer to the end of summer, I have been fortunate to find several moments for reflection and appreciation for the many opportunities I have experienced to rejuvenate my spirit and slow down. 

If you are anything like me, oftentimes life is about the next goal, the next destination, or the next task. Slowing down during the summer months offers a refreshing and albeit rare opportunity to juxtapose the constant need to always be moving to the next point on my list. Summer is also a season of preparation in which we look forward to the future and the work that lies ahead. From my brief time at St. Luke’s I can tell that this community is always engaged in hard work and caring for others on a 24/7 basis. This trait is truly admirable and deeply needed for the communities that we serve. 

As we gear up towards our Start Up Sunday on the 11th of September, we are in many ways beginning again as a community, paired with new faces, new hopes, and renewed energy. 

Undoubtedly, many of you are looking forward to engaging with fellow parishioners to share your visions for good works happening at St. Luke’s during our Ministry Fair following the 10 am service. 

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Community Spotlight Opportunity

Have you ever wanted the opportunity to share your story, interests, or work through an

E-pistle cover letter?

Now is your chance to reach out to fellow parishioners with an E-pistle cover letter through our new 'Community Spotlight'. This is an addition to our regular outreach and communications features.

If you are interested in being featured prominently in our E-pistle through a 'Community Spotlight' please contact the parish marketing email with your submission details or any questions that you may have.

Submissions should be no longer than five paragraphs long and will also be posted as a blog on the St. Luke's website. 

We will begin featuring submissions starting in the month of October.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Proposed Communications Strategy:

Cathedral Communications Group

The Cathedral Communications Group (CCG) will be a group of St. Luke’s volunteers who are committed to the support of our Cathedral Communications Specialist, Avery Schott, to ensure quality and consistency across all publications on the website, E-pistle, and community publications.

The CCG will be broken into 4 main task forces, allowing volunteers to participate at their comfort level.

These task forces pertain to:

1) Proofing, editing, and approving content

2) Social Media Involvement

3) Outside Publicity and Outreach

4) Appearance and Welcoming

If you are interested in learning more about the role of each task force, please read here.

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Thank You For the Gift of Music

The St. Luke’s community wishes to extend our deepest appreciation and thanks to Ray Cornils and Harold Stover for their work as interim cathedral musicians. We have been so blessed to welcome them to our community and to work alongside them. Their generosity of spirit, expertise, and kind nature has been deeply appreciated. We wish them well with their future endeavors. This coming Sunday is Ray Cornils' last service with us. Thank you Harold and Ray.

Welcome Christian!

Christian Clough, our new director of music, begins on Monday.

To send him a word of welcome please email him at [email protected]

Ray Cornils

Harold Stover

Christian Clough

Thank You to the Rev. James Nutter

The St. Luke's community wishes to deeply thank the Rev. James Nutter for serving at the cathedral while Dean Shambaugh was away.

We are grateful to have joined with him in worship and hope to welcome him back to St. Luke's in the future.

Thank you Rev. Nutter.

Calling All Worship Participants 

Smoke, fire, streamers, and sticks…who wouldn’t want to play with those, especially in church?

The Cathedral Church of St. Luke’s has a long tradition of using incense, torches, streamers,

banners, processional crosses, and verges (those symbolic “sticks” that the vergers carry).

With the retirement of two invaluable head vergers, Thurl Headen and David Savage, we’ve

entered a rebuilding and recruitment mode. We’re seeking people of any age who would like to serve in one of the following roles:

Vergers – think stage managers

Crucifers – carrying the processional cross

Torchbearers – carrying the torches in the processions

Thurifers – carrying/swinging the censor to emit the incense

Boat bearers – carry the incense to be added to the censor

Streamer bearers – those who create magic with streamers in processions

Banner bearers – those who carry banners representing aspects of the Diocese

Acolytes – the training ground and ministry of all of the above

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St. Elizabeth's Toothpaste Collection Drive

St. Elizabeth’s Essential Pantry: Covid- 19 Vaccine Clinic

St. Elizabeth's looks forward to offering Covid-19 vaccinations for anyone in the community who needs assistance during these difficult times. For additional event details visit the St. Luke’s website.

Book Discussion Group: Refugia Faith

St. Luke’s is celebrating the Season of Creation, which runs from September 1st through October 4th, in order to renew, repair, and restore our relationship to God, all creation, and to each other. As part of this celebration, Sarah Braik will facilitate a book discussion on Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth Monday nights at the Cathedral in the Chapter Room from 7-8:30 PM Mondays Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 3, 10, 24, 31 and Nov. 7 and 14. Parishioners from St. Alban’s will be joining us. 

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Public Policy and Environmental Action Team Eco-Tips

How fashion impacts the environment:


According to the United Nations Environmental Program, the fashion industry contributes 10% of the global carbon dioxide output and also 1/5th of the plastic produced yearly.

Synthetics such as polyester are produced from oil and cause micro plastic pollution in rivers and oceans, harming marine and river species. In addition, wastewater from textile production sheds dye, lead, and mercury pollutants into seas and rivers.

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Community Suppers

The second Thursday of each month we will gather for Community Suppers in the Lower Hall. We need members of our community to prepare and donate specific side dishes to make these important gatherings break-even.

A notice will go out asking for a specific side dish (e.g., salad, green beans, stir-fry vegetables, potatoes, bread) in the epistle, bulletin, a sign-up sheet at each supper, and posted on the bulletin board.

To volunteer  and get on the Community Supper email list, please contact Dawn Brennan-Daly


              To learn more about St. Luke's Community kitchen please visit their webpage

In Other News …

  • Dean Shambaugh is back from vacation. Thank you to the Rev. Jim Nutter and the Rev. Suzanne Roberts and all who helped when he was away.

  • The Sunday 5:15 and 12:10 Tuesday services resume the week of September 11

  • September 11 is the startup of Sunday School, the Choir, and the day of our information fair

  • We look forward to hosting the Casco Bay UkeFest on October 1, 2022 from 9 am to 4 pm. The day will feature morning workshops for all levels of players as well as afternoon concerts! The Ukefest is excited to feature Amy Conley as a special guest for the festival. You can read more about her work and music here

  • To read about other events at the Cathedral please visit our events page on the St. Luke's website.

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