Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

November 25, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving. 

This week’s background image comes from a video from Florida Crystals those of us in Florida have, probably, seen in commercial breaks on local TV recently. Its theme is family and children, the joy of watching them grow up, the sadness of them leaving the nest, eventually moving out living lives of their own and, then, the joy of family getting back together for holidays, Thanksgiving being the big one.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for all the precious memories we keep in our hearts. Let’s give thanks for the times we are able to get together whether often or only on rare occasions. Let’s, also, give thanks to our God for those who came before us who, many times, gave their lives to provide a better life for their families and those around them. That better life which has been passed on to those of us living today.

Lets turn our thankfulness into action and pass it on, reaching out to someone who is unable to be with family or friends. Make a phone call, take advantage of technology and get together via Zoom or other means or, use old fashioned methods, such as sending a card or note or dropping by and chat.

In this busy world, or in times of difficulty, let’s stop and take time to give thanks for both our lives today and the many blessing we have received throughout our lives.


If you wish to view the video in its entirety, here is the link to Florida Crystals YouTube video:

Jim Seymour

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