Good Morning,
It seems like there is so much going on in the world and so much of it bad. We see bicycle accidents, car accidents, and people injuring or killing others for, seemingly, no reason at all. This weekend we, even, saw a past President and current presidential candidate being shot.
This can create fear with people worrying about it being them, their families or their friends. Our 24 hour news cycles brings it home over and over again. Conspiracy
No matter how we plan our lives, we can not guarantee tomorrow or what it will bring. It is not to say do not plan. Planning is what makes us who we are and puts us where we are. It is saying enjoy each day you have been given. Celebrate it and be thankful for it. If you are blessed with another day and all of your life, celebrate each one of them.
As we used to say in Jaycees years ago: Time Is Terribly Short.
Have a great week.