Good Morning,
We all live busy lives, often too busy. We have things to do, places to go, and things to do. We wake up and our feet hit the floor running. We go to bed at night and wonder where the day went. Seldom do we take time to look at the world around us and all of the natural beauty it contains.
There is natural beauty no matter where on this big wide world we live. We don't have to search far and wide for it. We just need to stop, relax a bit and focus on it. It could be a bird building a nest, a turtle swimming in a pond, or even a beautiful flower. It could be a morning sunrise, a summer breeze or a fragrant smell. With today's technology, even if we can't be there, we can easily view photos and videos of things far away we may never be able to see close up.. In fact, that is where all of the photos on today's message came from.
Today's message is simple. The world is a beautiful place. Each day, make time to enjoy a bit of it.