Attitude Is Everything

Starting the Week Off Right

September 3, 2024

Good Morning,

Yesterday, we celebrated Labor Day, a day set aside to honor those who work for a living. As with many holidays, it has become more of a day off, in this case, to celebrate the last of the Summer season.

Many great accomplishments start with a dream. Too many "would be" accomplishments end there as well. To be successful, they take ambition, the drive to make them a reality. They also take work, often by many people to complete them.

Dreaming without the willingness to labor to make it a reality will not make it happen. As the author says, you have to work for the prize. You have to work to win it.

This week’s picture is of people constructing the Grand Coolie Dam on the Columbia River in the state of Washington in the early 1940s. When first constructed, it was 550 feet high, nearly a mile along its crest and took approximately 11,000 people to construct it. The vision may have started with just a few people but, it took, literally, an army of people working to create it.

Happy Labor Day, no matter what you do as your “labor” to feed the family and pay your bills.


Jim Seymour

My Accounting Department

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