Good Morning,
This quote is actually found in Past President Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography were he gives the credit to Bill Widner.
We, usually, can't readily change our situation, where we are or what we have available to us. We can, though, make the best of it. We can overcome significant obstacles and succeed at what we want to do if we put our mind, talent, ingenuity and things available to us to good use.
I can't help but remember the 1980s TV series McGyver in situations where he creatively use a paper clip or something else available to get out of a jam. Excuses are easy to come by. I can't because - - is easy to say. Success is achieved by using what we have where where we are at this time and make the most of it.
Improvise, Overcome, Adapt is an unofficial Marine Corps motto popularized by Clint Eastwood in the movie Heartbreak Ridge. For sure, it applies here and is another way of saying "Do what you can with where you are".
This week, no matter where you are or what is going on in your life, you can do much.
Make it happen!